Careful what you are saying here. If it were Obama saying same thing to a historically black church with a similar photo, suspect your view would not be the same. It would considered racist. Denigrating to marginalized citizens.
Let's be fair and honest.Careful what you are saying here. If it were Obama saying same thing to a historically black church with a similar photo, suspect your view would not be the same. It would considered racist. Denigrating to marginalized citizens.
Let's be fair and honest.
if this, if that, if whatever. Quit playing whataboutism. Obama didn't. Bush didn't. Clinton didn't. No president in our history has lied as often as Trump. Nothing he says is the truth.Careful what you are saying here. If it were Obama saying same thing to a historically black church with a similar photo, suspect your view would not be the same. It would considered racist. Denigrating to marginalized citizens.
Let's be fair and honest.
Whatever happened to "F your feelings?" a pretty popular stance in 2017. You Republicans are sounding like a bunch of snowflakes who can't stand criticism.Woody, you didn’t mention Biden, interesting.Voters after four years look see at DT elected Joe and Kamala. Four years of that mess elected DT again with all his warts. What does that say about the DEM party? Says a lot. The DEMs with all the woke far left mandates drove the voters to say enough, life was better with DT. Today DEMs can only call names, kick, scream, cry, and, post memes derogatory to those that did not vote for more of what the far left was shoveling. I would expect better here.
"The economy and national security, the majority felt itwas in the ditch."Struck a nerve I see. Section 204, you didn’t mention the southern border, illegal horrible crimes, fentanyl deaths, inflation, boys in girls sports, our worse enemies starting wars, etc. The economy and national security, the majority felt itwas in the ditch. Dems no longer had anything to offer resulting in DT reelected. Respectfully, all the negative derogatory zingers don’t help unless the Dems have better solutions. Unfortunately, the majority believe the party has no statesman to lead out of the wilderness.
Woody, you change course too frequently, and don’t defend your post. Comeuppance, you said the same last November, how did that work out.
Respectfully, wake up, polls aren't the end all be all. Polls are not always accurate, your man Trump won in 2016 with all the polls saying he would lose.Did you not read the post above yours? Respectfully, pay attention.