Silas Barksdale - 2025 Offer

I'm all for a strong VCU. We need to raise up to that level on a year over year basis. One of the really biggest disappointments in the Mooney ERA. We went to S16, VCU went to F4 with Shaka. Many coaching changes later we have been very seldom NCAA team, and they have established as one of the very top mid majors. We have had a TON of excuses not to get there (the Leafy campus crowd can list them), and this heinous schedule is the latest for excuse mongering.
I'm all for a strong VCU. We need to raise up to that level on a year over year basis. One of the really biggest disappointments in the Mooney ERA. We went to S16, VCU went to F4 with Shaka. Many coaching changes later we have been very seldom NCAA team, and they have established as one of the very top mid majors. We have had a TON of excuses not to get there (the Leafy campus crowd can list them), and this heinous schedule is the latest for excuse mongering.
Well said. I dislike VCU immensely as our rival. But I'd admire their program and their commitment to excellence and not taking any excuses for anything less.
Yeah,yeah, yeah. But that doesn’t answer what VCU has to get good recruits chose them over schools like Butler and Miami, and other schools on his list.
Some people like a city campus, a larger school community than 3800 people, different majors/academic focus, etc. Some players probably look at the brand and realize they have a better recent history than we do of making the tournament and better name cache. Right now that's a fact until we change it.

And I have no idea if this applies to Barksdale or any other of their current players, but it's also true that it's easier to get into VCU than Richmond academically. Again, Barksdale could be a great student who could get in anywhere, but I imagine that is a factor in some cases.
Embarrassing to keep this thread alive, about a player we had no chance with and who went to our rival.
And I have no idea if this applies to Barksdale or any other of their current players, but it's also true that it's easier to get into VCU than Richmond academically
Kneepad, 80's has confirmed loosening of academic standards. I do believe this to be proven out, not that I am aware of any individual player's academic situation - however I have not heard of this issue cropping up recently - which we did hear a few times with specific players earlier in Moon's regime. It does seem in this NIL/Portal era that academics are very rarely ever cited in any school or league - its basically $$$$ now.
don't know how UR and VCU compare in NIL $.
location could have been a factor in VCU vs Butler or Miami for a Newport News kid.
when it comes to VCU vs UR ... yes, VCU's been better. but we've been a vey good team the last 5 years. the 2 schools are just very different. some people will prefer one, some the other. it almost feels weird to me when we're in direct competition for a kid.
Am I the only one that wonders what VCU has to offer over Richmond, and frankly some
other programs like Miami and Butler?
Well, I think it comes down to fit. Fit with the school, fit with the coaches, fit with the other players. Barksdale is from Newport News so perhaps he wants to play closer to home. So, yeah on paper, of course Miami looks like a superior option but obviously not for Barksdale specific wants and desire.
and assuming a kid takes visits, I'd bet that night spent with the guys is a big factor.
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Obviously the others on here understood the question. By the way, how many coaches has VCU had
over the last 20 years? Point being that it makes your statement hollow.
What is Mooney's record against those coaches during his tenure at UR?
So, you don’t want to go to a better school because you hope the coach is better?
WOW, that makes perfect sense to me. Star players on our awful coached team still
seem to get opportunities to the pros. How can that be?
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Word salad much? OK, Money is 1-1 against Odom, 7-24 against his predecessors.

You win.
Word salad? You should consider that you haven’t come close to answering my question like others did.
You just want to whine about Mooney. Too bad someone else took your billboard avatar.
Word salad? You should consider that you haven’t come close to answering my question like others did.
You just want to whine about Mooney. Too bad someone else took your billboard avatar.
55%. Enjoy the next 20 years.

You are living the dream.

How is this <-<-<-<-?


How bout them Ravens?
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Kneepad, 80's has confirmed loosening of academic standards. I do believe this to be proven out, not that I am aware of any individual player's academic situation - however I have not heard of this issue cropping up recently - which we did hear a few times with specific players earlier in Moon's regime. It does seem in this NIL/Portal era that academics are very rarely ever cited in any school or league - its basically $$$$ now.
The academic standards are a self-inflicted handcuff. The NCAA doesn't make us have these high standards. The A10 doesn't make us have them. We do this to ourselves - and since that is the case, you can't use it as an excuse when you don't get a recruit. I, like many on this board - went to UR many many many years ago. Is it a tough school - sure it is. But can just an okay athletes get by - of course they can, with the right support. Its not rocket science at any college. Go to class. Do the homework. Do the projects. Act interested and ask questions. Get to know your teacher a little bit. And even if you fail the tests - the teacher will likely give you a C. Cause they feel like you are putting in the the effort and time. I am not saying we take "Prop48" type kids, but outside of that - we should be taking any basketball player we can get.
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The academic standards are a self-inflicted handcuff. The NCAA doesn't make us have these high standards. The A10 doesn't make us have them. We do this to ourselves - and since that is the case, you can't use it as an excuse when you don't get a recruit. I, like many on this board - went to UR many many many years ago. Is it a tough school - sure it is. But can just an okay athletes get by - of course they can, with the right support. Its not rocket science at any college. Go to class. Do the homework. Do the projects. Act interested and ask questions. Get to know your teacher a little bit. And even if you fail the tests - the teacher will likely give you a C. Cause they feel like you are putting in the the effort and time. I am not saying we take "Prop48" type kids, but outside of that - we should be taking any basketball player we can get.
Except North Carolina, Where they didn’t have to go to class.
How about we just hire a good coach and not worry about excuses.
So, what do you think another coach would do? Do you think we’d be a Final 4 team because
4 and 5 star players are dying to come to Richmond?
I don’t know what you negative Nancy’s think another coach would do. Winning the A-10 wasn’t enough, winning
the A-10 tournament wasn’t enough. I just don’t know what you are thinking.
So, what do you think another coach would do? Do you think we’d be a Final 4 team because
4 and 5 star players are dying to come to Richmond?
I don’t know what you negative Nancy’s think another coach would do. Winning the A-10 wasn’t enough, winning
the A-10 tournament wasn’t enough. I just don’t know what you are thinking.

R u now doing a parody account….why would a hooper from Newport News choose vcu over Richmond…now what more can a coach do. Mooney has 24 year job security for possibly 3 ncaas. We were told something else when we moved to a10. Also I don’t see anyone saying Final 4 but idk maybe there is a good medium in there btw a final 4 and 3 ncaa appearance in up to 24 years. So no it’s not enough. But I’m resigned to nothing changes.

Also remember if u had chosen to support with a Spiders avatar over the birds of Baltimore I think we’d get that final 4! U cost us Rodney Jr. and others.
Winning the A-10 wasn’t enough, winning
the A-10 tournament wasn’t enough. I just don’t know what you are thinking.

There you go, you are finally catching on!
Winning the A10 once in 20 years wasn't enough.
Winning the A10 tournament twice in 20 years wasn't enough.
Proud of you Nappy, I knew you would come around.
Am I the only one that wonders what VCU has to offer over Richmond, and frankly some
other programs like Miami and Butler?
From a purely basketball (which is what the majority of these players are going to school for) standpoint, easy academics, large fanbase that is engaged when winning, urban campus where people are constantly adulating, school pride (albeit obnoxious), big games to play in. RVA>Indianapolois. And the city of Miami doesn't care about college basketball like they do here.

I hate VCU with every fiber of my being and would love to see it turn to dust, but they get that basketball can be a catalyst for a university as opposed to a liability in our instance. VT isn't what it is today without Beamer/Vick, VCU isn't what they are today without that F4 (or buying up all the city government). Didn't our academic profile shootup immensely shortly after all of our NCAA runs in the 90s? Wonder how that happened.....? I certainly do not recall UR having the academic requirements of today before being "Giant Killers". VCU has their problems, but its not basketball. Which is why the majority of us on on this board.

U of R is absolutely terrified of being great at both school and sports. They feel they are mutually exclusive agendas, despite evidence that schools like Duke, Wake, NW, etc do just fine with it.

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