Shaka and Barry


Graduate Assistant
Oct 11, 2009
Shaka will be master of ceremonies for this 3 ring circus in Richmond tomorrow at the Seigal Center. I'm breathlessly awaiting His Majesty's arrival. I am, really I am.
How can Shaka leave a place as wonderful as VCU when the prez of the lambs makes him the MOC for this event?It would never have happened at Illinois or any other place, that's for sure.
So excited about seeing Messrs. Smart and Obama , I am booking a flight to Richmond immediately! Any chance for enhanced police protection in the VCU area?
Want to know what the epitome of arrogance and public waste is? How about flying in the Boeing 747 Air Force One from the White House to Richmond, Virginia (100 miles, if that). First he had to take either a helicopter or limo from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base, maybe 25 miles in the other direction from Richmond, then fly that big Air Force One to the Richmond airport for a photo op. From there its a 15 mile drive to the Seigel Center, with God knows how many police officers and state troopers providing security along the way at every overpass and exit off I-64.

Can anyone even venture a guess as to how many tax payers dollars were spent to do this campaign speech? Fluco, can you help here?

I don't care which side of the isle you sit on, this spectical ought to make you crazy. And he has the nerve to stand there complaining about others wasting money (I heard him say it before I could hit the mute button). Even if you hated Bush 41 and 43, every time they came to Richmond they took a helicopter straight from the White House lawn to a parking lot here.
This post was edited on 5/5 5:34 PM by SpiderRick
Not an Obama supporter at all but he flew to Richmond from another campaign appearance in Ohio earlier today. Your point is well taken however.
every prez, no matter the party, does this but another good reason to scale back govt. there is no reason that our prez should need to spend this kind of money flying all over the us and the world. we are in dire straits and the prez, not just obama, any prez, should lead by example. give him a biplane and then these trips would cease.
A, you, T and myself could cut govt spending so quickly, there is sooooo much waste and non-needed depts, etc., etc. no exempt entities, go after them all.
I stand corrected about Obama leaving from Ohio. However, when he came to UR several months ago he was coming from DC, and in AF1.
Just for perspective Bush flew to Richmond to visit Richard Sharp and when the Queen was here. Fair point above (expenses in government need to be cut) but abuse is from both sides.

Just remember though those expenses are nothing (maybe 1/4 of a penny) compared to the big 3 expenses of social security, medicare/medicaid and interest.
it is both sides, but it all adds up, a billion here a billion there. if a prez cut 10-20 air force one trips per year, would be nice. cut all govt checks or direct deposits, ALL, by 10 % would be a good start.
Wait a minute! You're talkin' about cutting social security, medicare and medicaid! To quote another famous old timer...."nosirrebob!" You keep your dingdong hands off my benefits.
BULL SH$$, everyone has to feel the pain. we cannot pay for all this anymore and if govt employees, military, retirees get cut, then everyone gets cut. gosh, thought you guys thought about fairness. everyone should pay taxes as well, everyone. if some people do not open their eyes soon, we are goners, sinking fast as it is. don't know if we have a leader(s) who will do what needs to be done but i will back him, her fully.
Little off subject off topic but understand Mrs. Spinner will be at reunion in June - coming with her Spinner?
will not be in attendance with her. let her have fun with her mates without having to worry if i am having a good time. will be back here with the boys, sawyer and lincoln.
Will miss you but understand completely. Take care of my 1 and 3 year old grandsons while my daughter works part time as nurse. Great fun being big buds with them.
T, if you are serious I want you to go to your kids and grandkids (if you have any) and tell them the following:
"We have screwed up the present and future and you will pay for it with your time, money, and future. Your time will be spent driving us to the doctors' offices. Your money will be spent on our medical bills and increased taxes to pay for social security, medicare, and medicaid (and you will receive no benefit from your pay in). Your future will be spent because you will not be able to retire before 80 because your money is spent on the afore mentioned items."

If they do not know that already look at their reaction and then think about your statement again.
there probably will be some unrest by those who are dependent on the green checks but sorry, we have to survive as a country first. A, will be packing at the ROB AND THE RC next school year.
Re: When two per month is just not enough

everyone else's fault, never govt.
Re: When two per month is just not enough

I am serious and you've been watching too much Fox TV. Lot's of blame to pass around, it's not just expenses, there's a revenue part as well and your side doesn't want to address the problem in that context. Go check out tax rates in the European countries and you'll see a huge disparity in what the wealthy pay here and what is paid world wide. Government spending is not all about benefits for the lower income group. It's pointless to debate this here. You quit interjecting politics into this board and I will quit responding.
This post was edited on 5/9 3:11 PM by tarrantula
Re: When two per month is just not enough

T, for gosh sakes, if the dems taxed the so-called wealthy 100%, it would not put a dent in the spending that is going on. you can class warfare all you want but the numbers do not lie. if wash gets spending under control, then i would want to send them more money but not until. IT IS A SPENDING PROBLEM, DO NOT WATCH TV NEWS BUT ANY PERSON WHO TOOK ANY MATH COURSE COULD FIGURE THIS ONE OUT. maybe you are too entrenched and listening to only one side or believing only one side. all you have to do is look at the numbers and the light should go on. this is not about fairness or rich people or poor people, it is about our govt being our of control with not a soul inside the beltway strong enough to do what needs to be done. once you check the numbers, if you are really interested in learning the truth, get back to me.
Re: When two per month is just not enough

Spinner, enough of this. I consider you a good friend, but the constant comments about politics have no place on here. I am ashamed of myself for responding, but the constant cracks about Obama and social security/medicare etc have nothing to do with Spider sports. I'll be happy to debate you about these issues next time we meet and I'll buy you a beer after we exhaust each other with the argument. I am not now and never have been a one party man. I have voted for many Republican candidates(even voted for Ron Paul for President some years ago). But, for me, the attitude that all of our problems are the result of spending on social matters is overly simplistic. The tax code needs a fair minded revision...but I fear that the positions of the two sides have become so intractable that we will never see a constructive effort for good reform. The whole world is suffering economic problems and our country is in the same danger, but there are many more pieces to the problem than social spending.

I enjoy this board. It was a great find for a guy like me who lives away from any media coverage of the Spiders. I apologize for my retorts and promise that I will never again speak about political issues on here. But, if I have to continue to read inane comments like the silly and inaccurate cracks about Obama and Air Force 1 and social security etc then all would be better off without my particapation. Including me.
Re: When two per month is just not enough

Originally posted by WebSpinner:
T, for gosh sakes, if the dems taxed the so-called wealthy 100%, it would not put a dent in the spending that is going on. you can class warfare all you want but the numbers do not lie. if wash gets spending under control, then i would want to send them more money but not until. IT IS A SPENDING PROBLEM, DO NOT WATCH TV NEWS BUT ANY PERSON WHO TOOK ANY MATH COURSE COULD FIGURE THIS ONE OUT. maybe you are too entrenched and listening to only one side or believing only one side. all you have to do is look at the numbers and the light should go on. this is not about fairness or rich people or poor people, it is about our govt being our of control with not a soul inside the beltway strong enough to do what needs to be done. once you check the numbers, if you are really interested in learning the truth, get back to me.

All I feel compelled to add to this conversation is a "Well Said".

Carry on.
T, am for cutting ALL spending not just social but it all needs, has to be, cut, period, no debate needed. to much dependency has been created, will say that but every corner of washington needs to be streamlined, cut, fine-tuned. who, rich or poor, would want anymore of THEIR money sent there? if the dems want class warfare and for the rich to pay more then think they should all send their money in, no law against it.....put your money where your mouth is and then you may have an argument.
Here is address to send monetary gifts to the U.S. Treasury. I worked with an unmarried lady who left her entire estate to the federal government.

Gifts to the United States Government
How do I make a contribution to the U.S. government?

Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government may send contributions to a specific account called "Gifts to the United States." This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts, such as bequests, from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States. Money deposited into this account is for general use by the federal government and can be available for budget needs. These contributions are considered an unconditional gift to the government. Financial gifts can be made by check or money order payable to the United States Treasury and mailed to the address below.

Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 622D
Hyattsville, MD 20782

Any tax-related questions regarding these contributions should be directed to the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 829-1040.
when any dem plays the class card and the faux warren buffet card, the other candidate should flash up this address and say put your money where your mouth is and send it in if you really believe this garbage. buffet is fighting an irs grab for more of his money right now and if he believed it should just say to them, you can have it. you will not see him do this. the ironic, funny thing is, there are more wealthy dems than gopers. just send it in dems.
The ironic, funny thing to me are the people who espouse GOP politics thinking they are in some economic upper echelon and will be stunned and stupified (more than they are now) when they are "left behind."
am not a republican but an independent who is a fiscal conservative but not a one issue voter. must say that we are at a point where someone needs to grab the bull by the horns. we cannot keep on doing what we are doing, a recipe for a disaster, the folks in dc know this but are afraid to do the right thing because it is going to hurt everyone but not at much as doing nothing is going to hurt everyone. some people have their heads in the sand on this but when it hits the fan, will be asking why.