Season Tickets


Team Manager
Nov 18, 2003
I am urging everyone to drop season tickets. What is happening here is absurd. Another wave of alerts needs to be sent to the athletic dept. If they think we don't matter, let's show them. Our voices have still not been heard. It's a matter of tough love, unfortunately. I have really been wrestling with this over the last couple days because I love my Spiders deeply. It has been a lifelong passion and still is. And so therefore, I am willing to make this short-term sacrifice for the good of the program. And I urge you to do the same. Afterall all, we can apparently obtain free or $5 tickets whenever we want. I plan to get cheap tickets until mid-December when we are mathematically eliminated from the NCAAs. I'll be back in full swing when the athletic dept gets real again.
I am urging everyone to drop season tickets. What is happening here is absurd. Another wave of alerts needs to be sent to the athletic dept. If they think we don't matter, let's show them. Our voices have still not been heard. It's a matter of tough love, unfortunately. I have really been wrestling with this over the last couple days because I love my Spiders deeply. It has been a lifelong passion and still is. And so therefore, I am willing to make this short-term sacrifice for the good of the program. And I urge you to do the same. Afterall all, we can apparently obtain free or $5 tickets whenever we want. I plan to get cheap tickets until midDecember when we are mathematically eliminated from the NCAAs. I'll be back in full swing when the athletic dept gets real again.
Football too?
Confirmed with ticket office. No reseating, but prices will go up. Wow, just go ahead and add more fuel to the fire!

Why should the season ticket holders subsidize pretty much everyone else that attends games at the Robins Center? I say this because of the $5 nights, the fact that kids can pretty much get in for free, etc.

Oh, we've had 25 wins over 2 years, let's raise ticket prices! Horrible.
Confirmed with ticket office. No reseating, but prices will go up. Wow, just go ahead and add more fuel to the fire!
I'm guessing that the decision makers for this absurdity didn't attend our business school?

Two year landslide, long term season ticket holders not renewing, plenty of freebies and $5.00 tickets. Makes perfectly good sense to up the prices. :D There sure is some analytical decision making going on.
Apparently the ticket office is making it even easier for season ticket holders to make their decision to decline to renew. Perhaps the ticket office watched the away games this year and decided that having less fans in attendance is a desirable outcome.
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I won't renew and jump on the cheap ticket bandwagon for any games that we'll attend next year. Between that and reducing my Spider Club donation (since you don't need that for good parking at football games anymore), I'll have more money to spend on beer at games.
I've thought long and hard (since Longwood) about not renewing season tickets. I'm 70 now, and I don't know if I want to skip a season. I may not go to many games, I think that I only went to 7 or 8 games this year. But I at least want to have the option to go if I want. But I do want to make some kind of statement, so I'm leaning towards only renewing 1 of my 4 seats.
You could always buy individual tickets to games you attend and still make a statement about season tickets.
You could always buy individual tickets to games you attend and still make a statement about season tickets.
I think that is my plan. I used to have 3 season tickets, dropped it to 1 this year because I was dissatisfied with the product. It is really easy and cheaper to buy the omni-present $5 tickets when the family wanted to join me.
No reason for anyone to have to pay more for the torture we endured at nearly every home game. Definitely giving up my premium seat. Can get a cheaper ticket anytime I want.
Looks like the $5.00 ticket deal may deliver more than expected. Looks like more & more season ticket holders might pass on renewals and pick up the 5's on an as desired basis. Bet the "powers that be" didn't consider this as a consequence. On the other hand, I doubt they care.
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I've thought long and hard (since Longwood) about not renewing season tickets. I'm 70 now, and I don't know if I want to skip a season. I may not go to many games, I think that I only went to 7 or 8 games this year. But I at least want to have the option to go if I want. But I do want to make some kind of statement, so I'm leaning towards only renewing 1 of my 4 seats.
Rick, don’t spite yourself and cheat yourself out of something you love to do. I am younger than you, but truly enjoy those 16 nights per year. With my daughter heading off to college this year, we decided to keep two of our four season tickets to keep the parking pass, and also show support for change.
Don’t forget beer sales are making up for the shortage in ticket sales.
They've already solved thet ticket problem. Q is going to by 7200 seazon ticktes.

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