Thanks, but I meant in relation to this board, and how you stated it. Why am I going to have to give up anything? And what exactly should I give up? My opinion on a message board? I am not trying to "succeed" at anything here. I am simply posting my opinion. That right there is the problem with this board, and yes, this board has a problem. Too many people are trying to "succeed" by changing people's opinions. Instead of debating or giving their own opinions, we get insults and angry replies. On a message board? Why?
Every thread is being hijacked by the same people saying the same thing regardless of the thread topic. Even a thread about a new recruit still in high school. That is beyond pathetic. People are digging up old threads trying to show someone's "opinion" might be wrong, as if they are so perfect and have never said anything that maybe turned out differently.
And no, I will never cheer against our players like some of you so called Spider fans are doing. Sorry my optimism and opinions on a message board piss people off, but that is your problem, not mine.