Prayer Request


Graduate Assistant
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2006
Those of you who are of faith, please pray for the Ramon Smith family in Winston Salem, NC who was our former pastor, who unexpectedly lost their 25 year old son who was very healthy, worked out and former QB who died in his sleep last night. No clue as to the cause and autopsy has been ordered. Appreciate keeping them in your thoughts and prayers.
Will do CS, loss of a loved one is bad enough, but a 25 yo is even worse
As far as I know, you can still contact some worship places and ask them to pray for a person or even family. Hopefully, my advice is still relevant to those who need it. Our family recently had sent prayers for my dad’s sister. She was sick, and we were far away from her, and couldn’t leave the state to visit her since it was problematic due to lockdown. We found a service on, which allowed us to send a prayer request online. Besides, it had some prayers that you can also do by yourself.
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As far as I know, you can still contact some worship places and ask them to pray for a person or even family.
Since this is 4 years ago, do you object to someone asking fellow Christians to display their faith thru prayer? I know
there are plenty of believers in Spidernation, and this good friend needed a lot of spiritual help.