Player's Reaction

Never good to have division like we have here some on Rocco's side and some on admin side. If the admin had promised upgrades and not delivered that is a mark against them. The fact the players are going after the admin speaks volumes to how they feel about Rocco and how they feel about the admin. I know both sides are accountable to some degree in this, but I still can't get it out of my head how it all went down and not think Gill and the admin have a heavy hand in accoutability here.

I would like to see some evidence to the contrary here about Rocco's demands and them being unreasonable.
Ugh...bad timing here...three weeks for these kids to stew....hopefully, they can have some type of organized conference call. Russ is really at a disadvantage if he can't win their hearts and minds now.
He should call them each individually as well. A much more personal touch.
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From what I got from some current players, all the anger is at the department. They miss Rocco, but they don't dislike Huesman because of that. They know how good he is too. Program is only going to get better and they are excited for that
I'm sure a first priority will be calling them and connecting. They have all their cell phones
Danny was ok, but I bet many of the players will like Russ more. Just can't see how you would not want to side with that guy. OSC
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