Paul Woody doesn't have a clue

For all we know, he is still there because of a 'payroll error' like Milton in the Office Space.
Originally posted by MolivaManiac:
For all we know, he is still there because of a 'payroll error' like Milton in the Office Space.
If only there were professionals out there with expertise in payroll to fix such glitches...
And he writes for a rag that puts a huge story on front page of sports section that UVA basketball is boring. Look I don't like UVA but I sure do respect their coach and I admire how they play. But are you kidding me, they're "boring" and they're ranked 2nd in country with only 1 loss? I'll take boring all day long!
72, so true!!! Those idiots should go to a UVA game and see how excited almost 15,000 people get watching there #2 team out of 357 play. They are 24 & 1 in the country's toughest basketball conference.

Only one other team can be more boring that that, Kentucky!!!!!
O'Connor is about all I read in that poor excuse for a paper. He covers UR and the Squirrels, so he's got my rooting interests pretty much covered. Woody, Phillips, the food writer (some woman), they all can take a long walk off a short pier. I try not to click on their articles if I can help it.
The UVA thing really is absurd. Boring would be scoring 50 points and losing all your games - which I think is the opposite of winning all your games, like UVA has done. I wish we were that bored around here right now.
Originally posted by spider fan:
Speaking of newspapers and columnists the Olean Times Herald columnist J.P. Butler provides more game details than the RTD column today did.
Wow - excellent writeup. Put that side by side vs. the John O'Connor / RTD article and it's an embarrassment for the RTD.
There is now a four way tie for the conference lead with three games to play.

Doesn't look like any team is breaking away from the pack.
Last week I sent Woody a somewhat sarcastic email asking him if he got bored always writing about VCU. To my surprise he sent me a smart alec reply, which I deserved but which was still unprofessional.

If you think we have it bad, I have several friends who are alums of W&M, ODU and JMU. Try finding a story in the RTD on them anywhere ahead of page 6.

Sorry we didn't see Alonzo's name mentioned as part of the story, just a numbers accounting. Not surprised.
I have no opinion on Woody's writing. But have you heard the man's voice? Fingernails on a chalkboard.
Broad Street U now sits in 4th place in the conference.

Can someone remind me what Woody said about them running away from the rest of the conference? Did he specify the direction in which they'd run?
Woody is an idiot. Period. I was going to edit this as it is a pretty aggressive assertion, then I looked up the definition of "idiot": "An idiot, dolt, or dullard is an intellectually disabled person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way". Pretty accurate.

This post was edited on 3/1 5:10 PM by Ulla1
I really don't think Woody is an idiot, but he is a typical liberal sportswriter. His writing is decent, but his slant on athletics is rather liberal. When he does write something about the Spiders, I think he is generally pretty fair, but I do find his attitudes too left wing for my taste.
What constitutes being a liberal sportswriter? Can we please leave the politics out of the Athletics's too short.
Liberal sportswriter? For the Times-Dispatch? He would have been gone long ago if that were the case.
Disagree with thread. He has been fair to us through the years and before that was well thought of for his work covering high school sports.
Hope we can be for our team and not against those who cover multiple sports and programs.
Hal Nunnelly, the former Randolph Macon coach, really liked Woody but I recall that Woody in his eulogy piece on Nunnelly said that he always greeted him with "how's my favorite liberal today"?

Some might say the following views may give him the liberal label

Woody about 20 years earlier got up on his high horse about the use of native American mascots or monikers by high schoo teams ala Redskins.
He was up in arms over the Monacan Chiefs, Henrico Warriors, Powhatan Indians, etc

During that time period George Wythe(predominately minority) played Monacan in close game and lost. In the post game sportsmanship handshake a GW player slugged a Monacan player and a scuffle ensued. Woody made the correlation of inner city kids always coming up on the short end of life just as they came up on the short end of the score in this game. He in effect said he could understand the players frustrations and that was his explanation for the scuffle.

There are other pieces that conservatives might construe as "politically correct" points of view

This post was edited on 3/1 5:11 PM by 9Legs
Didn't realize the stink coming off of Woody was liberalism, I always thought it was hotdogs.
And it is contagious at the RTD - Dayton did not beat VCU - instead MIKE SZVETITZ wrote on Sunday - And it wasn't so much what Dayton did to the Rams. It's what the Rams did to themselves.

The love affair with the Lambs continues unabated. Reality - Lambs lost to Spiders, not once, but twice, lost to UVA, lost to ODU. Yes the Lambs made the Final Four in 2011 and we will never stop hearing about it. But past glory can fade - ask Mason - and although sports writers can fain and fawn over Shaka and the Lambs - only the Kool-Aid drinking yellow shirt horn wearers believe it at this point and some of them are beginning to see the writing on the wall.
On a somewhat related RTD note, Michael Paul Williams had his weekly ranking of state teams. We leapfrogged JMU and are now the 6th best team in the state. Likewise Virginia Tech, after yet another 2 losses and new found basement status of the ACC, also rose a spot to the 3rd best team in the state, jumping ODU.

Mr. Williams discusses in his article ODU bubble status, so I am only to include that since Tech jumped ODU this week that Tech is indeed now a lock for the NCAA tournament. I'll have to check the various brackets out there and see where they are seeding Virginia Tech this week.
So all this time I thought that Woody was just a crappy writer and a card-carrying Lamb homer, it turns out that he is a liberal, and that is why he never says anything nice about us buttoned-down Reaganites from the University of CCV? Geez, just when I thought he was a big Shaka man-crusher, it turns out that he is an even bigger fan of VCU's School of Social Work!

That is why I love this forum so much, I learn so much and get so much smarter every time I visit!
Actually, Michael Paul Williams is the columnist appearing in the Metro section.

The amateur sports writer is Michael Phillips. At this point, he is just trying to get a reaction from readers. His credibility is already shot. I did not bother reading the text surrounding the rankings since he clearly does not have a clue about college basketball.
have always liked Paul and he even wrote a piece when milsaps retired that he was the only liberal in the sports shop at the td. 70, you must be asleep at the wheel, the td was transformed years ago to mirror all other media outlets nationally, ie. liberal. maybe that is why he is still employed.....
Which 3 Virginia school's alumni buy the most Richmond TD newspapers and advertise the most? I already know the answer.

This post was edited on 3/2 12:49 PM by SpiderK

This post was edited on 3/2 12:52 PM by SpiderK
Originally posted by spideroo:
Actually, Michael Paul Williams is the columnist appearing in the Metro section.

The amateur sports writer is Michael Phillips. At this point, he is just trying to get a reaction from readers. His credibility is already shot. I did not bother reading the text surrounding the rankings since he clearly does not have a clue about college basketball.
My bad, you are right Michael Phillips. But yes, how do you right a column on college basketball in the Commonwealth next to your complete sham of a ranking and expect people to take you seriously. Heck, even the most die hard Tech fan wouldn't rank there team 3rd in the state. Buzz Williams probably wouldn't even rank them that high.
Can you post the link to the Michael Phillips state rankings? I've got to see this with mine own eyes...
John O'Connor, in this morning's TD, was pitching Hurley, coach of "Miller and Rhode Island", for COY. LOL.
The subject of this thread should be "The Times-Dispatch doesn't have a clue".
Tbone, I tried to find it on-line last week and couldn't. I think the ranking is only available in print.
Originally posted by 97spiderfan:

Tbone, I tried to find it on-line last week and couldn't. I think the ranking is only available in print.
Thanks 97, I thought that might be the case. My skills using the Googlebox are pretty good, so I was starting to think it was a unicorn.

So am I really to believe that this guy has VT ranked third in the state? Maybe I misread that...
The guy who does the regional poll in the Washington Post (Atlantic 11) does a much fairer job. Has VCU 4th, ODU 5th, UR 6th. VT way down at 11th (behind W&M, Radford, and the Purple People).

This post was edited on 3/3 4:16 PM by wr70beh

Atlantic 11
Phillips is a joke and simply makes my case why many of us in Central VA haven't bought their newspaper in over 25 years. If he thinks VT is in top 5 of VA's college basketball teams, guess he also believes in unicorns and that Redskins are a good FB team. Simply ignore the media around here and look for all the very good reporting our Spiders get elsewhere. When we beat UMass Wed night, the best write ups will be in NE. Go Spiders!!!!

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