I may be projecting my thoughts onto the mods here, but this is what I see:
Some posters are creating an atmosphere on the board that is toxic. It seems to be driving people away (perhaps the mods have actual numbers on this), and it is not because people are posting negative things about Mooney. It is the extreme frequency and aggressiveness of the posts that is ruining the board. Hostility is hurting the board, not anti-Mooney talk, and the fact that many posters seem to not understand that is troubling.
If you personally feel like your voice is being censored, go back and read your deleted posts (I am not sure if this is actually possible). I am certain that if the posts were rephrased in a way that was not so hostile they would not have been deleted. The essential content of the post is not the reason it was removed, the tone was. The sum of the frequent, hostile posts is a toxic atmosphere which hurts the board and the mods don't want that.
When I go on the board now I feel like I am entering a Mad Max-esque wasteland. The rampant hostility is unpleasant, and the repetitiveness of posts complaining about Mooney is unbearable. I need to struggle through this hostile information desert to find something actually interesting or useful, and it is getting harder and harder by the day. This sentiment seems like it is becoming more common.
Also, some posters need to understand that just because someone posts something positive about the program, or tries to discuss something that does not directly reflect negatively on Mooney, this does not necessarily indicate satisfaction with the program or support for Mooney. It doesn't mean that they want Mooney to coach here for life. It doesn't even mean they want Mooney to coach here next year. It means that some people actually want to discuss things about the program besides firing Mooney! Hard to believe, I know! Nothing posted on this board will ever have any impact on Mooney's employment, and turning every single thing into a discussion about why Mooney needs to go is annoying. Twisting every little thing into the most negative version possible just to make Mooney look as bad as possible is tiresome. Posters, FMM, understand that this board is not an instrument that can or will contribute to Mooney being fired. Mooney is the coach next year, let us move on to new topics.
The moderators on this board want a healthy board, and they want a useful board. Their actions are not an attempt to silence anti-Mooney posters, their actions are an attempt to save this board from toxicity causing a downward spiral into a ghost town. Asking for an anti-Mooney moderator because you don't feel represented shows a misunderstanding as to why posts have been removed (and anti-Mooney posts are not the only posts to have been removed recently!!!). The moderators may very well not even be pro-Mooney! There should never be an open license for hostility on this board, it will be the end of the board.
Sorry for the novel. I apologize to the mods if I have misrepresented their positions. This is the way I see things.