Morris Twins in the news again

meh. depends on the texts to their mother. what do you do if someone really crosses the line? give them a stern talking to?

go too far with my mom, wife, sister or kids and I might get charged with assault too.
meh. depends on the texts to their mother. what do you do if someone really crosses the line? give them a stern talking to?

go too far with my mom, wife, sister or kids and I might get charged with assault too.
OK, I'll bite, assume some reaction/lesson is "warranted" --- 5 against 1 and at least 2 are pro athletes?
you're a gentleman and you'd prefer a fair fight. that's commendable.
my advice to the texter ... #don'tstartnoproblemswon'tbenoproblems (or whatever that VCU mantra was).
If you have ever been close enough to the court for an NBA game, you hear a lot of trash talk between players, and sometimes it involves a female family member of a player, and you don't see punches being thrown very often at all. I think it's a red herring to say that there was a nasty text involving Mom or Sis, and the sender deserved a beat down from 5 dudes. To me the Morris Twins are thugs, plain and simple, and they are just looking for reasons to let their thug flags fly.
One of the many many reasons I don't watch the NBA. It's just another WWF.

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