Mooney signs extension

Can't say it wasn't earned based on this year's performance. If he can prove that he can excel in the transfer portal/NIL era, I think he deserves to stick around for a while. The landscape is so different compared to 2019 and before. Still a long way to go to prove how effective he is in the new era, but the early results have definitely been promising.
Well good timing but I called this coming before this summer. They couldnt risk a poor season next year and then having just 2 years left.

Total "transparent" UR - not even saying the length. sorry that's a joke.

Lifetime coach

"Together, we've been able to keep Richmond as one of the top basketball programs in the nation" - that's a real quote? I'm sorry 3 for 19 NCAA is not a top basketball program. I love Richmond bball and respect our program but come on.

So at least a couple more years minimum, that's 24 years for possibly 3 NCAA appearances and people question me about urgency & expectations

Best agent of all time. We are definitely playing in another Gazelle tournament this season!!

Amazing they talk about shifting landscape well coaching contacts should be part of that. # of seasons left on contract should be less of an issue.

Now just boxed into a corner again re: contract that we'll never be willing to buy out.

Congrats to Mooney. I'd sign it too. again this is institutional about how they view and reward accomplishments.
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Coach For Life! :D

we were good last year and I like where we stand for this season. but we weren't great the year before.
I do agree with the thinking that these early extensions are largely unnecessary these days. I'd have let this year play out. but what's done is done.
It's entirely possible Moon had an auto extension in his contract for winning A10 and/or coach of year. But think it was coming auto or not. But how we would ever know when UR is so secretive about the highest profile highest paid employee of a multi billion organization!

I wish we had a clause that would take out a year for every season not making NCAA. U get 2 years for making it and u lose 1 for not making.
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His previous extension took him to the end of the 2026-2027 seasion, so I'd think this newest extension takes him to at least 2028-2029, if not 2029-2030.
I would tell TJ - since the terms are not disclosed, I would bet this is a lifetime deal - in theory. Like I said in another post - unless Mooney has a major scandal on his hands (rules violations or personal life), and given his high moral character - this is very unlikely - or if he happens to bottom out like a Fordham and finish in last place 5 straight years - he is not getting fired. I don't think he even has to make another NCAA tourney in the next several years. Just do what you been doing - be middle of the pack or above. Have a really good season mixed in there. And if he makes another NCAA tourney along the way or wins A10 Title - more money and extension will come his way.

People thought it was a joke when I posted it many months ago - but the next thing to happen (probably in a few years) - coach in waiting will be declared for Peter Thomas. He was a JW player, but became a scholarship player and leader under Mooney. Fan favorite. Returns to UR to coach a 2nd time. Even fills in for Mooney when he had to leave due to medical issues. I could see it this coming, and I could see Mooney pushing for it - which would give it even more weight in the administration.
no idea if Peter Thomas is a future head coach.
we talk about Gipe and his recruiting. we talk about Boyden with his defense. no idea what Thomas is or isn't bringing to the table. guess I should have asked SpiderDad before Dji moved on.
Well good timing but I called this coming before this summer. They couldnt risk a poor season next year and then having just 2 years left.

Total "transparent" UR - not even saying the length. sorry that's a joke.

Lifetime coach

"Together, we've been able to keep Richmond as one of the top basketball programs in the nation" - that's a real quote? I'm sorry 3 for 19 NCAA is not a top basketball program. I love Richmond bball and respect our program but come on.

So at least a couple more years minimum, that's 24 years for possibly 3 NCAA appearances and people question me about urgency & expectations

Best agent of all time. We are definitely playing in another Gazelle tournament this season!!

Amazing they talk about shifting landscape well coaching contacts should be part of that. # of seasons left on contract should be less of an issue.

Now just boxed into a corner again re: contract that we'll never be willing to buy out.

Congrats to Mooney. I'd sign it too. again this is institutional about how they view and reward accomplishments.
This post just proves how negative you will be regardless of the results. 24-7 in 20, 24 wins with an A-10 title and a 1st round dance win in 22, and 23 wins and an A-10 regular season title in 24, yet you act like the rsesults have not been good, and we shouldn't extend a coach for that? Every post of yours makes it sound like you are really bothered that we have had success lately.
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This post just proves how negative you will be regardless of the results. 24-7 in 20, 24 wins with an A-10 title and a 1st round dance win in 22, and 23 wins and an A-10 regular season title in 24, yet you act like the rsesults have not been good, and we shouldn't extend a coach for that? Every post of yours makes it sound like you are really bothered that we have had success lately.
You forgot to mention that they totally blew it in the conference tournament and didn’t make the NCAA tournament. So much for being conference champs.
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no idea if Peter Thomas is a future head coach.
we talk about Gipe and his recruiting. we talk about Boyden with his defense. no idea what Thomas is or isn't bringing to the table. guess I should have asked SpiderDad before Dji moved on.
Agreed. Just going off he is a former player of Mooney and we know there is a lot loyalty there. And when Mooney went out for medical reasons - he was called upon to be head coach. So in theory - I think he is next man in line. And assume Mooney coaches for another 10 years and produces same results and IF Peter Thomas is around for all 10 of those years - if the administration liked Mooney and he goes out a high note (maybe makes the dance one last time) - would only make sense they keep the Mooney era continuing with his main disciple - Peter Thomas.
You forgot to mention that they totally blew it in the conference tournament and didn’t make the NCAA tournament. So much for being conference champs.
Sometimes, I have no clue who is a fan of ours and who isn't.
This post just proves how negative you will be regardless of the results. 24-7 in 20, 24 wins with an A-10 title and a 1st round dance win in 22, and 23 wins and an A-10 regular season title in 24, yet you act like the rsesults have not been good, and we shouldn't extend a coach for that? Every post of yours makes it sound like you are really bothered that we have had success lately.

He has 3 years on contract now why does he need another extension? That’s not negative to question such a decision. If he had 1 year left ok. But 100% don’t agree with this. U think 24 years minimum of Mooney with potentially 3 NCAAs to show for it is awesome…yet u r FIRE Bennett. Amazing.

I’m sorry u have to do a hell of a lot more than be the worst rivalry coach of all time and make 1 ncaa on average every 6 years. We r literally the only high level sports team who acts this way. Moonicorn. No other coach gets this. 24 year minimum job security for 1 ncaa every 6 and getting annihilated by your archrival.

And then guess what….I hear excuses why this year can’t have ncaa expectations again.
Sooooooo negative. Cheer up, man.

I am negative on the school and how we evaluate performance and consistently over reward Mooney. There is not enough success. There is no other place that operates this way with his resume. Very negative. Guilty. I saw it coming and it still makes no sense. It has nothing to do with rooting for Mooney & the Spiders tho. R u rooting for uva & Bennett?

Why did Moon need another extension when he had 3 years left?
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Moonicorn. Hope You bookmark this so in three years when I am convinced this is my invention I get called out.

TY. u r allowed to use it. With proper attribution. It’s a fitting name. Only program or pro team at our level of sports who operates like this. 3 NCAAs in 19 years and 9-25 vs freaking vcu and u get 24-25 years of job security. Moonicorn.
TY. u r allowed to use it. With proper attribution. It’s a fitting name. Only program or pro team at our level of sports who operates like this. 3 NCAAs in 19 years and 9-25 vs freaking vcu and u get 24-25 years of job security. Moonicorn.
Cheer up man! We won the regular season title last season! What could go wrong next year?
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Cheer up man! We won the regular season title last season! What could go wrong next year?

Nothing bc Mooney says Richmond continues to be “one of the top basketball programs in the nation”. R we even top 50? How many top programs r there? If we r a top program is it ok to expect a 4th ncaa in 20 years?

Mooney can call us one of the top programs in the country but good forbid he or his bosses ever expect us to go to the NCAA tourney.
Of all the times to argue the contract extension (outside of 2011 sweet 16) I find it strange to argue this one. Mooney just came off of winning the 2024 A10 regular season and A10 coach of the year award. This was 2 years after winning the A10 tournament. I would be more surprised if UR didn't give him a contract extension. We don't know the details of Mooney's contract either. For all we know, there could be a clause that gives him an extra year for winning an A10 championship or A10 coach of the year award. Also typically, unless AD's are unhappy with the results, they like to have coach's on a 4-5 year contract for recruiting purposes. Again we know nothing about the details of the extension. Perhaps there is a negotiated reduced byout on performance, though unlikely. If it was another 10 year extension, I would think that is a bad idea, but I doubt this is the case either.

Weren't NC State fans at some point this year wanting Kevin Keatts fired because he didn't do well enough in ACC tournament and NCAA? He just won the ACC tournament this year and went to the final four, which got him 2 more years per his contract clause. Could you imagine the conversation if the AD said "Coach Keatts, we know you just won the ACC tournament and went to the NCAA final four this year, but because from 2019-2022 you didn't make the NCAA tournament, we still don't want to extend your contract." For a school like NC state they expect winning the ACC and making sweet 16 or greater runs. For a school like us, right now our expectation is winning an A10 championship and getting to the NCAA tournament. Mooney has achieved those things in the last couple of years, which warrants an extension in my opinion.

Is the concern that extending his contract would lead to complacency and the staff no longer caring about the results? I don't see any evidence of that. In fact, I see a lot of strong momentum going forward, as shown by the caliber of recruits we are getting and the strong investment we are putting in our basketball resources and NIL
The other point in all of this is, why are people so fixated on Mooney's past record 6 or more years ago? Can't people improve? Could you imagine if we didn't want to play Justin Harper his senior year because he averaged ~3 ppg as a freshman, rather than seeing his improvement over time? Or someone's boss at work telling them that they've done a great job the last several years, but because of poor performance 10 years ago, they won't give them a raise.

If Mooney had only been our coach since 2019-2020 through now, we would all be happy with the results. Why are we so pressed at looking at results from 10 years ago? Perhaps things have changed and the results we are getting now are becoming the new norm. And if in the next several years we have very poor seasons, then we should revisit the conversation about contract extension/firing him. I get it, results matter. We pay a coach a lot of money, who for a long period of time, was not getting results most of us aspire for Richmond to have. Personally, I think we should've had a coaching change in 2016-2018. The administration felt otherwise. However, its 2024 now and the last 5 years we have had very good results. This should be rewarded and we should keep doing the things we've been doing to continue this trend.
Dude he got a 3 year extension in 2022 after the ncaa. He then had a losing season followed up by a first round loss in NIT in the next 2 seasons. He already has 3 years left on existing deal. What exactly screams another extension?

Long contract extensions for sitting coaches r complete overkill in this new era with 1-2 year cycles. & nobody is trying to hire him away from Richmond. Btw idk if Keatts gets extension without the clause. U seem fixated on what other schools do but don’t realize literally nobody else operates like we have. Yeah Moon might have an auto extension clause too, I brought this up actually back in December that it’s possible. But at nc state at least they tell u he had a clause & r transparent about contract details here at UR who the f knows it’s super top secret. Also yes ppl can improve that’s 1 reason I asked if we should have higher expectations of a 20 year coach but u said no they r the same expectations whether we hired a newbie coach in his 1st year.
Dude he got a 3 year extension in 2022 after the ncaa. He then had a losing season followed up by a first round loss in NIT in the next 2 seasons. He already has 3 years left on existing deal. What exactly screams another extension?

Long contract extensions for sitting coaches r complete overkill in this new era with 1-2 year cycles. & nobody is trying to hire him away from Richmond. Btw idk if Keatts gets extension without the clause. U seem fixated on what other schools do but don’t realize literally nobody else operates like we have. Yeah Moon might have an auto extension clause too, I brought this up actually back in December that it’s possible. But at nc state at least they tell u he had a clause & r transparent about contract details here at UR who the f knows it’s super top secret. Also yes ppl can improve that’s 1 reason I asked if we should have higher expectations of a 20 year coach but u said no they r the same expectations whether we hired a newbie coach in his 1st year.
You bring up several valid points that I agree with. I do think its hard to discuss the contract extension without knowing the exact details of the contract that UR keeps private. Like being vocal on social media, I wish UR was transparent about these types of things. However, we don't operate like that and as a private school, are not obligated to share this information. A Recent JOC article came out saying it was a 2 year extension: Unfortunately the article is behind a paywall, but I believe that then puts him through the 2028-2029 season.
This would fall in line with the mentality of ADs like having coaches at contract lengths of 4-5 years for recruiting purposes. I don't think any AD in the country would say "Look, you did well this year, but I am not going to give you an extension. Let's be honest, we know you aren't going to leave this job so I am going to take advantage of that and not reward you when you do well." Whenever Mooney leaves/retires/gets fired, other coaches and agents would probably hear of that reputation if we were to do that, and no good coach would want to come if that was the case. It's not like Hardt gives Mooney 10 year extensions after every A10 championship. He does enough to keep him at the 4-5 year contract length. Seems reasonable to me.

In principle though, what warrants another extension is that he won an A10 regular season championship this year and A10 coach of the year award. He was also a finalist for the Jim Phelan National Coach of the Year. He should get rewarded for this. Same way he was rewarded for winning a championship in 2022. Yes, we had several bad years the past couple of years, but every team has bad years. Mooney did not get contract extensions after those seasons. The difference now is our bad years have been sandwiched between very good years.

The reason I bring up other teams is to give examples how other teams operate too. UR is the school I care about the most, obviously, so its not like I care if Saint Joseph's AD made a good decision or not with their coach or what NC State does, but we can see and learn what other schools do and how that works out for them. It can highlight the fact the grass isn't always greener.

Yes, the expectation should always be championships and NCAA appearances for our basketball team whether its year 1 or year 20. My dream would be that we increase our expectations to sweet 16 and more runs, but I also want to be realistic with our goals. Whether Mooney has met the expectations over the years is a different conversation. I gave him a B- over his 19 years here. I agree that 2016-2019 seasons was around the time where the biggest case could be made for him to be let go. If I was the AD, I would've made the coaching change at that time. We did not for reasons, I believe could be the case, that I discussed in another thread. However, the way I view it now is "what does our current trajectory look like?". Our situation now is not the same as 2016-2019. Since 2019, we have had several changes: supposed loosening of academic requirements, Mooney got new assistant staff with different perspectives, he changed his match-up zone defense, we got a practice facility, and we've utilized the new transfer portal and NIL at a high A10 level to attract some of the best recruits we've gotten. We are seeing the results of that now.
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We are only allowed to judge a 20 year coach on the small percentage of years that the Richmond Moonies fans say that we can, of course!
There are some people here so careful to toe the company line I swear they are a part of the athletic department somehow.
I am not ignoring the 20 year history, but shouldn't the results we have had recently be of most importance in determining what our trajectory as a program continues to look like? Again, it's like saying we shouldn't have played Justin Harper his Junior and Senior years because in his freshmen year he averaged ~3 ppg. He developed, improved, got better. In Mooney's case, he is operating in situations now that is different than 10 years ago and has also made changes to improve our program.

Let's say hypothetically we did fire Mooney after 2018-2019 and a new coach came in starting 2019-2020. If in these past 5 years that new coach had won an A10 tournament championship + NCAA game, A10 regular season, and finished a year 24-7 with wins against Vanderbilt, Boston College, Wisconsin, Charleston, finished 2nd in the A10 only behind a Dayton team who was the #3 best team in the country, and we had a very realistic chance of an at-large bid before COVID, would you want them to remain as our coach?
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You really counted vandy and bc in these points bro 🤣 they bottom feeders in their conference. Not to mention we haven’t beaten a p5 team in like 2 years. We had a chance to make the tourney during the covid year but I wouldn’t bet on Mooney winning in the ncaa tournament. Look what happen the next year, same team and we finished 8th, then after that we were 6th before our players took over and carried us during March. When is the last time Richmond looked good all season? It’s gotta be like 2010-11 season.
Ok, fair enough about Vandy and BC. I think you're nit picking my post a little bit but do you agree with my overall point that it was a good season that year? For reference we had a NET 38 a Q1 record of 3-2, Q2 record of 3-4, and only one Q3 loss and no Q4 losses. Or would you agree with my even larger point that if another coach had Mooney's record and success over the past 5 years that we would all be content with that?

I don't think its fair to say that you wouldn't bet on Mooney winning in the NCAA that year. We can't say he would have or wouldn't have won, but to assume that he would not have won, isn't a fair marker to have against him in my opinion. I agree we didn't have the best seasons in 2020-2021 and 2022-2023, but no team will ever have amazing seasons that always meet their expectations. However, in this stretch, his bad seasons have been less frequent with more very good seasons interspersed.

Yes, we had 6th year players because of COVID in 2021-2022. We would not have been in that position without the COVID bonus year. However, all teams in the country were operating under the same rules with the extra eligibility bonus year. Also, I think it is a good reflection of Mooney and our culture that guys like Golden and Gilly decided to stay their last year when they practically could've gone anywhere else in the country.
Ok, fair enough about Vandy and BC. I think you're nit picking my post a little bit but do you agree with my overall point that it was a good season that year? For reference we had a NET 38 a Q1 record of 3-2, Q2 record of 3-4, and only one Q3 loss and no Q4 losses. Or would you agree with my even larger point that if another coach had Mooney's record and success over the past 5 years that we would all be content with that?

I don't think its fair to say that you wouldn't bet on Mooney winning in the NCAA that year. We can't say he would have or wouldn't have won, but to assume that he would not have won, isn't a fair marker to have against him in my opinion. I agree we didn't have the best seasons in 2020-2021 and 2022-2023, but no team will ever have amazing seasons that always meet their expectations. However, in this stretch, his bad seasons have been less frequent with more very good seasons interspersed.

Yes, we had 6th year players because of COVID in 2021-2022. We would not have been in that position without the COVID bonus year. However, all teams in the country were operating under the same rules with the extra eligibility bonus year. Also, I think it is a good reflection of Mooney and our culture that guys like Golden and Gilly decided to stay their last year when they practically could've gone anywhere else in the country.
Lots to address here: 1- the last 5 years does not tell the story. The man got a 10 year extension and has underperformed since then. 2- yeah that 19-20 team was good but they weren’t a lock for the tournament and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Mooney losses to duquense that year knowing that’s what he did the season after. 3- with the “best class in Richmond history” he only made the tourney 1 time. 4- he’s incapable of making adjustments during clutch time, ever since he started. 5- Mooney never meets expectations, he’s only finished above projections like 2-3 times after the extension. So to answer your question, yes if a NEW COACH came in and had the same results than yes, but since he put us in a 10 year tourney drought, he needs to be fired
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I like your posts 17 but u r really long and all over the place sometimes. Tho brevity not my strength either & i won't be here! A few comments...

2019 or 2022 years were accounted for in last extension. if others can't talk farther back, nobody can use those years either, not when he was already rewarded for them. imo.

Also if the expectation should always be championships and NCAA appearances for our basketball team whether its year 1 or year 20 I have no idea why in another post u gave Mooney a free pass for his 1st 4 years.

5 years revolving contract for an existing in place coach is no longer the norm. Of course brand new hires will get that length and the ultra successful will. otherwise its dumb and smart ADs r trending away from that. have u ever met Hardt? He sweats pretentiousness. He does not fall under the sharp AD but would follow outdated trends. Its a 1-2 year cycle at most. transfer portal. new teams each year. u don't need for recruiting. NIL is the new recruiting. so u r wrong about that but I do agree some ADs r clueless.

He got an extension for a losing season followed by 0-1 in NIT. Always found Coaching awards to be self serving btw. lot of scratch your back w that stuff. these coaches and ADs often have same agents and use same search firms. keep it to players awards. Last year A10 reg championship was great but it got us nothing. Most years it would. But we were bad OOC and then completely shat the bed very end of year most notably A10 and NIT. In no way does that warrant an extension. Disagree with u and school and anyone else there 100%.
Lots to address here: 1- the last 5 years does not tell the story. The man got a 10 year extension and has underperformed since then. 2- yeah that 19-20 team was good but they weren’t a lock for the tournament and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Mooney losses to duquense that year knowing that’s what he did the season after. 3- with the “best class in Richmond history” he only made the tourney 1 time. 4- he’s incapable of making adjustments during clutch time, ever since he started. 5- Mooney never meets expectations, he’s only finished above projections like 2-3 times after the extension. So to answer your question, yes if a NEW COACH came in and had the same results than yes, but since he put us in a 10 year tourney drought, he needs to be fired
I appreciate your thoughtful response. There's a few counterpoints I would like to address as well.

1. When you say that last 5 years don't say the full story, what more is there to know? We know his entire 19 year record and it is definitely not-eye popping in terms of success. The time to fire him has passed. I don't think any AD should make decisions now moving forward from 10 years ago. Mooney's situation and the landscape of basketball is different now. Also, AD's shouldn't make decisions after only 1 year of results either. I am on record saying the 10 year extension following 2011 was a bad idea. However, right now we have 5 years worth of data about how we are trending. So when you acknowledge that if a new coach came in with these same results, you would be okay with that, but not with Mooney right now because he had put us in a 10 year drought in the past, I don't agree with drawing that same conclusion. If in the next 5 years we have very poor results, then it is absolutely fair to revisit the conversation on his coaching status.

2. He is incapable of making adjustments during clutch time since he started? I would agree that there were was a long stretch of time where no lead felt safe, but that's also discounting a lot of really great wins we have had that he helped lead over the years and many close wins as well. Especially this past year where we held onto our leads very well.

3. What do you mean by finished above projections 2-3 times after extension? Pre-season projections? Who cares what preseason has to say. Its absolutely meaningless. If we were projected to finished 15th and finished 13th would that be seen as finishing above projections and thus a good thing?