always got a gift of a subscription to SI and now do the same for my son though i don't get it any longer. he always brings over any issue with a story which he feels would interest me and it is still a quality sports periodical. little i, the only issue i retain is the "pristine" magazine sent to me under separate cover, in addition to my regular subscription issue, which had a letter i had sent which they published in the 19th hole as it was called back then. recall on a visit back to UR for christmas that year and attended a basketball game, several people approached me, including one of my profs, to say they had seen the letter, was a big deal back then. the swimsuit issue, despite our current deal, is always a national fav and recall the issue some years back where there was not a swimsuit but body paint, that was unique to say the least. those issues remain in the bathroom on the toilet tank top in perpetuity