Y’all both just said you were done above and then BOTH RESPONDED AGAIN. This is like each of your 5th “final” response. You guys are like KISS and all their “farewell tours”
I'm more offended you compared me to kiss then people putting words in my mouth here....
In all seriousness though not sure where I specifically said five times that I was done with it unless you're being hyperbolic to prove a point....only commenting on what he said after he decided to speak for me. You asked me a question and made a statement and I answered it. When someone who regularly turns heat on mods for deleting posts asked why a post was deleted I felt an explanation was needed to kill any conspiracy theories because it was a racy post regarding what happened. Not wanting this thread to turn into a referendum on the mods, I explained myself without writing the whole story down because its tough to re-read for me personally and felt it was a little too personal for this webpage since we do come here for sports mostly. I just mentioned how some could use a different perspective and then mayhem ensued. I mentioned earlier that I hope it would of been gone before people started to take my response out of context and look what happened....
Look I know it can get tiring reading the volleying back and forth I get it especially when you have no dog in the fight. Im sure Im killin chopins friday night broccoli buzz (sorry broc) as he reads this. No disrespect is meant to anyone here but I will be firm when needed with people who think they can talk on my behalf on something as personal as this no matter what. There is simply a segment of people who will take offense or exaggerate any criticism or suggestion of police corruption and turn it into whatever narrative they want. It doesn't mean I am anti cop but some people perceive it as such and you can see that by just reading that thread and then people get tired of reading my reasoning.
I am friends with several URPD officers. As in had a beer with them friends from my time there (Not on duty) and even they saw some stuff I wouldn't wish on others. No cops have saved my ass personally but they have for people I care about. Chief McCoy oversaw the response to my mother when she slipped on some ice and dislocated her shoulder. His response is above and beyond what was expected from a cop that day. I do have some respect for the job, but until all the bad cops are held responsible for their actions which in my case, as well as many others I have witnessed with my own eyes, does not happen, then people are not going to feel good about the police like many currently do. There are some people who will just not accept that people have a right to feel that way. Yet someone has the nerve to say I am part of the problem without even knowing the full reasoning of the post or trying to get more facts before he speaks out of his you know what. I don't mind when you talk out of your @$$ for basketball, but when you suggest I am a problem with the current state of america without any facts supporting it expect a vigorous response in my defense. And now here I am talking about all the great things cops have done for me without even mentioning the terrible things they have also done to me because I gotta make sure to mention good cops at every turn.
I'm not sure why it was necessary to mention the race of three people who attacked you Rick. Whom ever they were though, hopefully they were brought to justice once they were caught and if they weren't then the system failed you like it did me and I apologize for that. No one should have to endure that.
I hold no ill will to good cops out there which is what people probably think when I’m writing this, but people coming at me need to understand until the bad cops are held responsible (not holding my breath) I am not going to feel so hot about the HPD or others for the most part, no matter how much I like Rick personally. It really shouldn’t be that hard to get.
Ply I'm not sure if you read the original post that was deleted because if you did, perhaps you'd understand why this is a hill I don't mind dying on?