Lauletta Arrested - hopefully not a big deal

Rick - you are the kind of person that makes me proud to be an American. First you served in the Marines(or was it Navy as what I remember is you met your British wife while on active duty) and then as a policeman. My son-in-law is a policeman and tonight the four grandsons - age 2 -9 - will be a Halloween Swat Team. You have got it right about the police having a thankless job. The small thing we can each do is encourage the police with kind words whenever we have the opportunity.

As far as Lauletta he is a fine young man who I trust will get this straightened out with enough pain to not repeat it but not enough pain to hurt his career.

Thanks, was in the Army, and wife is a Virginian not a Brit, but what you said means a lot. Now I want to see a humble and apologetic Lauletta who realizes that he's a guy who plays a game for a living while the other guy might leave for work one day and not come home.

Btw directing traffic is no day a the beach, ALL police officers hate that assignment!
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Not sure what the "truth" is on this, but if the charges are accurate then my guess is the Giants will cut him.

I don't want to disrespect @SpiderRick or any other member of law enforcement by saying this was "just a moving violation" but from the reports it doesn't sound like Kyle was drunk, impaired by drugs, pushed the officer, had to be tackled to the ground, restrained, etc. Sounds like Kyle crossed lanes in front of the officer in typical horrible NY/NJ traffic to get to the interstate because he was probably trying to get to practice so he wouldn't be late and get chewed out by an already angry and stressed out coaching staff. Also sounds like he had done this same move yesterday and I'm sure the officer had had enough. Not sure what the "resisting arrest" type aspect of the arrest was. Did Kyle not roll his windows down? Did he refuse to cooperate? That's where Kyle just needs to take his medicine and respect that the officer was doing his job and that he was going to be late to practice. When folks like police and judges want to talk you listen and respect their position even if you don't agree...there's a forum to address the charges in court later. Again, Kyle will learn from this but it doesn't rise to the level of Giants cutting him...not even close IMO.
All he has to do is to be as aggressive as he was in basketball and he will continue to do well in football. Glad for him. And glad we no longer face him in basketball.

It was a heck of a catch. I heard that the Colts were the first team in the Super Bowl era to have 3 TE's score a touchdown in the same game.
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I don't want to disrespect @SpiderRick or any other member of law enforcement by saying this was "just a moving violation" but from the reports it doesn't sound like Kyle was drunk, impaired by drugs, pushed the officer, had to be tackled to the ground, restrained, etc. Sounds like Kyle crossed lanes in front of the officer in typical horrible NY/NJ traffic to get to the interstate because he was probably trying to get to practice so he wouldn't be late and get chewed out by an already angry and stressed out coaching staff. Also sounds like he had done this same move yesterday and I'm sure the officer had had enough. Not sure what the "resisting arrest" type aspect of the arrest was. Did Kyle not roll his windows down? Did he refuse to cooperate? That's where Kyle just needs to take his medicine and respect that the officer was doing his job and that he was going to be late to practice. When folks like police and judges want to talk you listen and respect their position even if you don't agree...there's a forum to address the charges in court later. Again, Kyle will learn from this but it doesn't rise to the level of Giants cutting him...not even close IMO.

I also read some other article that maintains Kyle's driving has been a problem for quite awhile now. No drugs or alcohol related incidents but speeding and driving recklessly seem to be pretty common going back to Richmond, NJ, Florida over the last few years.
I still maintain that what Kyle did wasn’t egregious by any means. Obviously the best situation is to avoid the traffic offense entirely, but there are far worse things to get in trouble for doing.

My biggest concern for Lauletta is judgment. I mean, come on man, you were on the cusp of being a starting quarterback in the NFL. You couldn’t wake up an hour earlier to avoid the traffic and get to practice on time? Also, after being pulled over, not to have the foresight and think that pissing off a cop who already pulled you over isn’t going to help you get out of the situation. At that point, Lauletta should have taken his medicine and accepted being late to practice.

With that said, I strongly believe this won’t ruin his career in the NFL. It’s just as a 4th round pick, you only get so many opportunities to prove yourself and you have to capitalize (or at least not screw up) with the few opportunities you get.
The previous day, Kyle committed some traffic violations. The reason? He is an experienced quarterback, used to being under pressure from a rush or a blitz. He quickly evaluated his options, then decided to scramble. Since he was successful getting onto the on-ramp, he won that battle in his mind. The problem? If that happened the day before he was arrested,then the next day he should have awoken an hour early, grabbed some Power Bars and a couple of bottles of water, and should have taken off early, or should have taken an alternate route. He a great young man and will learn from this situation - either that, or he will be driving a moped. Many strong-willed jocks need a wakeup call. Fortunately, this wakeup call came before he could do the same thing in a residential neighborhood and kill a five-year-old.

BTW - all of us on this board probably did something like this until we had to stand in front of a traffic court judge and find out that "What seemed OK on Friday doesn't sound very good being explained in court on Monday."
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The issues of nearly striking the officer and refusal will be the biggest issues to the Judge IMHO. We don't know the facts, no disrespect to the officers, I worked as a Special Deputy myself and got a small taste of what Rick described. How clear were the markings, how clear was the officer with his instructions, how visible were the officers in all of the confusion of the construction, were other people doing similar acts are all questions that come to my mind. Has Kyle be charged in the past and what were the results? At this point I believe Kyle has dug a hole for himself, lets hope he now takes responsibility for what he did wrong and does not continue to dig, or worse pull the dirt down onto himself.
No matter how you look at this, it’s a dumb move on his part. You only get so many chances and he may have blown his. it may all work out for him but you’ve got to realize that when you take risks you leave yourself open.
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Bottom line: dumb move which may cost him his only chance at starting an NFL football game. Giants stink and will most likely draft a QB early to be the heir apparent to Manning. At that point things only get more difficult for Lauretta to find an opening to fill. He’s in the perfect spot right now. Any other team and he’s got to hope that the first string (and maybe second) plays poorly or gets injured. People keep saying he’s a great guy, but I don’t know any great guys who repeatedly ignore directions from police officers. Call it the arrogance of youth, call it a mistake, but “great” people don’t do this.
As far as Lauletta he is a fine young man who I trust will get this straightened out with enough pain to not repeat it but not enough pain to hurt his career.

This commentator thinks that may well happen.

This is the NFL. There is no way they cut a player for traffic offenses. However, I suspect that his father chewed him a new one. He has learned his lesson.
How many felons are on the roster of the Giants? Now, if he beat his girlfriend... maybe.
He needs to accept responsibility for his behavior and admit he made an error. He will score character points if he talks to the youth and warns them about going astray.
How many felons are on the roster of the Giants? Now, if he beat his girlfriend... maybe.astray.

Well, i'm unaware of Janoris Jenkins but no others. As a Giants fan, i have been griping over the years that they seem more interested in drafting boy scouts than good football players. The fact that they have won 4 of their last 25 games seems to bear this out.
Quarterbacks don’t get the same leeway as position players when it comes to character concerns.
This about sums it up, he’s a rookie 4th Rd QB on a franchise that is an active dumpster fire.

And no matter what they decide to do, the Giants still must grapple with the question of how new GM Dave Gettleman and his staff could have so misjudged the character of an individual, who on the verge of getting a shot to play quarterback for one of the NFL’s most revered franchises, needed to run a roadblock to get to work on time. And not once, but two days in a row.
1 - Steven Smith's take on the Lauletta deal:

2 - A brief graphic on Giants players who have been in trouble, and have still played. Kyle's transgressions don't look too bad:
On that list, Kyle stands out for how innocuous his crimes are . There is no way he will lose playing time over traffic violations.
The "sensationalism" is what makes the pressure on the Giants greater. Lauletta and the Giants need to make a "big deal" about being contrite concerning the incident(s). Obviously not "Keystone cops" since the incident was repetitive and doubtful public sentiment is in favor of Lauletta at this stated by the Daily News with this sentiment: He then refused to produce his license or get out of his car when ordered to, and played the “I’m-A-Giant-And-I’m-Late-For-Work’’ card in an attempt to justify his actions.
The NY media is brutal. They accused Coach Shurmur of covering up, because he initially said everyone was at practice on Tuesday. He was not aware that Lauletta missed any practice time. The important point here is he did not know where Lauletta was, which means that Lauletta's presence was not important to him. That tells me that there are no plans to play Kyle anytime soon. But JMHO.
What, you can't lower the window when you're playing the celebrity card?

And I really have to question his judgement for buying a Jag
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And I really have to question his judgement for buying a Jag

Jags are not expensive nor known as prestigious.Maybe back in the day.Are not anywhere in the same class or quality or prestige as MB or BMW or Audi or Porsche or Lamborghini or Ferrari or Maserati.There are an array in varying prices.May be made in Britian but owned by TATA who also owns Land Rover.You can lease the Jags as you know rather than buy,like any Chevrolet.
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Tata Motors Limited stock is awful..................they need to get their act together.................
Unfortunately I think this issue shows that Kyle likely will never be a franchise QB. Not because of the police incident per se, but because of the timing. If you’re a young QB and you think that you’re going to be the man, you prepare like it. You’re one of the first ones at the facility. You’re watching film. You’re getting the reps you can’t get during practice. You’re not running so late you have to make illegal turns. If you have to be asked, you’re not the right kind of guy. I hope I’m proved wrong someday but this story brings to light to me the bigger issue.
A buddy of mine rebuilt a '69 e-type. It was a sweet looking car. It looked really sharp. He took me on Patterson Avenue into Goochland. The whole car was rattling and shaking. The gas tank had rusted out and he had a gas can in the back with tubes running into the engine. It was a death trap. At that point, it was not even that old.
A buddy of mine rebuilt a '69 e-type. It was a sweet looking car. It looked really sharp. He took me on Patterson Avenue into Goochland. The whole car was rattling and shaking. The gas tank had rusted out and he had a gas can in the back with tubes running into the engine. It was a death trap. At that point, it was not even that old.

D type coming:

Jaguar Will Make 25 New D-Type Roadsters for Die-Hard Devotees and OBJ salary.
D type coming:

Jaguar Will Make 25 New D-Type Roadsters for Die-Hard Devotees and OBJ salary
Now this is a good idea "At the time, designers followed a practice that originated in the field of aviation: stashing the fuel in the vehicle’s tail." So what happens if you are rear ended?

Indian Jaguar?
Maylasian Lotus?
London Public Aston Martin & Rolls Royce?
Any British cars still British?

And after this shouldn’t auto discussion be on off topic?
How ironic that he got busted where he did for doing the Jersey Slide.
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