I promise...

Not that interesting.

Not every one-liner requires an immediate memesplain. It's OK to leave the mic on the floor.

It really is interesting. Alums care about the football team and students couldn't give half a damn. Not sure how that isn't interesting...

Also what a weird thing to say in response to somebody. Absolute mad lad!
I’m a nerd and I love football. I also went to one game my entire time at UR.

I think there are a lot of things that compete for student time, particularly during weekday b-ball games. Doesn’t address football of course.
In my 4 years at U of R, I went to all home football & basketball games as well as some out of town. I've continued to go to games ever since.

I have no problem pointing out mediocrity and complacency. To those on this site who don't shy away from that, I say, keep on keeping on. If it's a fact, then don't deny or dance around it. Our basketball team is in a state of extended mediocrity. We all want better.
I was just cracking a joke to lighten the mood, not start an off-topic conversation about student football attendance. The poster I was responding to (MrTBone) got it.

I'm a football player. That discussion's been done to death on the Football Board.

(I also probably misinterpreted
Another entire Thread dedicated to this?
as directed at the attendance conversation)
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The thing that puzzles me about this thinking, is what makes people believe others are "happy/content/satisfied/accepting" just because every post is not negative?

It is the posts by some (Ulla, S-man, sheesh that may be it at this point), that continue to point to the not to distant future as being brighter. And than when that future time arrives, they just push the timeline back a bit further. We've been hearing that for 7 years now, just wait till next year, just wait till this happens, if only this would have happened. At some point, it has to be happen. And at some point, you have to ask, is it ever going to happen, unless something meaningful is changed within our program.

I've asked repeatedly, when is the last time something really positive has happened with our basketball program. When is the last time our basketball program has garnered any type of national media attention for on court success? Those questions go unanswered because if you have to look in the mirror objectively, you seem some pretty darn unpleasant things.

And as long as we continue down the same path that brought us here, than yes, I feel it is my job as an alumni, as a season ticket holder, as someone who cares deeply about the University of Richmond to shine that light, ask those questions, and question the leadership that has brought us 7 years of largely unmet expectations. I am glad I have some brothers who feel the same way, I do. And no, we are not going to go away because we all care too much about this to go away.

If that rubs some on here the wrong way, than so be it. At some point, our program will be back on solid ground, and we will all celebrate that time together. And as always, with Chris, he is the head coach, it is entirely within his hands to be that person to get us back there. As I've said before, if he does his job better, he shuts us all up and makes us naysayers look like fools.
My posts seem to keep switching back and forth from negative to positive to back again. Maybe what 23 had is contagious...

Or maybe I keep trying to figure out how to apply the serenity prayer to the situation...
I only speak for myself, but I’m not saying don’t complain. I don’t even see people telling folks not to complain. I’m just trying to understand what the objective is at this point.

If it’s to annoy the f out of a broad cut of fans, then mission accomplished. If it’s to simply vent, mission accomplished, although that can be done in one’s diary or at a bar over drinks and need not be done here repeatedly. If it’s to move the needle with someone in power to change things, then mission failed.

I’m seriously trying to understand what you guys are hoping for, because for the life of me I can’t figure out what it is.
Its likely to grt as many fans on board so the voice is louder just like any other social movement.
It really is interesting. Alums care about the football team and students couldn't give half a damn. Not sure how that isn't interesting...
Also what a weird thing to say in response to somebody. Absolute mad lad!

For me, aside from a few opportunities to be on a few "ad hoc committees" until a few years ago, following sports at UR has been the exclusive means by which I have maintained my connection with alma mater. Even when I lived outside of the Richmond area, I attended numerous football and basketball games.

Because of my father, I have been involved in following UR since eighth grade. I rarely missed either a football or basketball game prior to earning Alumniship. According to what has been posted on this board about the lack of student interest in football, all I can say is that such was not my experience while at UR. Along with fraternity brothers and friends, many of whom I am still close to, we always had a good crowd and a fun time at football games. But even if the attitudes have changed, I see no reason why we can't again begin to draw interest from the students. It may take some work, but it would be worth the effort.
My goal isn't to bring about a head coaching change. My goal is to stay mentally connected to U of R athletics and not become so complacent that I just don't care anymore (like I don't care about the Redskins any longer)
My goal isn't to bring about a head coaching change. My goal is to stay mentally connected to U of R athletics and not become so complacent that I just don't care anymore (like I don't care about the Redskins any longer)

a very reasonable goal