Great Coaching Example

If you look at Mooney and Tarrant, one thing that always sticks out is I always felt like we had a chance going into every game with Tarrant - whether we had the horses to run with the other team or not. The last 5-6 years I feel the opposite. If we have the better team, a good shot at getting upset. If we are way over matched, no chance.
And when the end of game strategy time comes, cover your eyes and pray for a KA or Gilly bail out.
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I know of at least one former player who did not care for CM and neither did his folks. By most accounts CM seems like a decent guy but I suspect he has his detractors, you just don’t really hear about them.

To your point though, it would be great (?) if evaluations were made solely on coaching performance.

I can say I know guys that were under JB that loved him, another that hated him. Guys under JW that worshipped everything he stood for. Guys that would fight you if you said a cross word about Mooney and others that would quickly throw him under a bus.

Not going to rush to judgement about a coach based upon one-off feelings. If I recall, I think a few on here had players saying a lot of things about Tarrant and he's near untouchable in some circles.
Yikes!! One player in 14 years did not like him. What a terrible person our coach must be.
You are predictably defensive. I didn’t say it was the norm, nor the only one, just one I know personally having sat next to his parents for four years. If you think this is the only case you’re terribly naive.

CM has had players that don’t love him. He has some that do. I don’t know that either has much to do with wins and losses.
I would not get too caught up in players opinions with one exception - if the majority do not like the coach, that is an issue.
Players pick schools for the coach - so the expectation from day 1 is that they are going to like them and defend them. And your always going to have a few here and there who are unhappy because of outside issues or playing time, etc. So having a couple kids here and there who do not like the coach, is not a problem to me. By all accounts - from Beilein, to Wainwright, to now Mooney - players who played for them - like the coach.
I agree with Spider23 - even with more recent examples. Under Beilien - I thought we had a chance against everyone - BUT - i did feel like at times, if the shots were not falling early, you knew we were in trouble and probably uphill battle to win. Wainwright - always felt like we had a chance, because his teams were built on defense. The games and offense at times we ugly - but very rarely, if at all - did I feel like we never had a chance to win. Mooney - very similar to Beilein, if we start well, and are hitting shots - I feel good. But I always worry about that dry spell that Mooney's teams seem to always seem to experience where we go 3-5 minutes with little to no scoring, get behind and can't come back. So even when we are up 6 or 8 in the 2nd half, I worry we will not hold on.
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