Grant Golden

Stopped by the RC yesterday afternoon. Some of our guys were playing a pickup game. It is nice to see how much these guys enjoy playing with each other; something special is brewing. Joe Kirby was playing; he seems like a guy everyone likes and respects. If he chooses, he will someday be a great coach. The speed and skill of Jacob was on display as was that of Grant, who by the way got a haircut and looks great. Buck of course was a leader and is shooting well. Tomas has a good handle and if JJ’s arms get any bigger they are likely to pop. Love JJ’s enthusiasm; he certainly plays an important role as three point shooter and a no backdown enforcer. All in all, it was a great day for this retired Spider living a dream. By the way, the Spiders beat Princeton in baseball!
Sounds good that Grant cut his hair. Now he can stop being distracted by it during the games! Lol.
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I would love to see GG develop Buckinghams demeanor. Play hard nosed ball on both ends and accept the results without comment. I think the refs respect that more and maybe even give a little slack.