
For one, I linked other articles from more regarded sites discussing Mooney being on the hot seat. Secondly, just because it isn’t written by Jon Rothstein or Jeff Goodman, doesn’t take away from the fact that there are people who are outsiders to our program who don’t think Mooney should be coaching for us. These opinions don’t need to come from a Pulitzer Prize recipient to hold any merit. I only highlighted this article because some posters on this forum believe that it is only a handful of Richmond supporters on here that think Mooney should be fired. I just wanted to point out that this is not the case.
Thanks for posting it. It was funny.
You don't need to justify it or add any disclaimers.

It's also enlightening that we got by far the shortest write up. That's how irrelevant we've become in the A10, at least to those Dayton fans.
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And for the most part those critiques were legit. It wasn't like they intentionally trashed every program. The ones that are good earned praise.
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And for the most part those critiques were legit. It wasn't like they intentionally trashed every program. The ones that are good earned praise.

They did show La Salle's logo as a trash can, and deservedly so. After reading the article, i think the Dayton guy 1) calls it like it is, 2) realize we're underachieving big time, and 3) hates VCU because they're the invited guests who have raided the refrigerator, left muddy tracks all over the carpet, left this horrible stench in the house and convinced your kids to turn into kleptomaniacs.
Posters on here point to the negative or positive posters and try to say the "other group" is a small minority. Most that know me personally know I am a die hard Spider fan and have been for years. As a result Spider sports is a frequent topic of discussion with people I encounter. After you eliminate those that really have little interest, or little knowledge about the Spiders, I see a very clear pattern. And it is not just limited to UR alum, etc, it includes general sports fans.

There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.

I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.
Even worse many of my fellow spider fans just don't care anymore, they don't attend games, they certainly don't read this board. The few that do, I honestly can't think of any that are happy or even a realistic level of hopeful about the program. Loyalty is the only thing making those that attend, attend.

" So you say there's a chance" next year.
You nailed it I-M-UR. In some ways the current state of our basketball program is akin to the stock market. Downturns don't last forever. Average or mean downturn in the stock market is 119 days. Don't have a clue what it is as far as the condition of our basketball program - just know it won't last forever. Loyalty was a trait imbued into me early on and being disloyal is not an option. My expectations are very low, muted, however you want to put it but enjoy very much seeing fellow Spider fans at the Robins Center.

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