

Jan 9, 2003
Posters on here point to the negative or positive posters and try to say the "other group" is a small minority. Most that know me personally know I am a die hard Spider fan and have been for years. As a result Spider sports is a frequent topic of discussion with people I encounter. After you eliminate those that really have little interest, or little knowledge about the Spiders, I see a very clear pattern. And it is not just limited to UR alum, etc, it includes general sports fans.

There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.

I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.
Posters on here point to the negative or positive posters and try to say the "other group" is a small minority. Most that know me personally know I am a die hard Spider fan and have been for years. As a result Spider sports is a frequent topic of discussion with people I encounter. After you eliminate those that really have little interest, or little knowledge about the Spiders, I see a very clear pattern. And it is not just limited to UR alum, etc, it includes general sports fans.

There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.

I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.
Fan1, have not had similar experiences; most of those encountered by me support our current regime. Find it especially disappointing that you would use your perceived bully pulpit to support your personal agenda and that of your friends. Not surprising. Just disappointing.
I haven't commented on this board in some time because of what I have read. I haven't seem many games in person but I support the team all the time. I watch every game that is on tv or streamed. While the record has been less than what I expected, I still support then and see improvement each game. They need our support now!!!
Go Spiders!!!
If that were the case Mooney would be gone and as my post early today stated, I think he is more likely to get a contract extension.
Obviously most of my friends feel the same I do, that a change is necessary. I have encountered some "fans" who aren't really diehards but go to some games and have fun. They're basically not aware of our record, historical standing, etc. but just go to have fun. They fall into the Flying Squirrels demographic that has been discussed here before – people who don't care about the results but who just want to go to a sporting event and have fun for two hours.
Fan1, have not had similar experiences; most of those encountered by me support our current regime. Find it especially disappointing that you would use your perceived bully pulpit to support your personal agenda and that of your friends. Not surprising. Just disappointing.

"My bully pulpit", "my personal agenda", I am surprised by and disappointed by your response. We must travel in different circles, I am simply repeating things I have heard and inquiring if others see/hear the same, sorry that you feel otherwise.
To be as honest as possible, there is not one person I know that follows the program that thinks that our program is in a good state right now. Furthermore, not one person still believes that Mooney is the answer. The closest I can think of is one friend of mine that follows UR sports had made the argument (prior to this season) that Mooney has been handcuffed by the administration, facilities, and us being a small school. However, after conversing with him more and giving him some statistical facts as well as the start of this season, he conceded that Mooney needs to go. Additionally a friend of mine is an older alumnus who has been a big donor with the program and I can tell you he isn't happy with the state of our program. I never asked him whether we should fire Mooney explicitly, but he did tell me that he thinks we need a new direction.

I even visit the VCU forum from time to time (I know, I know) and its gotten to the point there that some posters don't even jokingly wish that Mooney should get another 10 year extension anymore, and instead question when we will let Mooney go. Maybe SpiderDaMan can provide more insight?

Finally here are some neutral people saying to either Fire Mooney or a report that he is on the hot seat:

Article -

Podcast from fans of A10 saying that their “gift to us” is a new coach. Listen from the 6 min mark to 7:20

Hot seat articles:


At the end of the day, I know that this board can seem like an echo chamber, but there is plenty of evidence - both anecdotal and objective reports - to me that suggest that many people are not happy with the status of our program or think that Mooney is on the hot seat and the next reasonable thing is to think a coaching change is imminent.
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"My bully pulpit", "my personal agenda", I am surprised by and disappointed by your response. We must travel in different circles, I am simply repeating things I have heard and inquiring if others see/hear the same, sorry that you feel otherwise.
Sorry that your experiences differ from mine. Please accept the fact that people’s experiences can differ. I accept that your experiences differ from my own. At least repect me. Whew.
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The 7 rows behind the home bench are all Mooney supporters. The terrace that is usually filled probably has a few Mooney supporters. The rank and file season ticket holder (like myself) think a change is needed.

I'd rather support the program and have it win so it's more enjoyable to watch for the money we shell out. Right now it's not. We spend the money to support the kids on the court. We do it for them, not for Mooney. I think it's not fair to the kids to have to be in a downtrodden program right now.

We also pay the $25 for season tickets to women's games. We go to maybe 5 games a year but we buy season tickets to benefit the girls because they need all the help they can get. I think a change is needed there, too, so it would be more enjoyable to watch so you wouldn't hang your head in shame as you go through the doors.
Sorry that your experiences differ from mine. Please accept the fact that people’s experiences can differ. I accept that your experiences differ from my own. At least repect me. Whew.

I do respect you and your opinion, I hope I have always shown that. And I absolutely acknowledge that experiences can differ. Frankly that was the real point of my post, to inquire as to the honest observations of others. Frankly I am surprised by some of the unsolicited comments I hear at Spider events, games, functions, etc. As I said I don't think I surround myself with negative nancies and wanted to see the comments of others.
The few that I converse with do not like Mooney. A few of them despised his style of play from day 1. I reached out to a fellow grad about going to a game up here in New England the last couple years and no interest, indicated no faith in Mooney and lack of product on the court.
I'll start by saying that I am tired, very tired of the mess that we call UR athletics. Then to answer the question I'll say that a large majority of the people I discuss UR sports with feel that changes need to be made. That includes friends, neighbors, fellow alums, and people I don't even know that see my UR cap and offer condolences.
So there's no real agenda against the coaches or our student athletes. There's just the desire for something to change to get us out of the rut we are in. And the changes need to be visible, concrete evidence that everyone from Crutcher down is on board. And the just wait and see promise doesn't cut it!
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Sorry that your experiences differ from mine. Please accept the fact that people’s experiences can differ. I accept that your experiences differ from my own. At least repect me. Whew.
This is some Grade-A bull, ulla. Fan1 asks a completely open-ended question literally INVITING people to share their experiences of any kind and simply offering his own observations. You proceed to attack him, and then when he responds, you demand that he respect you, and you act as if somehow he had personally insulted you when he hadn't. Look in the mirror.
64, think looking at the ROB for football, the Robins Center for basketball, we have invested, spent the money, shown support in that way. not to mention the new football locker room, etc. if one looks back historically, our two main teams have had limited success for over a century, yes some really great years, bowls, national championship, ncaa participation, wins, two sweet 16s but many, many, more years of just bad teams and no success. heck, our first postseason game in basketball was in 1982, a nit against maryland and lefty but for the first number of decades, nothing so to think we have some great history, don't, just not there. since 1982, we did do better, had a couple of good coaches but we have not had the success that some feel and that we should be able to replicate the great seasons easily, we cannot or history shows, we cannot, at least consistently. when we have had the right coaches, rarely, we have competed and the fans responded but we have to have the right coaches and keeping that in mind, the one we have now took us to our second sweet 16. we all want to win and compete and dance, not that easy but is what we all want, badly. just don't think we can look at what we have done for our programs and say the administration does not care, that is not true, we have some of the best facilities nationally and for our size, probably the best. because our administration chooses to honor a contract does not mean they do not care.
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I’ve been a season ticket holder for 15 years and a fan for 30, I’ve never seen this level of consternation over basketball here. That includes the Dooley days. Some of it is exacerbated by immediacy of info via web/social media. But there’s a broad malaise among alumni/fans in my circle for sure. I have a couple of good friends who are vcu guys and they stopped even bringing b-ball up around me knowing how brutal the topic is.

To answer the original question, I’d be hard-pressed to identify someone who is a supporter of CM. But I’m not sure that means a ton until the RC is a quarter full on a regular basis.
I have been coming to Richmond basketball games ever since I was kid. The games seem way too predictable. We get a lead keep it for a while then fold the last five minutes. I used to get really upset when a lead slips away and the opponent takes the lead. Its been the last seven years that have done me in. Especially recently losing to in-state opponents. Its just not exciting or entertaining going to games where the crowd just waits for the lead to disappear.
"My bully pulpit", "my personal agenda", I am surprised by and disappointed by your response. We must travel in different circles, I am simply repeating things I have heard and inquiring if others see/hear the same, sorry that you feel otherwise.
You shouldn't take Ulla seriously when it comes to anything beyond cheerleading. No one else on this board does. He would put Pollyanna to shame. His reporting on practices, the prowess of recruits, and the potential of players, needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I think we all get that.

But that said, his undiminished blind allegiance to the current regime gives me pause. I worry about my judgment in what I once heralded as his devotion to UR as a positive. His behavior is beginning to demonstrate to me that his "fandom" may be injurious to success in athletics at UR. I hope that he will step back and take a good look at this.

This is not a personal attack, merely an observation, and a request to re-examine a position not shared by but a very few, and I am not basing my observation on a "fire Mooney" agenda.
I have a core group of friends from UR that used to regularly talk about Spiders hoops. Over the last few years every single one of us has grown tired of Mooney. The worst part is that this year there has literally been zero talk about Spiders basketball this season. None of us remainrd in Richmond after graduation but this is a group of guys who drove from Richmond to Milwaukee in 2004 when we were sophomores, regularly went to the A10 tournament when it was in AC, and try to get to any games when they are in reasonable proximity. They all have just given up.

Ulla, your response to Fan1 is an embarrassment. You are living in a complete fantasy land.
am sure we all think that we have a right to our opinion on here because that is what is on here, opinion. now, some of us may think that only our opinion is correct, that is OK too but no matter the deal, have to respect that we all do not think alike and that is good. guess the only thing i scratch my head about is seeing the Ulla, call for RH to go on here. that could have been a joke i did not get, not sure but you cannot support one coach through years of trials but only give the other coach two years and want him gone, does not compute. in addition, U seems to have a personal grudge against A and that is bothersome because he puts his heart and soul into making our board the best it can be with limited resources and should be thanked not attacked.
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Everyone on here knows where I stand, I made that very clear. By while, I am very vocal on here and I don't walk around wearing an FMM shirt in daily life. People that know me, know I am a die-hard Richmond spider fan and an alum and that is that.

I don't honestly know one person within my circle who is optimistic about our program. I know a fair amount of fans that I both know personally and who I've gotten to know through my season tickets who are disgusted with the program and feel that change needs to occur. That number of folks has grown substantially over the past year.

Scott Van Pelt just came out with a great article about the Redskins fan experience yesterday and to me struck a lot of chords with me and how I feel about our program and the dangers that our program currently faces.
all it takes is winning and the REDSKINS had it going this season but lost their first two qbs and were toast but if alex smith had remained healthy, don't think van pelt could have made his comments. it can turn on a dime either way. yes, for long time fans, has been difficult since mr. cook passed, too many coaches, a front office which could use some help. the point is, snyder has always been a huge REDSKIN fan, willing to spend, wants a winner but cannot get out of his own way. if the SKINS can turn it around, the fans will be back in mass very shortly, not something that is gone forever, that is silly.
I have friends who have had season tickets since the Dooley era, I believe. I would consider them Mooney defenders. They live in the hypothetical: "If Macolm Bernard ...., then ....." "If Cedrick doesn't ......, then ......" I try to keep an open mind and have asked the question. I know they dislike the FMM, and they haven't definitively stated they want to see a change. They know that I'm done so they hold back. At the Maine football game, they didn't even want to talk about the basketball game the night before (loss to Longwood).

My business partner and I are both former Spider athletes. He still goes to the games, though he believes it's now time for a change. He respects my decision not to attend. We mutually agreed that the best message we could send is not spending any marketing dollars at the RC, and communicating the reason.

I get the sense that inside the building they are ignorant of the level of fan dissatisfaction.
all it takes is winning and the REDSKINS had it going this season but lost their first two qbs and were toast but if alex smith had remained healthy, don't think van pelt could have made his comments. it can turn on a dime either way. yes, for long time fans, has been difficult since mr. cook passed, too many coaches, a front office which could use some help. the point is, snyder has always been a huge REDSKIN fan, willing to spend, wants a winner but cannot get out of his own way. if the SKINS can turn it around, the fans will be back in mass very shortly, not something that is gone forever, that is silly.

Not to distract about the Skins but yes Spinner I agree, winning cures a lot of ails. However, I think a couple lines really hit home.

“Erosion can happen slowly, be difficult to decipher. The erosion to our program has been slow as well and that makes it more difficult to see sometime. But where this program was in 2011 and where it is now, are really far apart.

The stadium, which was in the bottom third in attendance this season, was completely overrun by Philadelphia Eagles fans. I wonder what the RC is going to feel like when we host VCU this year.
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Not to distract about the Skins but yes Spinner I agree, winning cures a lot of ails. However, I think a couple lines really hit home.

“Erosion can happen slowly, be difficult to decipher. The erosion to our program has been slow as well and that makes it more difficult to see sometime. But where this program was in 2011 and where it is now, are really far apart.

The stadium, which was in the bottom third in attendance this season, was completely overrun by Philadelphia Eagles fans. I wonder what the RC is going to feel like when we host VCU this year.

Lots of parallels in those stories. I will say that the "fan experience" - especially for families - is still good at RC. It's atrocious at FedEx Field.
Have had seasons tickets to men's basketball since early 1980's as soon as I lived close enough to make it to games. When Tarrant became our coach and we beat Wake in a December game I was ecstatic. Then when Tarrant led us to consistent NCAA and NIT appearances it was literally a dream come true. I never imagined Richmond would reach that level. I have a very high admiration level for Dick Tarrant, a U.S. Marine, who held players accountable. Remember his statement about life being unfair when he said if life was fair there wouldn't be war veterans, there wouldn't be cerebral palsy wards, and one more item that I can't remember. In other words you do not make excuses you move forward. It is the military deal where the only responses are Yes Sir, No Sir, No Excuse Sir. Our school has gone to great lengths to improve our athletic facilities and I rank the Robins Center as one of the best in the country (although I am puzzled why the men's bathroom crowding has not been solved - was not a problem until the new Robins Center). We are also spending huge amounts of money particularly for our basketball coaches salary. The return on that investment does not cut it. How long we can "drift along" with no NCAA tournament appearance since 2011 and in the meantime our cross town rival runs circles around us is a nagging reality. My disdain for Broad Street U remains but do admit I have a grudging admiration for what they have accomplished. Will continue to support the team in any manner I can including attendance. Would be great with me if Mooney went on a winning streak and never lost another game or emulated Saban's football record with losses being so rare that when they happen it is newsworthy. In an intended "understatement" that obviously has not happened. Change appears inevitable with the question being how long will we drift?
I’ve been a fan since receiving my acceptance letter in 2004. I sat in the mostly empty stadium, by myself, watching some of the darkest years of Richmond basketball.

My girlfriend asked me earlier this year if I wanted to go to Richmond for a game (we came down from Boston for the George Mason game last year). I unfortunately had to explain to her that with the state of our program, it would be a waste this year. Maybe next year.

At this point, I don’t know anyone who follows Richmond b-ball that still supports Mooney going forward. Even years ago, when discussing Mooney, my friends and I always described him as a great person but only an ok coach.

In a perfect world I would want Richmond to have a coach that is both a great person and a great coach, but after the Mooney experience, I think I’m ready for us to have a coach who is a great coach but only an ok person.
"My bully pulpit", "my personal agenda", I am surprised by and disappointed by your response. We must travel in different circles, I am simply repeating things I have heard and inquiring if others see/hear the same, sorry that you feel otherwise.
Ulla obvious
"My bully pulpit", "my personal agenda", I am surprised by and disappointed by your response. We must travel in different circles, I am simply repeating things I have heard and inquiring if others see/hear the same, sorry that you feel otherwise.
Ulla is obviously a relativevof CM or his bestie. His opinions are irrelevant.
On topic, I am very close to many of my kids friends who graduated in 2017 and all of them dont even pay attention to ur hoops anymore because the team has performed so poorly. When they started at URtheywere excited for basketball but now if I bring it up its “we suck” “not worth caring” and “fire Mooney”. Ulla is in a fantasy world surrounded by program insiders. The level of interest in this program is at an alltime low and whaT is spoken by non insiders is almost all negative.
Ulla obvious

Ulla is obviously a relativevof CM or his bestie. His opinions are irrelevant.
On topic, I am very close to many of my kids friends who graduated in 2017 and all of them dont even pay attention to ur hoops anymore because the team has performed so poorly. When they started at URtheywere excited for basketball but now if I bring it up its “we suck” “not worth caring” and “fire Mooney”. Ulla is in a fantasy world surrounded by program insiders. The level of interest in this program is at an alltime low and whaT is spoken by non insiders is almost all negative.

If that's the case, I think that speaks volumes on how much tunnel vision the Athletic Department is experiencing. Don't they see the box scores? Don't they see the shrinking attendance?
Here's another article that talks about firing Mooney (when highlighting a synopsis of each A10 team so far this season) written by someone who is neutral with our program. For anyone who thinks that it is only a few us on this board who believe Mooney should be let go, here is - yet another - example of an outsider's perspective of our program and our coaching.

Here's what he wrote about us:

Richmond (6-7)

Best win: Fire Chris Mooney

Worst loss: Fire Chris Mooney

What’s up with them? They haven’t fired their coach, Chris Mooney, yet, and they should’ve like two seasons ago.

Do they matter? Not until they fire Chris Mooney.

Can they win the A10? In the distant future when Chris Mooney isn’t the coach.
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Here's another article that talks about firing Mooney (when highlighting a synopsis of each A10 team so far this season) written by someone who is neutral with our program. For anyone who thinks that it is only a few us on this board who believe Mooney should be let go, here is - yet another - example of an outsider's perspective of our program and our coaching.

Here's what he wrote about us:

Richmond (6-7)

Best win: Fire Chris Mooney

Worst loss: Fire Chris Mooney

What’s up with them? They haven’t fired their coach, Chris Mooney, yet, and they should’ve like two seasons ago.

Do they matter? Not until they fire Chris Mooney.

Can they win the A10? In the distant future when Chris Mooney isn’t the coach.

I’ll admit that made me laugh.
Here's another article that talks about firing Mooney (when highlighting a synopsis of each A10 team so far this season) written by someone who is neutral with our program. For anyone who thinks that it is only a few us on this board who believe Mooney should be let go, here is - yet another - example of an outsider's perspective of our program and our coaching.

Here's what he wrote about us:

Richmond (6-7)

Best win: Fire Chris Mooney

Worst loss: Fire Chris Mooney

What’s up with them? They haven’t fired their coach, Chris Mooney, yet, and they should’ve like two seasons ago.

Do they matter? Not until they fire Chris Mooney.

Can they win the A10? In the distant future when Chris Mooney isn’t the coach.

Did you read the article? You probably should have mentioned the guy talks bad about nearly all A-10 teams, with constant humor mixed in. It is fine to share and agree with what he said, but you should probably let people know what type of article this is.
Not to distract about the Skins but yes Spinner I agree, winning cures a lot of ails. However, I think a couple lines really hit home.

“Erosion can happen slowly, be difficult to decipher. The erosion to our program has been slow as well and that makes it more difficult to see sometime. But where this program was in 2011 and where it is now, are really far apart.

The stadium, which was in the bottom third in attendance this season, was completely overrun by Philadelphia Eagles fans. I wonder what the RC is going to feel like when we host VCU this year.
Agree 97, but if we do well starting off with all these away games, then some positive vibes
could return to the RC. A level of winning consistency needs to occur to bring me back.
Posters on here point to the negative or positive posters and try to say the "other group" is a small minority. Most that know me personally know I am a die hard Spider fan and have been for years. As a result Spider sports is a frequent topic of discussion with people I encounter. After you eliminate those that really have little interest, or little knowledge about the Spiders, I see a very clear pattern. And it is not just limited to UR alum, etc, it includes general sports fans.

There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.

I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.
After speaking at length with John Hardt in November, I am convinced that admissions is no longer on a different page than the athletic department. Keith Gill is gone. Football is having an excellent recruiting year. Good things are happening.

As I mentioned in a different thread, we now have to stick it out until the season is over and see what Mr. Hardt does if Richmond only wins a few conference games. And therein lies the problem - we all have to WAIT. I never had much patience when I was younger; and now I have even less, since I am retired and am in my late '60's. It is going to possibly be a long basketball season. Hopefully, we can all retain our sanity.
Did you read the article? You probably should have mentioned the guy talks bad about nearly all A-10 teams, with constant humor mixed in. It is fine to share and agree with what he said, but you should probably let people know what type of article this is.

It was a funny article but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that even outsiders of the program realize our program has been struggling with Mooney at the helm. Of all the things he could’ve mentioned when writing about us, I don’t think it was a coincidence that he focused on coaching.
It was a funny article but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that even outsiders of the program realize our program has been struggling with Mooney at the helm. Of all the things he could’ve mentioned when writing about us, I don’t think it was a coincidence that he focused on coaching.

Understood, but it was not like it was article on espn or usa today. It was a humorous article from some Dayton guy.
Understood, but it was not like it was article on espn or usa today. It was a humorous article from some Dayton guy.

For one, I linked other articles from more regarded sites discussing Mooney being on the hot seat. Secondly, just because it isn’t written by Jon Rothstein or Jeff Goodman, doesn’t take away from the fact that there are people who are outsiders to our program who don’t think Mooney should be coaching for us. These opinions don’t need to come from a Pulitzer Prize recipient to hold any merit. I only highlighted this article because some posters on this forum believe that it is only a handful of Richmond supporters on here that think Mooney should be fired. I just wanted to point out that this is not the case.

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