Posters on here point to the negative or positive posters and try to say the "other group" is a small minority. Most that know me personally know I am a die hard Spider fan and have been for years. As a result Spider sports is a frequent topic of discussion with people I encounter. After you eliminate those that really have little interest, or little knowledge about the Spiders, I see a very clear pattern. And it is not just limited to UR alum, etc, it includes general sports fans.
There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.
I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.
There is a clear consensus that UR is under performing on the Court and a change is needed. I am surprised by some that I hear making similar comments, diehards such as myself, former BoT members, huge donors, the comments I hear in the RC stands before, during, and after games are consistent. I could go on, but my point is those I encounter that truly support our current state are small in number in comparison.
I don't believe I have surrounded myself with "negative nancies", but I am curious to see if others have had similar experiences with people NOT associated with these boards.