Could football be far behind?


Graduate Assistant
May 8, 2003
Annapolis, MD
I read today that the new asst. AD at George Mason is Darrel Green, hall of famer from the Redskins.
Their AD is an ex Redskin too. Could football be far behind? I don't think so.
AD at GMU was a teammate of Green on the Redskins.Brad Stevens was hired 2 years ago as AD of GMU and now hired one of his buddies
to help on the fundraising side.HOF Darryl Green is very well thought of in Metro DC circles.
GMU would be crazy to start up football.Their BOT would be big thumbs down unless there is a benefactor out there with $150M to endow a program.


By - Associated Press - Monday, June 2, 2014
Former NFL safety Brad Edwards is the new athletic director at George Mason.

The school announced Monday that Edwards will replace Tom O'Connor, who is retiring July 1.

Edwards has been athletic director at Jacksonville since 2012. He has also been the AD at Newberry College and an assistant AD at South Carolina.

Edwards played nine seasons in the NFL, including four with the Washington Redskins. He was the defensive co-captain of the Redskins team that won the Super Bowl in the 1991 season.

O'Connor announced in March he was retiring after 20 years at GMU.
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Too expensive right now to startup. What conference will take them? Doubt the CAA would and no way fbs school would. Plus they'd have to compete with 3 historically successful programs in the state not to mention ODU. Would need the A10 to pick it back up and that ain't happening, not until at least next round of expansion if ever. Maybe when the dust settles at the top with the power 5 schools maybe we will see something but I just can't fathom that at the moment.

They could always go the non scholarship, pioneer route I suppose.
There's been a few times GMU has considered football. They are concerned with the fact that the campus is
pretty much a transient student body, with little reason to keep the students home or have the alumni
return with the exception of basketball of course.
I wouldn't write the idea off. They could start at a Patriot League level and work their way up. What league does Georgetown play in?
Georgetown moved their football program from D-III to the MAAC in 1993 when the NCAA barred schools from operating in different divisions. They moved to the Patriot in 2001. They've struggled there, and it's only gotten more challenging since the Patriot started allowing scholarships and Georgetown elected not to add them.

Can't really see the Patriot being interested in adding a fledgling GMU program. Don't really see a great conference fit for them...NEC a possibility, but they're outside the football footprint of that conference. Maybe Big South too...with them adding Monmouth for football out of desperation, GMU wouldn't be a terrible geographic fit now.
maybe yeager could pull together odu, umwcah, gmu, vcu, delaware, charlotte, coastal, a few others to form a new football conf to move quickly up to become a power 5
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