"Chris Mooney is a great representative of the University of Richmond"


Spider's Club
Feb 8, 2004
Why do we perpetuate this narrative?

I am not a loser nor do i want to be associated with losers. This program loses way to much and is led by someone who is OK with way too much losing.

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Can we put this statement to bed? Chris Mooney is a mamby pamby loser at leading our basketball program.

I am not a loser. Are you losers, my fellow UR alumni and supporters?

Can we please kill this narrative?
Agree, it's a cop out talking point. This is a requirement of any UR employee, alumnae, etc. If you weren't, you'd be gone anyway. Coaches are paid to create winning teams and college graduates (unless you're KY and Duke these days). If he or she can't succeed in doing both consistently, then should be fired. Simple as that.
Isn't Fundraising called Advancement now a days? Maybe the final three years of his contract we could transfer him over to that department so he could use his skills to at least raise an amount annually equal to the the remaining money on his contract. He can talk "Rah Rah UR" with potential donors. Let him keep his Escalade and give him season tickets to FB and BB.
This would be similar to the "soft landing" we gave Gill.
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