I think what frustrates me the most and leaves me feeling despair is the success cap we now face. I am sure we can improve slightly. But the best Mooney is capable of on his best day is an NIT run or a NCAA appearance miracle once in a blue moon. This is not acceptable, and if that is all we hope for, it isn't worth my time, energy, or emotion.
It feels like we are on a 3 or 4 year plan just to make it to the NIT again. And somehow that is considered ok.
It also struck me way back whenever it was we made the Sweet16, Mooney said something to the effect that if we were ever FORTUNATE enough to make it back to the Sweet16, it would be remarkable. Why not aim higher, built on, don't treat it like a miracle. His attitude and lack of motivation is the reason his low bar cap is in place.
It feels like we are on a 3 or 4 year plan just to make it to the NIT again. And somehow that is considered ok.
It also struck me way back whenever it was we made the Sweet16, Mooney said something to the effect that if we were ever FORTUNATE enough to make it back to the Sweet16, it would be remarkable. Why not aim higher, built on, don't treat it like a miracle. His attitude and lack of motivation is the reason his low bar cap is in place.