Using Harvard as an example? Wow. Interesting. No, that is not my point at all. Didn't President Ayers say that he didn't want to add sports at the expense of regular students? I agree with that decision, and I agreed with the decision to add lacrosse and drop the other two sports. Disagree with that all you want, but why is everyone acting like I am just making things up, or saying something that is wrong?
To accept that you have to accept the underlying premise that "regular" students are somehow better than student athletes. We can both cite examples of each group to support our position, but I refuse to be that close minded to place that label of inferiority on our student athletes. The ultimate goal is to assist our students to be successful in their lives, and athletics are a great lesson of life that "regular" students will never experience. So I for one will never accept Ayers decision to drop two sports because athletes are somehow inferior to "regular: students.