In 20 seasons at UR our coach has proven time and time again that he does not adapt to playing the other team to give his team a chance to win. We are going to run what we run no matter what. Do we even scout the other team? The W&M coach, just as one example, had a plan to beat us based on our personnel and how we play and they executed that. I once had a long talk with an ex-Spider player you would all know; he played for both Wainwright and Beilein. Asked the difference between the two he said that Coach W worked them real hard at every practice to do two or three things. With Coach B on the other hand, every practice was different as he had a unique plan for almost every team they played.
He scouted them and would adapt and coach the Spiders to play them in a way his players felt they always had a chance to win. Our coach is a fine man with a wonderful family, he is a good representative for the university, he creates a loyal culture and a family environment amongst his players. He is not a good X and O coach, period. Doesn't adapt from 1st to second half, doesn't adapt from team to team, doesn't appear to have a plan of attack other than do what we do. Other coaches don't have to look at the film of our last game, they all know what to expect. And for those who might say, "It's not about the x's and o's, it's about the Jimmy's and Joes", well James and Joseph are not playing for us this year. I have been watching Spider basketball since the days of Les Hooker at the Richmond Arena and have never been more discouraged, not even in our coach's first year here. My family would rather stay home and make soup than come to the RC with me. Thank goodness for the Lady Spiders! The true tragedy right now at UR is this is acceptable. We are obviously not going to find a Jordan King every year and we are not going to ADAPT in any way.
He scouted them and would adapt and coach the Spiders to play them in a way his players felt they always had a chance to win. Our coach is a fine man with a wonderful family, he is a good representative for the university, he creates a loyal culture and a family environment amongst his players. He is not a good X and O coach, period. Doesn't adapt from 1st to second half, doesn't adapt from team to team, doesn't appear to have a plan of attack other than do what we do. Other coaches don't have to look at the film of our last game, they all know what to expect. And for those who might say, "It's not about the x's and o's, it's about the Jimmy's and Joes", well James and Joseph are not playing for us this year. I have been watching Spider basketball since the days of Les Hooker at the Richmond Arena and have never been more discouraged, not even in our coach's first year here. My family would rather stay home and make soup than come to the RC with me. Thank goodness for the Lady Spiders! The true tragedy right now at UR is this is acceptable. We are obviously not going to find a Jordan King every year and we are not going to ADAPT in any way.