About Tim Walz


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
Tim Walz supported enemies of our country and of Israel.

Walz's administration reportedly donated $100,000 to Muslim cleric who praised Hitler and supported Hamas.
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz has repeatedly hosted an alleged extremist Muslim leader who pledged “unwavering support” for Palestinians after the Oct. 7 terror attack and once promoted a Neo-Nazi propaganda film praising Hitler, according to a report.

Walz, Minnesota’s two-term governor, even doled out cash to the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, which is helmed by Imam Asad Zaman.

The governor’s office has awarded more than $100,000 in funding to the Muslim non-profit in recent years, the outlet found.

If he did so many "bad" things, why was he elected in the first place, and then re-elected by 200,000 votes? It sounds as if the people he was elected to serve are quite happy with him and the job he is doing leading their state.
I guess this is for URfan1. - what does tampons in the male restrooms have to do with guns
in school?
The law is limited to restrooms frequented by menstruating females. Why are Republicans more worried about tampons in school than they are about guns in school?
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Hey don't let the facts get in the way of a good right-wing screech machine rant. What else would Faux have to talk about?
The law is limited to restrooms frequented by menstruating females. Why are Republicans more worried about tampons in school than they are about guns in school?
What makes you think they are?
I am in favor of school resource officers having guns to protect to the students, but no one I have ever
heard supports guns in school.
None of the horrible mass murders were by students with guns in school.

And no that’s not what the law says. It says tampon machines should be placed in all bathrooms.

Why is the left so in favor of not protecting the male vs. female differences? Seems perverted to me and not what I learned in biology at the University of Richmond
For you died in the wool party members, please note that our founding fathers didn’t intend for
there to be parties, and wanted the people (men at the time) to be independent and vote based
on their knowledge of the candidates. Foolishly many vote by their party and not by their knowledge
of the candidate,. More and more it has created the divisiveness we’re now experiencing.
But, of course you all know that,
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They are inevitable. Politically, birds of a feather are going to flock together.

What would best serve the country is a viable third party with centrist views. One that is not beholden to the far right or far left as each of our current parties are. A party interested in the best policies for the citizenry devoid of political considerations.
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They are inevitable. Politically, birds of a feather are going to flock together.

What would best serve the country is a viable third party with centrist views. One that is not beholden to the far right or far left as each of our current parties are. A party interested in the best policies for the citizenry devoid of political considerations.
I used to be a strong advocate for a 3rd party, but no longer. If we eliminated the electoral College it may work, we would have to make changes to the system at a minimum.
What makes you think they are?
I am in favor of school resource officers having guns to protect to the students, but no one I have ever
heard supports guns in school.
None of the horrible mass murders were by students with guns in school.

And no that’s not what the law says. It says tampon machines should be placed in all bathrooms.

Why is the left so in favor of not protecting the male vs. female differences? Seems perverted to me and not what I learned in biology at the University of Richmond
Here is the tampon language, doesn't sound perverted to me, and sounds as it recognizes biological differences. The exact language is that “products must be available to all menstruating people at no charge” and be stored in “restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.” To me, this signifies that products are probably in all girl’s bathrooms and unisex ones. If a school chooses to put them in the boy’s restroom, that would be in keeping with the law.

I'm not so old that I don't recall how devastated young girls were if they had an "accident", it happened to one of my 2 sisters, she did not want to return to school.

As for guns, read the studies about how many times a trained police officer misses in a heated situation (the last one I saw said a NY trained officer hit his target 17% of the time in a gun fight that's 83% that will hit something else). Ask the VA Beach teacher that was shot about students carrying guns.

My wife was a 24 year HS teacher and recalls well the discussions about teachers being asked to volunteer to take gun training and be armed. Even though she grew up on a farm and learned to shoot varmints, she would have quit first. She knew that students learned how to get into teachers locked property and also how reckless certain teachers were.
Would like to know the Dem ticket's proposed policies. Scant policy info on website and both shun facing the press so far.

This KC (Kamala and Coach) and the Sunshine Band act can't last until election day. At some point, voters are going to demand they engage seriously in a policy debate. Stump speech saying you are going to tame inflation and secure the border when you have had years to do both ain't going to cut it.

As Axelrod said, the campaign so far is built on "irrational exuberance" (his words). Guess if the KC and Sunshine Band act is working so far, they intend to stick with it, but with no policy specifics don't believe it will win the election.
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When your opponent is incapable of speaking coherently, honestly or with any detail about anything himself, there’s really little incentive to get too specific.
Here is the tampon language, .... “products must be available to all menstruating people at no charge” and be stored in “restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.” .....If a school chooses to put them in the boy’s restroom, that would be in keeping with the law.
This is the issue. Why are tampons on display in boys' bathrooms at all? The agenda is one of pushing and normalizing transgender behavior onto children, including those as young as 6 years old. That is inappropriate and is not something legislatures should be mandating.

As far as young girls with accidents- why would they go into a boy's bathroom to use feminine products? Furthermore, parents should be proactive aware that this may occur and should prepare their children for such eventualities. That is not something that should be legislated.
Disagree on both counts, 1) a) This is a huge stretch from providing a needed product free of charge to school age girls. b) a locality may have some unique reason for their action, maybe staff uses the boys rooms after hours, maybe they only provide unisex rooms (many do that for the disabled).. The law just says not they are not violating the law by such placement.

2) If we lived in a perfect world your view may work, a) not all parents are willing, bright and/or aware. b) Poor families may "cut" the wrong corners. c) Very young girls may not realize what is going on until it is to late. d) Not all young girls fully understand how their body works. e) No need for them to go to boys bathroom, if the product is available in the girls room, and you're the only one suggesting that, I didn't. f) This is a very sensitive/embarrassing thing for many young girls to discuss even with family.
Republicans get worried about the strangest things.

They don't care that they tried to overthrow the government and trampled all over women's rights, but tampons! Algerian boxers!

Oh by the way, the US just set another record in oil output, under an administration they claim is trying to end the petroleum industry.

But wait Donald's solution to everything is, "drill baby drill', "cut taxes", "cut regulations" (and destroy the agency so they cannot enforce what's left) and don't let anyone into country except legally at crossing points (Donald would then find a way to limit that to white people only, because others are "poisoning" the white blood).
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This is the issue. Why are tampons on display in boys' bathrooms at all? The agenda is one of pushing and normalizing transgender behavior onto children, including those as young as 6 years old. That is inappropriate and is not something legislatures should be mandating.

As far as young girls with accidents- why would they go into a boy's bathroom to use feminine products? Furthermore, parents should be proactive aware that this may occur and should prepare their children for such eventualities. That is not something that should be legislated.
Yes, I can see it now: a 6-year-old boy goes to the bathroom, sees tampons, decides to research what they are, then immediately decides he’d actually love to become a girl instead. Seems totally plausible to me.
You've got to love this country where total strangers can come on a college sports message board and argue left and right political views, call name callers names with no apparent evidence of having altered the other's views or convictions and do it over and over. I mean life is just too short.
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It is the three year anniversary of Harris-Biden retreat from Afghanistan. Remember, the 13 American lives that were cut short.
The lost lives were unfortunate, of course. Impossible to stop a terrorist attack of that nature. I also remember the 300 or so Marines who died in Beirut, on an impossible mission ordered by Reagan.

Sounds as if you'd be happier if we were still here, spending trillions and risking American lives on an impossible mission, instead of finally leaving a worthless place after 10+ years of fruitless military engagement. If so, you really must have loved Vietnam.
The lost lives were unfortunate, of course. Impossible to stop a terrorist attack of that nature.
This was discussed in the Biden Doctrine thread. They should have never abandoned Bagram airbase. It allowed us to have a closer check on the Taliban, Afghanistan, China, Russia and Iran. Now China is effectively running Bagram. Biden placed the evacuation in the hands of the State Department and depended on the Taliban for security.
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Don't believe withdrawing was necessarily bad. Not leaving 2500 troops at Bagram as recommended by military, then leaving billions of dollars of equipment for use by our enemies was a brain dead decision. The Administration claimed our withdrawal was a success. We can see and reason. How stupid do they think we are?

Was not opposed to leaving, but the execution was an embarrassing disaster. So flacid it encouraged adventuresome behavior by our enemies. See Ukraine. See October 7.

See Pelosi thinks Biden should be on Rushmore, trying to make amends for shiving him. The least intelligent President in decades.As Obama famously said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to F up anything." Why do you think he supported Hillary in 2016 rather than his wingman for 8 years?
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Question. Can anyone explain to this voter what Vice President Harris is for or against on any major policy issues? Want to make a rational decision, but her stances appear nebulous. Need your help as does the entire electorate.
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Agree with about half of this, particularly the first half, the rest is fantasy not supported by facts.

Did not Biden "steal" government documents? Deemed too addled to stand trial. Sheew, got to cover up the obvious dementia.

What foreign governments were bribed? Biden family made a fortune trading on access. Guy who scarcely ever held a private sector job is now worth about 12 mil with multiple homes while never earning more than $200,000 per year. Do the math.
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While i am on a roll :), will throw this in....votes should be based on policy, not personality. The question originally posed was what are Harris's policies? If you know, enlighten the rest of us.

Another stealth campaign from the basement with disastrous results? Don't tell the electorate what you believe, bc they wont vote for you?
Please tell me what investment experience Jared had before the Saudis turned over $2 Billion Dollars for him to manage. As Comer says, an awful lot of smoke.

And why do you think China fast tracked Ivanka's trademarks.
Fair statement. Both sides play the system. In public service for 39 years. I've seen it ALL up close and personal, but there are some very fine people on both sides.
While i am on a roll :), will throw this in....votes should be based on policy, not personality. The question originally posed was what are Harris's policies? If you know, enlighten the rest of us.

Another stealth campaign from the basement with disastrous results? Don't tell the electorate what you believe, bc they wont vote for you?
Of the two candidates, which one did not attempt to bribe state officials, support the use of fake electors, attempt to have the vice-president abrogate his Constitutional duties and then foment a terrorist attack on the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of a legal, fair election? That's the one I'm voting for.

"Campaign from the basement?" WTF? Harris/Waltz have been all over the country, almost every day since they became a team, drawing huge crowds. Yet somehow they've avoided illegally turning US military cemeteries, the final resting places of men and women Trump called "suckers and losers," into a prop for campaign commercials
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This was discussed in the Biden Doctrine thread. They should have never abandoned Bagram airbase. It allowed us to have a closer check on the Taliban, Afghanistan, China, Russia and Iran. Now China is effectively running Bagram. Biden placed the evacuation in the hands of the State Department and depended on the Taliban for security.
So, we should still be there, spending billions, putting our service men and women in harm's way in the Afghani equivalent of Last Stand Hill in a stupid attempt to complete a nation-building mission that had absolutely no chance of succeeding in a million years?

Using your logic, we'd still be at Tan Son Nhut airbase. Could check on China pretty close from there, I bet.
Wood, now you are on a roll. Believe off base on several comments, but appreciate the fervor of your opinions.

Can't get into an extended discussion tonight, but failing to recognize the disastrous consequences of our withdrawal from Afghanistan strikes me as shortsighted. Agree, it was time to leave, but how we left sent a signal to the World and maintaining a security presence at Bagram, as recommended unanimously by our security agencies, was a no brainer. Even Biden should have recognized that. Well, maybe a stretch, but give him the benefit of the doubt.
Wood, now you are on a roll. Believe off base on several comments, but appreciate the fervor of your opinions.

Can't get into an extended discussion tonight, but failing to recognize the disastrous consequences of our withdrawal from Afghanistan strikes me as shortsighted. Agree, it was time to leave, but how we left sent a signal to the World and maintaining a security presence at Bagram, as recommended unanimously by our security agencies, was a no brainer. Even Biden should have recognized that. Well, maybe a stretch, but give him the benefit of the doubt.
What are these "disastrous consequences" you allude to? Saving lives? Saving money? Getting TF out of a place we could never succeed in?

Again, please give me any sane reason to maintain any presence in that country.

If you think Putin doesn't invade Ukraine because we have 2500 soldiers in Afghanistan, you're mistaken. Badly.

Now please defend Trump's abhorrent conduct at Arlington, willfully breaking Federal law.
If you look to me to defend Trump, you got the wrong guy.

The tail between our legs withdrawal from Afghanistan encouraged our adversaries to be more aggressive. Factually, believe this beyond dispute If you have evidence to the contrary, lets hear it.
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I agree Biden could have done a much better job on the actual withdrawal and that was a black eye to US world image. We also sent very muddled (at best) signals to the world with our handling of the "negotiations" of the withdrawal. There was no involvement of the Afghan government that culminated in the release of 5k Taliban against the wishes of that government. The terms the Taliban agreed to had no enforcement provisions. Beyond that, don't forget the glamorous look of inviting (thankfully aborted) the Taliban to Camp David.
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With respect, total BS. Faulty hyper partisan distorted info. Entire agreement was conditional on each party honoring the agreed upon conditions. May was never a hard and fast date on its own President Biden was not bound by it, but wanted to show his brilliance by exiting a war he never supported, even when President Obama surged in 30.000 troops in 2009 while Biden was VP. Wanted this withdrawal to show he more savvy than Obama. Who would you choose on intelligence?

No US casualties in 18 months before withdrawal.....but 13 dead at Abbey Gate on Biden's watch. A disgrace. A total disgrace that need not have happened.

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