A-10 lead assistant coaches

Bourne put forth a Press Release shortly after he let Brady go suggesting that one important measure was the lack of post season success.
I think Coach gets great advice from all of us and we are best board advice in country according to Novy.Cas . But I would like to see more spirit from other assistants not with name Jones . to encourage players and keep mootor and mind in the game
MM: - There's no way that Lasalle pays assistant coaches more than we do.

JMU is paying Brady this year. Not sure what he was making-lets say $350k. JMU is on the hook for that amount, less anything he makes at new job. LaSalle can pay him anything-because he still clearing $350k one way or another.

Unless something changed from the original extension he signed in 2013, JMU is not paying him (much) next year. The extension was for three years plus a fourth year JMU option that they could buy out for $20k. I assume that's what they did here.

BTW, his base salary was $302,000 at JMU.
Interesting fact Brady and Mooney have nearly identical head coaching winning percentages. .547 for Brady vs. .549 for Mooney.

And I would take Brady's12 years of head coaching experience and 200 plus D-1 wins on our bench every day and Sunday, over our current assistant head coach whose previous head coaching experience amounted to 2 years head coaching a junior varsity team.

Brady has a lot of coaching and recruiting connections that could have benefitted us greatly.
you keep banging the drum about more experienced assistants, but not every guy out there that's been coaching a long time is going to make a positive impact on CM or our program.
you keep banging the drum about more experienced assistants, but not every guy out there that's been coaching a long time is going to make a positive impact on CM or our program.
I don't think anyone here is suggesting that "every guy out there" would be a better fit than Jones, but guess what? Fail to make the tournament 5 years in a row and everything about your program is going to be questioned. That's just a fact of life.

If we'd made 5 straight tourneys, I would feel pretty confident that our coaching staff was doing the right things. We've missed 5 straight tourneys, so I'm not convinced that it is. Jones is the one constant, and it's pretty damn interesting to me that he sticks out like a sore thumb by comparison to basically every other lead assistant in this league.

In fairness, not ALL other A-10 teams have assistants with massive experience – Davidson and St. Joe's are two whose top assistant basically has only been at that school But in Davidson's case, it's the coach's son and in St. Joe's case, it's a former player who has been there since the beginning with Martelli (and who has experienced a fair amount of success in that time).

Do you believe that there is no possible top assistant coach available who would take the job here who could possibly be any better at his job and for our program than Jones is??
No, not every guy would have a positive impact. But as I see it, Mooney has had to take a much more active role in recruiting (because obviously his assistants weren't getting it done), and that will obviously impact what he is able to do in other areas of the program (player development, scheme, etc...)

There are but only so many hours in the day that he can devote to each area. And let's be honest, Mooney has been second fiddle far too often on our key identified recruits, so having an assistant who via 12 years of head coaching experience obviously knows his ways around recruiting would seem to be a good idea.

I would say that if we can't fill out slots this year and have another .500 year or so, that this will probably be a more mandated move for Mooney to make.
Do you believe that there is no possible top assistant coach available who would take the job here who could possibly be any better at his job and for our program than Jones is??
I can't say if Jones is good or not. I just don't know. he might be great. that's something for Mooney and Gill to evaluate every year.
97, I agree that Mooney is working harder at recruiting, not leaving it up to assistants. and we're getting better recruits because of it. maybe that's the way it has to be. maybe the assistants will have to work more on campus, more on player development or whatever. maybe recruits need to see the head guy at their games to win them over. whatever it takes, CM has to get players. and it's working now so don't change it.
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Well, our need at the 4 and misses on Wesson, Ford, and no other discernible solid options at the 4 might disagree on its overall success. So, I would disagree that our recruiting has been fixed and is some well oiled machine now. If we don't get a 4 this year, that would leave us with zero 4's on the roster once Wood and Bernard graduate. That should be a big concern.

I will go back and give credit where credit is due though should we be able to fill these remaining slots with high quality A-10 level talent. I still like Stafford Trueheart as an option at the 4.
Golden isn't strictly a 5, I don't believe. he's like TJ. can play 4 or 5.
Paul is strictly a 5.
Golden isn't strictly a 5, I don't believe. he's like TJ. can play 4 or 5.
Paul is strictly a 5.
I would contend that Grant is more of a 4, he's mostly listed as a SF on recruiting sites but seems to fit our type of 4/5.
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I do agree we need to bring in a 6'8" guy, whatever you call him. I know the argument about "forwards" blah blah blah, but we need to have two guys on the floor that can hold their own guarding the other team's big guys. There is this thing called defense that is critical to the game, and while I do think we are recruiting guys that can play multiple positions, we still need size. I hope we can get another solid grad transfer that can contribute inside. Maybe Bernard is that guy but I would like another big guy.
We should have an assistant coach sleeping outside of Steeves' house 24/7. He is such an ideal fit for us in every way. He's big but can score inside and outside, moves well, is a solid shooter, can rebound, etc.
Golden isn't strictly a 5, I don't believe. he's like TJ. can play 4 or 5.
Paul is strictly a 5.

Whether Golden is a 4 or 5 is a somewhat moot point. Golden and Paul will be the only "big men" on the roster after next year. And unless they both are slated to play 40 minutes each per game, we need ideally 2 other big men on the roster.

One of them has to come this year, unless, we want to throw some freshman big man to the wolves the following year.
MM: - There's no way that Lasalle pays assistant coaches more than we do.

JMU is paying Brady this year. Not sure what he was making-lets say $350k. JMU is on the hook for that amount, less anything he makes at new job. LaSalle can pay him anything-because he still clearing $350k one way or another.

If he is such a good coach, two questions. 1.) Why has JMU tried to get ride of him for years ( I believe it is because he wouldn't move to H'Burg who could blame) and 2.) WHy wasn't he scooped up to be a HC somewhere else?

He was bought out for less than $50k. The was an article in the Harrisonburg paper mentioning this shortly after his termination.

JMU got rid of him because of a combination of performance and because he wouldn't move to Harrisonburg from Charlottesville. I'm not trying to say Matt Brady is John Wooden but JMU has terrible facilities and an incompetent administration. He was fighting an uphill battle there.
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The skillsets of Paul and Grant are very similar. Paul is a good ball handler, runs well and has a good outside shot. Don't understand always talking about 1's, 2's, 5's or whatever because for our offense, and for that matter defense, everyone on the floor should have similar skills. OSC
I agree that offensively, it doesn't really matter whether we have traditional positions or not. But if we don't have a legit 4 or 5 on defense, we are just asking to be abused in the paint.
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I agree that offensively, it doesn't really matter whether we have traditional positions or not. But if we don't have a legit 4 or 5 on defense, we are just asking to be abused in the paint.
Eight appreciate your comment. However, might it be more accurate to say, "But if we don't have a legit tall and strong guy on defense, we are just asking to be abused in the paint." OSC
agreed, we'll need 2 frontcourt guys to replace TJ and Marshall. we're set with 6'3"-6'5" guys. if we don't get another big this year, then next year's model has to be ready to go.
The skillsets of Paul and Grant are very similar. Paul is a good ball handler, runs well and has a good outside shot. Don't understand always talking about 1's, 2's, 5's or whatever because for our offense, and for that matter defense, everyone on the floor should have similar skills. OSC
By this logic, you are suggesting that all positioning is interchangeable which it's not. It's more of an issue on defense for certain, but I think there's a misunderstanding that on offense we can roll out a bunch of good shooters and find success. First, we have not demonstrated much ability to place more than 2, maybe 3, good outside shooters in the lineup at once during much of CM's career, in spite of our recruitment to that end. Second, our offensive efficiency and ability to limit scoring droughts (both on full display this year) is vastly better with a strong low post player.

We obviously aren't slavish to the 1-5 positioning talk, but it doesn't mean we can presume that any dude on the roster can jump down to the low post and have a lot of success.
Whether Golden is a 4 or 5 is a somewhat moot point. Golden and Paul will be the only "big men" on the roster after next year. And unless they both are slated to play 40 minutes each per game, we need ideally 2 other big men on the roster.

One of them has to come this year, unless, we want to throw some freshman big man to the wolves the following year.
How many true 5's will there be in the A-10 this year. Several have moved on. If PF can play we will have 20 fouls to give at 6'8" plus this year. Still would be nice to have a rim protector in there for at least 20 minutes.
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As far as CM being more involved in recruiting, we do have a good class coming in next year, but if CM was more involved with this class than in the past, he didn't have to travel far for recruiting visits. Recruiting is hard work, with a lot of time spent in airports and in crappy HS gyms during the winter months. I'm reserving judgement on how we have "turned the corner" on recruiting until we can put 2 or 3 good recruiting classes together.

And yes, I think we need more experienced and talented assistants. I feel like CM is a delegator, and if you delegate, your peeps have to be competent.
Savon Goodman dropped out of La Salle for personal reasons after just a few weeks on campus. Are they still ahead of us? Just checking...