The US, Ukraine, Russia and Obama


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
This is the first time in more than 100 years that the United States has NOT come to the aid of a country in Europe, like Ukraine. Or for that matter, a country where we have a vital national interest, like Ukraine.
Think about that.
We rescued France in 1917; England and the Free World in 1941; and South Korea in 1950. Harry Truman knew the importance of deterring aggression.
Biden is a weak fool.
Where is Harry Truman? Where is Eisenhower? Where is FDR? Where is Reagan?
MacArthur? Patton?
Not one of these leaders would have accepted this.
This clearly shows where our interests lie.

Putin has just reminded a billion people around the world why they accept and want American leadership, and our commitment to live in liberty and allow them to do so is central to our prospects in the coming struggle. Reagan always understood that the Cold War was more than a conflict among states; it was even more fundamentally an ideological conflict between the forces of liberty and the powers that would snuff it out nation by nation until our own was in jeopardy.

This is the issue. American ideas of freedom and democracy are superior to everything these two stand for.

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Did Putin invade any neighboring countries when Trump was in power from January 2017 to January 2021? (Answer: No.)

Did Putin invade or annex any neighboring countries when President Obama was in power prior to Trump? (Answer: Yes — Putin invaded Georgia in 2010 [actually 2008] and annexed Crimea in 2014.)
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The solution is neither Trump nor Biden. Trump would never have been able to marshall the international effort to impose sanctions on Russia. Trump does not have the strategic vision required of a world leader. Sadly, neither does Biden. Biden was not straight with the American people about Russia`s intentions. Biden knew last September of Putins plans to invade. Biden was too weak to act. He is sadly too weak to truly help Ukraine. Diplomacy and sanctions neither deter nor stop invasions. Putin knows Biden does not have the guts to stop Ukraine. Putin believes any sanctions placed on Russia will be temporary. Meanwhile, Zelensky will die and Ukraine will die.
Reagan had a much better understanding of foreign policy and American power.
The answer is simple- neither Trump nor Biden should be President. Peace through Strength and deterrence were keys to Reagan`s international policy. Reagan saw the Soviet Union as the evil empire. He rolled back the Russian horde abroad by providing weapons and support to freedom fighters across the globe. Reagan would have given arms to Ukraine first before the invasion. The CIA would have been active in Ukraine. Supporting democracy abroad was a vital component of his foreign policy. Strength at home begets Strength abroad.
Biden denied the transfer of MiGs to Ukraine. Biden is allowing Putin to dictate terms to the US and NATO.

"It turns out the U.S. decision to deny Polish MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine is even worse than we wrote Thursday. The White House is now confirming that the decision went all the way up to President Biden, who vetoed the jet delivery lest it provoke Vladimir Putin and risk escalating the war....
By so ostentatiously not sending the fighters, and saying the reason is fear of escalation, Mr. Biden is telling the Russian what he doesn’t have to worry about. Instead of deterring Mr. Putin, Mr. Biden is letting the Russian deter the U.S."

There is nothing to stop Putin.

Mr. Putin is escalating his Ukraine assault in any case. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov admitted Thursday that the Russians deliberately targeted the maternity hospital in Mariupol. Mr. Putin knows what NATO won’t do to stop him.
White House axed plan to train Ukrainians in guerrilla warfare fearing it may provoke Russia: Report

Senior U.S. military officials pushed for additional special operations personnel to be sent to Ukraine in the lead up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but the request was denied amid White House fears it could provoke Russia.

The cracks in Biden's glorious and most touted sanctions are starting to show. India is buying Russian oil at a discount. Reagan would have interdicted the delivery of this oil and used the supply to help Ukraine.

Appeasement Joe is going to travel to Brussels to meet with NATO.
It would be better if he just stayed home and shut up. Besides apologizing for his screw-ups, what can this idiot accomplish? Appeasement doesn't work. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Appeasement Joe is going to travel to Brussels to meet with NATO.
It would be better if he just stayed home and shut up. Besides apologizing for his screw-ups, what can this idiot accomplish? Appeasement doesn't work. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
This was very prescient. Biden opened his mouth and an international crisis erupted. Stupid idiot.
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Biden is deathly afraid of a nuclear conflict. Russia damaged the power lines that connected Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to the Ukrainian electric grid, increasing the likelihood of another Chernobyl.

"Energoatom said the plant has now been disconnected from the power grid for the "first time in its history" after a fire at ash pits close to the facility damaged power lines.

Bringing the plant offline could potentially compromise safety systems and lead to disaster - however the plant is currently being supplied by the nearby Thermal Power Plant (ZTPP).

Neighbouring towns around the plant such as Kherson, Melitopol, and Enerhodar were reportedly left without power as the situation around the plant sits on a knife edge."

Once again, remember that Biden is deathly afraid of Putin. The Russians certainly know this.

This is an article from Ria Novosti, a Russian hack paper, quoting a former NATO commander.

"MOSCOW, September 11 - RIA Novosti. US President Joe Biden is afraid to supply Kiev with more weapons because of fear of the Russian nuclear arsenal, former adviser to NATO Secretary General Menfred Werner, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the head of the Pentagon, US Marine Corps veteran Philip Carber said in an interview with Ukrainian Channel Five."
A better question is whether China will begin providing weapons and arms to Russia. The war in Ukraine could easily become a proxy war between the US vs. Russia and China. Biden better get ready.
The Russians really understand Biden. When they think Biden will actually supply Ukraine with weapons it needs, the Russians threaten Biden.

"Gen. Milley said that while decisions about ATACMS are “currently under consideration” he noted that Russian officials issued warnings about the U.S. providing Ukraine longer-range weapons. On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said that if the U.S. provided Ukraine with longer-range missiles, the U.S., would cross a red line and become “a party of the conflict.”

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US tanks are on the table. This is the best news the Ukrainians could have received. Could Joe Biden actually have the stones? If our President does, he should be commended.

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This is important. Putin has scheduled a speech today. According to this source, he plans to call for a full mobilization of the Russian state and armed forces to win in Ukraine.

It's official. Putin announces a patial mobilization. And he threatens the United States of America. What will Joe Biden do? Will he go toe to toe with Putin? Our 80 year old president with dementia is about to be tested.

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It's official. Putin announces a patial mobilization. And he threatens the United States of America. What will Joe Biden do? Will he go toe to toe with Putin? Our 80 year old president with dementia is about to be tested.

Unfortunately, you’re right. And as soon as the US gets involved with Russia, China will be moving on to Taiwan.
And like WW II , we’ll be at war on two fronts, but with stronger enemies.
However, this is fascinating. The Ukrainians have broken through and are enveloping the Russians in Lyman. Here is a Russian milblogger who has reported the information, as of Friday morning, Moscow time. And to think, they did this with only 16 HIMARS.


"The Ukrainian Armed Forces broke through the front in the area of Redkodub and Karpovka. They are bypassing the Lymanskiy Defense District from the north!"

OK. So now Joe Biden has given JUST TWO air defense systems to defend Ukraine against long range missile attacks from Russia. (Is this an insult?) The poor Ukrainians need more. These systems, called NASAMS, will allow Ukraine to actually protect its people. Zelensky also confirmed that Biden is thinking about giving M1A1 Abrams tanks and F16s to Ukraine. IMHO, all of this is very good, but Biden was a year too late.

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This is a very good analysis of the long-term needs of Ukraine, assuming they don't develop nuclear weapons. "Ukraine must use long range artillery and fighter aircraft to significantly degrade Russia’s ability to sustain its deployed forces.

1) We should immediately provide Ukraine with the longest-range artillery shells in our armory, so they can more effectively take out Russian supply lines..., to hit Russian forces in Sevastopol, elsewhere in Crimea, the Kerch Strait bridge, or in much of Donbas.

2) Provide Ukraine with combat aircraft and tanks.

3) Strengthen air defenses around Ukrainian cities.

4) Strengthen Ukraine’s internal logistics network."

Personally, I would switch #3 with #2. The Ukrainians are going to need protection against a Russian nuclear attack.

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Most commentators have said that Putin has been backed into a corner. His fight against Ukraine is unsustainable. He will not be able to generate the forces or supply his army in the field. Putin cannot afford to lose, and Ukraine cannot afford to lose. IMHO, Putin has only one option- use local tactical nukes. Until last Friday, 9/23/2023, our government thought Putin would not resort to the use of nukes. Until recently, our people saw no evidence the Russians were prepping their nuclear arsenal for use. Beginning Sunday, 9/18, President Biden (60 minutes interview) began warning the Russians not to use nukes. The rhetoric from US officials warning the Russians really began to ramp up on aound 9/23. That rhetoric was both public and private. Now we discover our government will provide anti missile systems. One may conclude that our guys saw intelligence about Russian intentions to use nukes.

We cannot allow tin-pot dictators to run loose in Europe. The Biden Administration should be commended on its forceful position against Russia. FINALLY. There is no substitute for this country as a force for good.
This article supports the point made above. However, within this article there are no statements or discussions about changes in the readiness or disposition of Russia's nuclear stockpile. Last week our guys were saying there were no changes in Russia's nuclear preparations. This week our guys have gone silent on the issue.
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I take it back, the Biden Administration has NOT delivered the advanced missile defense systems. They MAY provide the systems sometime in the next 2 months. Putin has read Biden right. Biden is afraid of his own shadow. His failures are glaring.

"The Pentagon said Tuesday it will deliver the first two advanced NASAMS anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine in the next two months, along with six more within the next two years. Kyiv has pressed for those weapons since earlier this year."

This interview with Jack Keane is informative. Jack confirms what i have heard and others have said- that we have the ability to track the Russians' tactical nukes. What Jack doesn’t say is that the Russians have changed the disposition of these very same weapons. They are closer to using nukes on the battlefield.

He does discuss conversations Jake Sullivan had with his Russian counterparts. Jack doesn't mention that we specifically told the Russians, through back channels, that we would destroy the entire Russian army in Ukraine. Given Biden's proclivity for vacillation, I doubt the Russians are concerned about any threats made by or through the Biden Administration. We in a time of great peril.

On the anniversary of Germany's entry into Czechoslovakia in 1938, Ukraine has surrounded 5000 Russian troops in Lyman.
Ukrainian forces have entered Stavky, a village neighboring Lyman, according to Serhii Cherevatyi, the military spokesperson for the eastern grouping of Ukrainian forces.

“The Russian group in the area of Lyman is surrounded. The settlements of Yampil, Novoselivka, Shandryholove, Drobysheve, and Stavky are liberated. Stabilization measures are ongoing there,” Cherevatyi said in a televised press conference on Saturday."

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From what is being reported by Russian social media, American troops are gathering in Poland. According to the report, these troops are being stationed there as a contingency, in the event Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

I would say to the Russians, if true, it's called deterrence.
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