Paul Woody doesn't have a clue

Aug 19, 2003
He is hesitant regarding future success but drools all over the other RVA team. He is so giddy about their last win he is predicting a potential break away form the A-10 pack. Paul is such an A-10 enthusiast he mentions the recent Seagull Center losses to the Spiders and the Lasalle Pioneers. Say what? Pioneers? Ah, no Paul the Explorers. We know you have your head up the proverbial ..... of the team down town, but you should pay a little more attention to the team that kicked their butts.
Quite simply, Mr. Woody is a poor writer and not very creative. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up the RTD sports staff.

This post was edited on 2/18 7:21 AM by Ulla1
Woody has been a joke for quite a while. I usually avoid reading him as he is so far off target that it is embarrassing. Remember, he was the one begging VCU not to leave the CAA. The R-TD could (and should) do better.
The other RVA team is going to the NCAA tournament (again) and we literally can't win outside the City of Richmond. Of course the local media is going to hitch their wagon to the Ram's season. I guarantee you there would be more stories and radio talk about us if we were 20-4 and an NCAA lock at this point in the season.

There is nothing to really write about a .500 team that usually plays well at home and consistently comes up short on the road. We did win at the Seagull and that will probably end up being the high water mark of the season. Frankly, we are a terrible matchup for VCU just like UVA was a nightmare matchup for the Rams. It wouldn't shock me if beat the Rams again next week.

That still won't change the fact that their program will be back in the middle of March Madness and we (barring a miracle run in Brooklyn) will be sitting at home rooting for their first round opponent again.
Exactly right, Captain. The inferiority complexes around here are amazing. Until UR does something newsworthy, we can hardly complain that they're losing the battle for media attention.

p.s. I do agree that Paul Woody is terrible, and should be sent on his way....
RTD is a business. I would think the RTD cares more about VCU's 32,000 mostly commuter students and their families, also the thousands of local alumni and bandwagon fans as opposed to our 3000 out of state students and their families.
Earth to Spider Fans feeling forsaken by the local media:

We are mediocre. They are ranked 25.

What do you expect?

If anybody should be offended here, it's probably Lasalle fans. Pioneers?

We can point the finger in a lot of different directions, but certainly not at the media. If anything, we are probably lucky to get as much coverage as we do.

Win, and the fans, students, media, glory, etc will follow.
Not arguing that point at all. VCU has the better season going and unless they implode, which is not likely, they will be dancing while we have to win the tournament to dance. My point was purely that Woody is a hack writer and I stick by that. I have read other ridiculous articles penned by him on topics other than the Rams.
My only complaint with the coverage we get or don't get is that there is not enough critical analysis of our mediocrity. The people who cover our program either are scared to call a spade a spade or don't care enough to do so. The feeling I get from them is that we should just be glad to have a nice arena, a nice guy as our coach and an occasional win over VCU.

No one seems to think that we should expect more, or that we should expect to be in the tournament every year. It's as if only VCU should aspire to those goals -- even though we have been in this league longer and have actually won the league.

I think that attitude speaks to the frustration some of us feel about the condition of our program.
Inferiority complex? Hardly, you missed the point. The post in reference to a poor sports writer trying hard to build a case for his pet team. There is another RTD Woody article today, rather than comment here, you can draw your own conclusions.
Originally posted by Eight Legger:
My only complaint with the coverage we get or don't get is that there is not enough critical analysis of our mediocrity. The people who cover our program either are scared to call a spade a spade or don't care enough to do so. The feeling I get from them is that we should just be glad to have a nice arena, a nice guy as our coach and an occasional win over VCU.

No one seems to think that we should expect more, or that we should expect to be in the tournament every year. It's as if only VCU should aspire to those goals -- even though we have been in this league longer and have actually won the league.

I think that attitude speaks to the frustration some of us feel about the condition of our program.
Exactly eight. Mooney has the best of both worlds, little internal heat for meeting expectations and absolutely no external (aka media) pressure that we be anything better than average.

Perhaps the RTD is listening to you though Eight because today JOC penned this article about our road troubles. Mooney says it could be worse, because at least we are competitive on the road. Hate to bring it to him, they both still go down as losses and no our road record, really can't get any worse.

UR sucks on the road, Mooney says "could be worse"
Thanks for the link, this is a new way to refer to losing, I LOL'ed:

We haven't completed wins on the road," UR coach Chris Mooney said, referring to this season. "I think it would be shortsighted to say we haven't played well on the road, or been competitive, because we have."
"I think it would be shortsighted to say we haven't played well on the road..."

"It's frustrating, but it could be much worse..."

Originally posted by ur2K:
Thanks for the link, this is a new way to refer to losing, I LOL'ed:

We haven't completed wins on the road," UR coach Chris Mooney said, referring to this season. "I think it would be shortsighted to say we haven't played well on the road, or been competitive, because we have."
Right. It's like telling your child they need to eat their peas to get dessert. They have one and stop, saying they loved the pea, just couldn't 'complete' them all.

What the hell?
"It's frustrating, but it could be much worse."

I hope he is fired soon. This is just pathetic
It could be worse, we could be 0-10 on the road, instead of 1-9.

So, he is correct on that point.
Overall this season, Richmond is 1-9 as a guest.

We haven't completed wins on the road," UR coach Chris Mooney said, referring to this season. "I think it would be shortsighted to say we haven't played well on the road, or been competitive, because we have."

Fans who do not recognize that a 1-9 road record = playing well on the road must be shortsighted morons.

This post was edited on 2/18 2:44 PM by Not-A-Homer

This post was edited on 2/18 2:48 PM by Not-A-Homer
The optics of his quotes are just terrible. This road elephant we have is mostly mental, in my opinion, but when the coach refuses to even own the elephant, you realize the depth of the mental hurdle it is.

Since what we have been doing the past 4 years on the road hasn't been working, perhaps the coach should try something new. Change up the starting line up, stop the offense-defense, change the fact that we don't play freshman on the road, run the normal offense instead of milking the clock and letting Kendall create 1 on 1.

Of course, none of that will actually happen because CM thinks we are competitive. Sheesh.
Originally posted by Cooper'sGhost:

Quotes from a man that doesn't have an answer or a solution to the problem.
He doesn't even seem to accept that there is a problem. That's the bigger issue.
I'm really struggling to get over these quotes. Aside from UR Head basketball coach, is there a job in America where it's OK to admit that you haven't 'completed' the task you are paid to do and then say it's shortsighted to not recognize everything that went into not 'completing' the task.
Part of the dynamic is that much of the media is enamored with Shaka Smart including as evidenced by ESPN using him to analyze tournament games. But LaSalle being called the Pioneers opens the door to the RPI "Green Devils" as they were known until 1963. More descriptive than "Rams' and would avoid confusion with Rhody and Fordham.................
And to answer your question Mo certain prominent politicians come to mind and in order to avoid internecine infighting I will leave it your imagination to whom I am referring...............
Originally posted by MolivaManiac:

Originally posted by Cooper'sGhost:

Quotes from a man that doesn't have an answer or a solution to the problem.
He doesn't even seem to accept that there is a problem. That's the bigger issue.
That is exactly the issue, as I see it. In order to find a solution to a problem, you first have to acknowledge that there is a problem. This goes hand in hand with his dialogue of how tough it is to win in the road. "You have to play perfectly and have a couple breaks to win on the road" is what he says in radio interviews. Just a very negative mindset/philosophy to put out there and have to think that has transferred over to the team and players at this point.

He says that same things about scoring in the last 4 minutes "Points are so much tougher to come by with the game on the line", is one of his favorite quotes. First of all, why is it tougher to score under 4 minutes. Does the basket get smaller" Secondly, just like we stink on the road, we stink closing out games and scoring under 4 minutes.

Is some of this due to the fact that our head coach keeps pointing out how hard it is to do these things. Self fulfilling prophecies.
Originally posted by spider fan:
And to answer your question Mo certain prominent politicians come to mind and in order to avoid internecine infighting I will leave it your imagination to whom I am referring...............
If you're trying to say that our Commander in Chief couldn't lead a team of young hoopers into an ISIS stronghold and hold on for a tough 'road win', i think you're severely underestimating his leadership ability!

So, is it...
"Paul Woody doesn't have a clue"
"Chris Mooney doesn't have a clue"?
So is 'we haven't completed wins' Sounds like Obama speak for we lost? Mooney will find a new career in politics.
Mooney does not want to assess blame to players. This year is really the first time I have heard him publicly "blame" or criticize players in some way, which is probably the result of his frustration about being unable to win road games or close games in general and his embarrassment about that reality.

I agree with 97 that this stuff becomes self-fulfilling and obviously has for us. When is the last time that we came out of the gates on the road and took a 10-point lead right away, like we owned the place? I don't remember it if it's happened in the past 3+ years. We're always playing from behind. And then the guys think about how "hard" it is to get points at the end of the game and make dumb mistakes. Prophecy fulfilled.

Then Mooney praises their effort and how close they came, and at some level they must start to think that their effort was good enough, but they just were unlucky or something.

Instead, I wish he would either blast himself and his own preparation effort or blast the outcome of the game or even blast his players if they truly are unprepared. The message needs to get across that this is NOT good enough. We are NOT unlucky, and we are NOT putting forth enough effort. If we were, we would not be 1-9 on the road.
I noted a bit of defiance in his quotes and not accepting the blame as he head coach. Yes, we have been in every game and have a bunch of close losses. Reminds me of a team in Fairfax where they just fumbled away games with so many close losses. Let's see what happens to their coach. Starts and ends with the mindset of the HC.
Originally posted by sdspider:
I noted a bit of defiance in his quotes and not accepting the blame as he head coach. Yes, we have been in every game and have a bunch of close losses. Reminds me of a team in Fairfax where they just fumbled away games with so many close losses. Let's see what happens to their coach. Starts and ends with the mindset of the HC.
Sd, good observation. If you listen to coach radio call in show, you will also find this twinge of "defiance" as well. He clearly hears the critics (probably on here, because this is the only forum where he is criticized in a public setting) and also quite clearly by his defiance is annoyed by the criticism. Wish he would be more publically annoyed at that fact that we are losing on the road rather than people pointing out the fact we were losing on the road.
Paul Woody is the worst sports columnist I've ever read. So bad, in fact, that he is the only writer I've written letters of complaint to, and none of them were even about the Spiders. I honestly think that he watches Sportscenter, reads a couple of national newspapers, and then writes articles using their information. He does no research whatsoever, and his coverage of major sporting events is laughable and late. He must have nude pictures of his boss, otherwise I have no idea why he's endured a career that had lasted this long.
woody is one of the few left standing when the td made the big switch from its old style to its new, like all other newspapers, style some time back.