Climate change and American Energy


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned in an interview this week about “massive emissions consequences” from a Russian war against Ukraine, which he also said would be a distraction from work on climate change. Nevertheless, he added, “I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.”

The climate left believes that high gas prices are good. John Kerry believes the underlings here deserve to have high energy prices. Like Marie Antoinette, this is his Let Them Eat Cake moment.
All we need to do is unleash domestic energy production. That would hurt Russia most. It would secure supply to Europe. Americans can solve it, if allowed.
Democrats are beholden to the Uber rich on the coasts, who believe the solution is to develop green renewable sources of fuel. They smirk and sneer as they claim climate change is a greater threat than Russia and China.
Nancy Pelosi shows where President Biden stands- No more domestic production of oil.
Energy for them, not for me

"Asked Thursday how high gasoline prices would need to rise before she’d support opening federal lands to oil-and-gas production, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi coolly replied: “I’m not for drilling on public lands.” That’s no doubt how Tesla -driving Democratic donors feel."

The Federal Government has stymied new oil and gas production.

"Interior has been slow-rolling oil and gas permits since Mr. Biden took office....
Mr. Biden hasn’t held an onshore lease sale and is the only President in at least two decades not to have done so in a given year. Approvals for new liquefied natural gas terminals and expansions are also sitting at the Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, according to the American Petroleum Institute."
They are out to destroy domestic oil and gas production.
"As one oilfield services executive recently told Bloomberg, “Biden is signaling that his environmental goals trump energy security and consumer prices,” and “that’s not lost on public companies or the banks they rely on.”...
Regulatory uncertainty and political hostility to fossil fuels discourage long-term investments, which are needed to increase supply and keep energy prices in check."

The Biden Administration is controlled by Uber rich environmentalists in Hollywood. There is no concern for those of us who cannot afford these policies.
To compound their domestic energy errors, this Government is begging Iran and Venezuela to increase oil production.
The Federal Government has stymied new oil and gas production.

"Interior has been slow-rolling oil and gas permits since Mr. Biden took office....
Mr. Biden hasn’t held an onshore lease sale and is the only President in at least two decades not to have done so in a given year. Approvals for new liquefied natural gas terminals and expansions are also sitting at the Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, according to the American Petroleum Institute."
Be positive. Our Southern border is wide frigging open. What do you want? Sanity?
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Joe Biden has literally sacrificed this country for the benefit of the climate alarmists. Another sad day for America. Instead of encouraging domestic production, he caves in to the Iranians hoping they can produce more oil.
The saddest part of all of this regarding the oil crisis is twofold.
By stoppiing the production of oil in the US , he has created a security risk
that they don’t want to admit. Now we’re going to Iran and Venezuela for oil.
And secondly, the stupidity of this administration to think that we are in a position
that fossil fuels and oil can be just stopped after a 100 years and not have an affect
on our economy, our well being.
The Democratic Party never has a plan B, when their usual failures arise.
This guy really nails the issue.
He eviscerates the conclusions of the Climate Round-table held at the White House on the day Russia invaded Ukraine.
  • Andrea Dutton, Professor of Geoscience from the University of Wisconsin: “Sea-level rise threatens the safety and security of the United States. It’s as if we have an army ringing our coastlines, advancing farther each year than the previous year, taking more land as it goes. We would not tolerate that; yet we are allowing sea level to rise unabated.”
The Manhattan Contrarian responds:

Well, Andrea, how about Russia, China, and maybe Iran and North Korea as the real threats out there? I suggest that we focus on those. Sea level is rising at the rate of maybe 6 - 8 inches per century, as it has for the last 10,000 or so years since the last ice age. Perhaps we could check back in on that in a hundred years or so to see if it really is a problem.

Meanwhile, back over in Europe, perhaps being much closer to the advancing Russian tanks has a way of focusing the mind.

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Biden, what's left of him, is a captive of the New Green Dealers. Energy policy mirrors immigration policy, fundamentally against the best interests of the average Citizen.
This guy eviscerates the lie peddled by the Biden Administration, that oil and gas companies have 9,000 untapped leases:
He first says:
Biden should "Stand at the White House and declare that his Administration will support the development of U.S. oil and gas. Rescind all regulations designed to curb production, development and consumption. Announce a moratorium on new ones. Expedite permits, and encourage investment. Our guess is the price of Brent crude would fall $20 a barrel in anticipation of higher production."

Then he says:
"Yet Mr. Biden is doing precisely the opposite. On Tuesday he even blamed U.S. companies—not his policies—for not producing more. There are 9,000 available unused drilling permits, he claimed, and only 10% of onshore oil production takes place on federal land. Talk about a misdirection play.

First, companies have to obtain additional permits for rights of way to access leases and build pipelines to transport fuel. This has become harder under the Biden Administration. Second, companies must build up a sufficient inventory of permits before they can contract rigs because of the regulatory difficulties of operating on federal land."

"It takes 140 days or so for the feds to approve a drilling permit versus two for the state of Texas. The Administration has halted onshore lease sales. Producers are developing leases more slowly since they don’t know when more will be available. Offshore leases were snapped up at a November auction because companies expect it might be the last one."
Without making this too long, he notes the push by Biden and the left to cut off funding for new oil and gas development in the US.
"Then there’s the not-small problem of financing. Companies can’t explore and drill, or build pipelines, without capital. Biden financial regulators allied with progressive investors are working to cut it off."
The following Federal agencies are working to cut off funding:
1. The Labor Department, 401k rules
2. The SEC disclosure by companies and financiers of green house gas emissions (placing penalities).
3. The Federal Reserve. Appointing top people to force banks to stop lending to oil and gas firms.

The result:
"Large energy producers are buying back stock and redirecting capital to renewables because they see the Administration’s writing on the wall. Small independent producers are eager to take advantage of higher prices but can’t get loans. Many relied on private equity during the last shale boom, but now these firms are cutting them off."

John Kerry is at it again. Now he says that the refugee crisis in Ukrain pales in comparison to the refugee crisis that will result from climate change.

Believe fossil fuels unquestionably contribute to global warming. Also believe history shows humans for eons are pretty adept at adapting to changing environmental conditions. The apocalyptic predictions from the Greenies are ridiculous. Absurd. Fearmongering for political gain.

Solar and wind have their place, but in the final analysis they are inarguably unreliable energy sources. Fossil fuels will be required for decades to bridge to a cleaner energy future. Blocking natural gas pipelines and nuclear energy are shortsighted at best and disastrous at worst.

Kerry is an elitist idiot.
Believe fossil fuels unquestionably contribute to global warming. Also believe history shows humans for eons are pretty adept at adapting to changing environmental conditions. The apocalyptic predictions from the Greenies are ridiculous. Absurd. Fearmongering for political gain.

Solar and wind have their place, but in the final analysis they are inarguably unreliable energy sources. Fossil fuels will be required for decades to bridge to a cleaner energy future. Blocking natural gas pipelines and nuclear energy are shortsighted at best and disastrous at worst.

Kerry is an elitist idiot.
The green lobby gets much of its funding from Russia and China.
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European demand for American Liquified Natural Gas has skyrocketed. Who missed that one?
Now American prices are rising...
"The U.S. is shipping more natural gas than ever overseas, which is keeping domestic inventories lean and power prices high. "

In an interview with Bloomberg TV, John Kerry says he wants to cancel natural gas in 8 to 10 years. If you heat your house with natural gas, you are out of luck. Energy for him but not for you.

“We have to put the industry on notice: You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so, within which you’ve got to come up with a means by which you’re going to capture [emissions], and if you’re not capturing, then we have to deploy alternative sources of energy,” he told Bloomberg TV. Can someone come up with a way to capture and bury Mr. Kerry’s emissions?

He added: “No one should make it easy for the gas interests to be building out 30- or 40-year infrastructure, which we’re then stuck with and you know the fight will be ‘well we can’t close these because of the employment, because of the investors, et cetera.’”
John Kerry- the great humanitarian. Czar John Kerry, the Last has been played by Czar Vladimir Putin, the Bold. Czar John work certainly has not played well.

Kerry said that he spent about an hour on the phone Wednesday with Putin, who was traveling outside of Moscow. Putin was "very forthcoming and thoughtful" about ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Kerry said, and he hoped that "we can continue to feel the kind of cooperative possibility that emerged in the course of our conversation."

Kerry's main job is to convince other countries to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change"
Per the Washington Post:
As Americans were struggling to put gas in the tank, President Biden appeared to praise high gas prices as a necessary part of our historic shift away from fossil fuels. “Here’s the situation,” Biden said at a Tokyo news conference on May 23, “when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels.”
Ben Stein really hits the issue.
Why do we have an oil shortage? Because Mr. Biden, upon taking office, immediately shut down major domestic sources of oil, especially certain pipelines and squeezing oil out of rock, namely “fracking.”

This was the single stupidest domestic policy maneuver in U.S. history, besides allowing the banks to fail in the Great Depression. If we had continued fracking, we would have been the world’s largest oil producer and exporter. But because a group of dopey fake environmentalists pressured a dopey fake president, Joe Biden, to stop fracking — for NO GOOD REASON — we now have to beg our worst enemies for oil. Our consumers are gouged at the pump, and we may well be sliding into a recession.

Here are three things Biden has done to wreck the US enery sector:
1. Canceling drilling leases and limiting domestic production
2. Choking regulations that impose big costs and lead to higher prices
3. Anti-energy rhetoric that discourages investment


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