

Head Coach
Apr 21, 2011
For those of you who post on this messageboard, let me clarify the information you are getting. I attend every practice. No one on this board attends practice, thus NO INFORMATION or INSIGHT is being provided. In other words, those posting have an agenda unsubstantiated by facts. Moreover, those in charge of the messageboard (05 and 01) and collecting money from those subscribing to the Premium Board have not attended ANY practices save for maybe one or two practices where 01 was present. Several of us unsubscribed from this board in the last few days. There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board, only those posting personal opinions aimed at putting forth their personal agenda. Go Spiders!
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For those of you who post on this messageboard, let me clarify the information you are getting. I attend every practice. No one on this board attends practice, thus have NO INFORMATION or INSIGHT is being provided. In other words, those posting have an agenda unsubstantiated by facts. Moreover, those in charge of the messageboard (05 and 01) and collecting money from those subscribing to the Premium Board have not attended ANY practices save for maybe one or two practices where 01 was present. Several of us unsubscribed from this board in the last few days. There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board, only those posting personal opinions aimed at putting forth their personal agenda. Go Spiders!
The facts of the last 7 years are well documented. I don't need to go to practice to know why in the last 13 years we're just above a break even team.
OK Ulla, I'll bite. What truths do you know about that we don't? I'm sure we'll all be interested in hearing them. Otherwise, whampas pretty much nailed it above. Also, messageboards pretty universally are intended as places for people to opine.

On top of that, the insinuation that Fan1 or 05 are somehow "profiting" at all financially -- much less doing so under false pretenses -- from operating this site is ludicrous and insulting.
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Mooney has severely underperformed the last 8 years. We lost to Longwood and Hampton at home this year. You don’t have to attend practice to know that. The fact is our program has become irrelevant the last number of years under the current coach. While Ulla may be ok with this, most of us who love Spider Basketball are not. Get off your high horse and look at the facts Ulla.

Also, thank you Fan1 and 05 for your time and dedication to the board.
Well, one sure fact was that you were strangely absent from this message board since game 1, only to reappear after we win 2 games in a row against really bad teams.

You've got a few days before the next game, time for you to start another "mooney is the greatest" thread....
have been on this board for a number of years and never thought anything on here was factual, mostly just opinions. really do not expect for R or A to attend practices and what facts they might glean by doing so. when living near campus used to attend both football and basketball practices, did not learn anything other than if a player was injured, in a cast or boot but not how the team was going to perform in the next game and maybe seeing and catching up with some buds. Ulla, not sure what you have in mind with this thread, maybe you can explain what your agenda is with it.
For those of you who post on this messageboard, let me clarify the information you are getting. I attend every practice. No one on this board attends practice, thus NO INFORMATION or INSIGHT is being provided. In other words, those posting have an agenda unsubstantiated by facts. Moreover, those in charge of the messageboard (05 and 01) and collecting money from those subscribing to the Premium Board have not attended ANY practices save for maybe one or two practices where 01 was present. Several of us unsubscribed from this board in the last few days. There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board, only those posting personal opinions aimed at putting forth their personal agenda. Go Spiders!
Ulla, you can attend all the practices you want, but there is no insight coming from you either. Every player we recruit is going to be a stud according to you. You act like you know more about them than we do, but we watch them play the games and we can tell who has talent and who doesn’t. When someone says something contrary to your opinion you take it personally and accuse us of having an agenda. I don’t have an agenda. I want Mooney to be successful because that means we are successful, but that hasn’t been the story since the Sweet 16 trip many ages ago. Somehow you are wrong about a majority of our players. If that’s insight, then keep it to yourself.
Lol, Mo. You have no knowledge, only your personal agenda. Sad. But hey, you think you are great! ;)

My "agenda" is that I want a successful basketball program again. I don't want to go to practice nor hear about it... nor hang out with the coaches at the Tavern... nor host the team for dinner... nor sit in the rows of comped seats behind the bench nor any of the other Access Craver nonsense.

Although some seem to want it to be, Richmond basketball is not a Monarchy.
My "agenda" is that I want a successful basketball program again. I don't want to go to practice nor hear about it... nor hang out with the coaches at the Tavern... nor host the team for dinner... nor sit in the rows of comped seats behind the bench nor any of the other Access Craver nonsense.

Although some seem to want it to be, Richmond basketball is not a Monarchy.

Mo - subconsciously Mooney has gotten to you...I think we all know you wanting a “winning” program. As in, meaningful wins on the court in addition to all the other stuff.

Not picking on you but I think too many think we’re currently successful because we have nice kids, we beat up on a couple just horrible teams, we win the coaches cookoff, etc.
For those of you who post on this messageboard, let me clarify the information you are getting. I attend every practice. No one on this board attends practice, thus NO INFORMATION or INSIGHT is being provided. In other words, those posting have an agenda unsubstantiated by facts. Moreover, those in charge of the messageboard (05 and 01) and collecting money from those subscribing to the Premium Board have not attended ANY practices save for maybe one or two practices where 01 was present. Several of us unsubscribed from this board in the last few days. There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board, only those posting personal opinions aimed at putting forth their personal agenda. Go Spiders!
Oh my... it is finally confirmed, Ulla IS really none other than CM himself. Wow what a privilege it is to hear his opinion on his OWN job performance.
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For those of you who post on this messageboard, let me clarify the information you are getting. I attend every practice. No one on this board attends practice, thus NO INFORMATION or INSIGHT is being provided. In other words, those posting have an agenda unsubstantiated by facts. Moreover, those in charge of the messageboard (05 and 01) and collecting money from those subscribing to the Premium Board have not attended ANY practices save for maybe one or two practices where 01 was present. Several of us unsubscribed from this board in the last few days. There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board, only those posting personal opinions aimed at putting forth their personal agenda. Go Spiders!
What personal agenda are Spider fans putting forth? Oh that's right, they want to enjoy a quality winner - cads and rogues they are.

Some even think that they can use their own eyes, ears, and brain to draw reasonable conclusions. Scoff
I find it difficult to believe that given the average age of posters on this board, that we don't know what a winning, successful program looks like. Dick Tarrant drew us a very clear picture of this. The shame of it is that DT never made the kind of coin that Mooney is pulling down for his mediocre, .500 level performance.

I don't have to attend practices to understand that comparison, although I must admit that I observed some Tarrant practices while I was a student. Didn't mean that I was a better fan of the program than someone who didn't watch practices.

What we have now is more like what we had with Dooley or Goetz. Nice guys who couldn't get it done on the court.

I do have to say that every time CM wins the RVA Coach's Cook-off, I want to storm the court with all my fellow fans.

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I think easiest to do and make happiness is to make schedule easier for winning and see how end of year tournament plays to win. Then I think it is okay. The big ldeas strength of schedule and at large bid idea is not for our school all the time. I think that is OK. I like to see all the bench players play. Everything I write is about what I see and think of maybe is wrong but just what I think. I think that is OK too.

This is how it was before:
To understand how the postcommunist countries have changed, one must recall how they began. Politically, all were authoritarian states governed by a ruling party. Each had propaganda writers to tell people what to think, secret police to detect dissidence, and prison camps to house regime critics and other criminals.

So now it is not too bad yes ? We can make million dollars for coaching and is OK by me and be happy or have retirement and be happy? I like basketball and be happy.
Mooney goes to practice too. Before the Longwood and Hampton games I am sure they had good practices. The truth is that they were spanked by inferior state teams. It was embarrassing. That being said, the truth is that the team is playing better against inferior North Carolina teams.
Probably we should join the MEAC. There's an opening since Hampton left this year.
We're measuring a team by the way it practices???? First they are practicing against themselves.... how could you look bad doing that? Secondly the only real measurement is the measure in wins a losses and post season opportunities....that's why we have games... that is why they practice, to win games.
I think everyone is missing the big picture...
“There is NO FACTUAL INFORMATION on this board”

That includes all scores, team records, and coaching records...
Ulla, I'm sure if you are nice whomever the new coach is will let you watch them practice as well and give you the other special "access" that Mooney gives you. In fact, the new coach might actually try to engage the larger fan base as well, outside the 5 rows that sit behind him and the Queally's of the world who can watch practice with their dogs.
Man look, I hear you... it's funny to me too, I mean it's strange... it's strange to me too, but we're talking about practice man, we're not even talking about the game... the actual game, when it matters... We're talking about practice
Haha, I was thinking along similar lines Broc, nicely done.

Mooney is all about the practice, results be damned. AI was all about the games, forget practice.

I think we can find a coach who can use the practices to be ready for the games. As Fezz noted, the practice atmosphere is not prepping us properly for games, as evidenced never being ready the first 5-8 games each season. As I have noted for years, we rarely have a roster where a second five is challenging at more than one or two positions - if that.
I think easiest to do and make happiness is to make schedule easier for winning and see how end of year tournament plays to win. Then I think it is okay. The big ldeas strength of schedule and at large bid idea is not for our school all the time. I think that is OK. I like to see all the bench players play. Everything I write is about what I see and think of maybe is wrong but just what I think. I think that is OK too.

This is how it was before:
To understand how the postcommunist countries have changed, one must recall how they began. Politically, all were authoritarian states governed by a ruling party. Each had propaganda writers to tell people what to think, secret police to detect dissidence, and prison camps to house regime critics and other criminals.

So now it is not too bad yes ? We can make million dollars for coaching and is OK by me and be happy or have retirement and be happy? I like basketball and be happy.

I'm curious coach, which of the former communist country do you call home?

I'm guessing maybe the former Yugoslavia?
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At every practice? Is there a schedule posted online? How do you know when to go unless you are either Mooney's butler or work in Facilities?

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