Transfer Concerns?


Graduate Assistant
Nov 6, 2007
I hate to bring it up but given it happened to us last year, I wonder if it will happen again this year. Anyone concerned we might have more key players transfer this year with another losing season. Two that come to mind are Gilyard and Golden. Gilyard could sit out a year somewhere else and still have 2 years left to play. Golden - since he already redshirted for medical reasons, not sure how that works for him - maybe he can graduate this year and not have to sit out? Or he sits out, does he still get 2 years somewhere else? Just wondering since we lost Buckingham and Fore last year, if players on this year's team have the same ideas. Or do the guys on the team see potential moving forward with Francis playing next season and Wojcik improving as the year moves along.

A lot might depend on how the A10 slate goes and how we finish, but just wonder if this might be an issue with our losing record this year.
I hate to bring it up but given it happened to us last year, I wonder if it will happen again this year. Anyone concerned we might have more key players transfer this year with another losing season. Two that come to mind are Gilyard and Golden. Gilyard could sit out a year somewhere else and still have 2 years left to play. Golden - since he already redshirted for medical reasons, not sure how that works for him - maybe he can graduate this year and not have to sit out? Or he sits out, does he still get 2 years somewhere else? Just wondering since we lost Buckingham and Fore last year, if players on this year's team have the same ideas. Or do the guys on the team see potential moving forward with Francis playing next season and Wojcik improving as the year moves along.

A lot might depend on how the A10 slate goes and how we finish, but just wonder if this might be an issue with our losing record this year.
If Mooney is retained, it will be like rats jumping off a burning ship!
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Grant is a junior student, but in this day and age - with summer courses and online courses, etc - kids are able to graduate in 3 years pretty easily - especially athletes who are motivated to leave etc. I am not aware of Grant's courseload, but not sure if he is close to graduating in 3 years or would need to sit out a year elsewhere.
We lost 5 players early last year. And the atmosphere around our program is not nearly as toxic as it now. I think it would be foolish to not assume we wouldn't lose some players, especially if the losing continues.
I continue to think both of these guys transferring is unlikely. They both like CM from what it seems, so if he's here, they're here. If CM is gone, gets more interesting, but I think Grant has more hurdles having taken medical redshirt already. Probably would get a 6th year if it was a coaching change. Jacob has a little more flexibility but for whatever reason, that doesn't strike me as the kind of guy he is.

I'd be more worried about someone like Sal who isn't getting much playing time, burning a year, and would have three years of eligibility. Andre is on that borderline too I'd think.
97, good points. There was actually a lot of optimism end year around our program - until the Buck bomb and then Fore following. Welp, we followed that up by poor play and injuries and Mooney repeating past unacceptable coaching behaviors and decisions. So yes, its hard to see players wanting to stay unless Wes Miller or Nathan Davis or similar comes in to save the day. Otherwise this @#$% show continues, and PQ and Mooney sip their IPA's at the Tavern while Moliva sips his and stews at the next table.
I don't see Grant Golden going anywhere. Perfect situation for him, AND he is the feature player.

All others have potential to leave. Gilyard wants to win! If Mooney is fired, I see Gilyard with a newfound fire and motivation. If Mooney is retained, I think Gilyard is a transfer possibility. Could go either way depending on his personal circumstances.

It appears to me that Wojcik is the highest risk to transfer. Wocjik is one player that I DO NOT want to see leave. He has the highest ceiling of the bunch, BUT, you can tell that he is not having the season that he would like. If Mooney is retained, it will be sad to see Wojcik leave. There is no way that his dad and uncle encourage him to continue with this hot mess. Plus a potential of putting him on bench next year with transfer Francis, I see an unpleasant likelihood. I hope he has a serious girlfriend in Richmond.

Cayo doesn't leave. He has a good situation for him. Role expanding, he stays no matter what.

Andre is a moderate risk I think. I do not see him wanting to sit out a year in a foreign country, so unless he goes back to Europe, I think his leaving is less likely. The flip side though, Andre does have potential that is bound to have been noticed by other schools, AND, his playing time will be a challenge IF he has to compete with Gilyard, Francis, and Wocjik. Would hate to lose him but I think his status is a coin toss.

Sal may be an outside possibility, but with the season he has had (or not had) he is likely already at the highest major school that would be interested in him now. If Syracuse calls sure, but I think that is unlikely. If he wants to play down, then maybe, but I think the chances of him leaving are on the low side.

Other players, who knows. Grace is likely at the highest level school for him (like Sal) so he is not likely to leave. As for the others, yes lots of players transfer every year, very probable.
I like Woj as much as anyone but there's no place without transferring down where he gets this kind of run. he's in a great situation. yes, that can change next year with Francis ... but that's whether Mooney's here or not.

Jacob and Grant love Mooney. Nathan has to be excited with how he's developing. I don't see us losing anyone unless a guy not getting time is looking to play more.
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Let's be honest, there aren't many places in the country with a basketball program with a more toxic environment than we do right now. In fact, I don't think I could name one off the top of my head.

Unless a change is made, any of these kids with options will consider leaving.
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With the state of our program and the nature of college basketball these days, the odds that this roster looks the same next year are very low.

Look at last year - the talking points for those around are program was how great things looked because everyone was coming back. Now, the talking points are we are young. TBD on what they will be next year.
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The talking points are #bestclassever. Of course a transfer or two would screw that up pretty quickly.
Let's be honest, there aren't many places in the country with a basketball program with a more toxic environment than we do right now. In fact, I don't think I could name one off the top of my head.

Unless a change is made, any of these kids with options will consider leaving.
toxic to FMM fans, certainly. maybe not at all to the guys in the locker room. of course they want to win more but I doubt they blame the coach for that.
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toxic to FMM fans, certainly. maybe not at all to the guys in the locker room. of course they want to win more but I doubt they blame the coach for that.

The players more than anyone are keenly aware of what is going on. They know a substantial part of the fan base wants Mooney gone and is disgusted with the program. They are on social media and see the reactions to Spider MBB and Twitter feeds from fans. If they are on Twitter, it can't be ignored. It is all over. And it's just not whatever you think FMM is either. Our program is being talked about derisively by some regional/national folks with some pretty massive followings.

They see the subdued/lethargic Robins Center. Many of them are freshman and don't know a difference but guys like Julius, Sherod, and Grant have to know the change in tenor around our program.

And I'm sure the players know that Mooney set them up to play cupcake central and they are going out and getting humiliated on their home court to these cupcakes. I don't know who they blame for all of this, but not one of them can be very happy with the situation.
I don’t think last year’s “defections” are relevant to this year’s team.

Buck was dismissed. I hope that doesn’t happen to any of the other players because hopefully they want to get the quality education that UR can provide. The NBA bound player is going to be the minority at A10 schools, so players should be looking for more than just playing hoops.

Fore graduated. Like many redshirted players, he chose to try something else with his last year of eligibility and I would say playing at Louisville is a step up based on history and league.

The other players that left were not getting any playing time and simply were not D1 players in my opinion. This definitely casts a negative light on recruiting efforts, but did open spots for better options.

If UR loses players after this year, then there definitely is a program issue because no one is graduating with eligibility and hopefully no one gets kicked off the team.

The “toxic” environment to me is more of a fan based thing than a team one. The players have to have faith in Mooney. If they didn’t, why would they come? The only reason would be lack of playing time and the only player who has a valid gripe is Sal in my opinion. Obviously, he is not doing something in practice that the coaches want to see. Hopefully he “gets” whatever he is missing and sees more of the floor.
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I don’t think last year’s “defections” are relevant to this year’s team.

Buck was dismissed. I hope that doesn’t happen to any of the other players because hopefully they want to get the quality education that UR can provide. The NBA bound player is going to be the minority at A10 schools, so players should be looking for more than just playing hoops.

Fore graduated. Like many redshirted players, he chose to try something else with his last year of eligibility and I would say playing at Louisville is a step up based on history and league.

The other players that left were not getting any playing time and simply were not D1 players in my opinion. This definitely casts a negative light on recruiting efforts, but did open spots for better options.

If UR loses players after this year, then there definitely is a program issue because no one is graduating with eligibility and hopefully no one gets kicked off the team.

The “toxic” environment to me is more of a fan based thing than a team one. The players have to have faith in Mooney. If they didn’t, why would they come? The only reason would be lack of playing time and the only player who has a valid gripe is Sal in my opinion. Obviously, he is not doing something in practice that the coaches want to see. Hopefully he “gets” whatever he is missing and sees more of the floor.
You don't think players still talk to Khwan. And they see Khwan playing in big games, for a winning coach, in a winning environment and then have to say to themselves, hmmm.... that doesn't seem to bad.

Players left last year for many reasons but the one universal reason is they left because we were losing. We are losing again this year. These guys only have 4 years to get to the Big Dance and be a part of something special. If doubt isn't creeping into their head yet, it will be the end of the year.
I still maintain that the risk of transfer is greater the longer Mooney remains as our coach. Our current situation is every bit as toxic as Wake's situation under Bzdelic, Pitt under Stallings, or Memphis under Pastner. Hardt needs to grow a pair and rip off the bandaid. Our program will be better for it, the sooner the better.

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Players left last year for many reasons but the one universal reason is they left because we were losing.
97, admire your passion but this actually isn’t accurate. Khwan is probably the only guy who left to seek a better chance to win. All the others left for reasons like lack of playing time or as in bucks case, for disciplinary reasons.

Still, terrible roster management any way you slice it.
I still maintain the the risk of transfer is greater the longer Mooney remains as our coach. Our current situation is every bit as toxic as Wake's situation under Bzdelic, Pitt under Stallings, or Memphis under Pastner. Hardt needs to grow a pair and rip off the bandaid. Our program will be better for it, the sooner the better.

Memphis under Tubby maybe? Don’t remember it ever getting bad under Pastner...
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I still maintain that the risk of transfer is greater the longer Mooney remains as our coach. Our current situation is every bit as toxic as Wake's situation under Bzdelic, Pitt under Stallings, or Memphis under Pastner. Hardt needs to grow a pair and rip off the bandaid. Our program will be better for it, the sooner the better.


Blaine Taylor at ODU was pretty toxic his last year there, and they finally ripped the band-aid off. Almost all of that was Blaine's personal demons. I"m not sure how many players they had transfer there. I don't think Mooney has anything going on in his life personally. He just isn't that good of a coach. But that ended very strangely at ODU. They seemed to recover somewhat. Glad to see Blaine got back on his feet and got back into coaching.
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97, admire your passion but this actually isn’t accurate. Khwan is probably the only guy who left to seek a better chance to win. All the others left for reasons like lack of playing time or as in bucks case, for disciplinary reasons.

Still, terrible roster management any way you slice it.
True, operating under the premise that is we were 22-12 last year instead of 12-22 (or whatever we are), that the players who left might not have. Heck, even Buck, maybe he doubled down on the weed, because we were losing. Conjecture, maybe. I'll give you that, but losing hurts pretty bad and that had to have its impact.
not there anymore so not sure our program is toxic, certainly some in the fan base are ultra toxic so let's keep that in mind. all of this is pure speculation and by those who are intoxicated for the most part. know if my son was looking at UR as an athlete and read on here, would steer, suggest, he look elsewhere, which is really sad.
Yeah, I think it's kind of weird to claim that it is a toxic atmosphere, where the justification for it being toxic is fans who want Mooney fired. Until I see something from inside the program that sounds like people aren't pulling in the same direction, then I can't concede that it's toxic just because you say so. Fan displeasure does not equate to "toxic."

Dave Bliss was toxic. Mike Lonergan vs. AD was toxic. Shoot, Preston Shumpert vs. Deshaun Williams vs. Bernie Fine's wife was toxic. Spider23 and 97 vs Mooney isn't toxic.
Not sure I follow. Alignment between board member, AD, and coach doesn't seem to meet the definition of "toxic." Opposite, actually.
Furthermore, I read a lot of stuff by coaches and strategy etc. We never change our end of game strategy, are little patterns on offense to waste time - which really don't stress the defense or create space, or move the defense.

Look at JB and his new defensive assistant. He was willing to give power and listen and learn and improve the HELL out of his defense. That is a collaborative coaching staff and work place.

Mooney brings in no experienced or coaches that have new ideas - OR his TOXIC workplace does not allow this to happen. Proof is in the pudding again. The JB scenario is just one of many, and it took me 5 second to think of. Mooney - 14 years and sliding.

not there anymore so not sure our program is toxic, certainly some in the fan base are ultra toxic so let's keep that in mind. all of this is pure speculation and by those who are intoxicated for the most part. know if my son was looking at UR as an athlete and read on here, would steer, suggest, he look elsewhere, which is really sad.
If that were true, you would do best to keep your son from reading the message board of any school that had a sports program in the same state of affairs as our basketball program. We are fairly tame based on some I have read.
And I'm stone cold sober as I write this. Unfortunately.
because coaches do things in different ways does not mean things are toxic in the program, that is digging deep or really rationalizing. look, understand the frustration and i know that our board is tame compared to others but does not make it easier to read and digest. have said, too many times really, i have my feelings about things but may not place them here though i may express them to my buds off of social media where others are not watching, reading, hearing. that is just me, in private, OK, in public, which is what this is, keep my powder dry because we are dealing with people, human beings, not inanimate objects, toy, dolls.
have said, too many times really, i have my feelings about things but may not place them here though i may express them to my buds off of social media where others are not watching, reading, hearing. that is just me, in private, OK, in public, which is what this is, keep my powder dry because we are dealing with people, human beings, not inanimate objects, toy, dolls.

This does not sound like something a swamp drainer would say.
Our program has become a joke and those running it and overseeing are too far into the weeds to realize it. Maybe toxic isn't the right word though. The culture is greatly dysfunctional.

I think they hoped that they could get some cupcake wins and the minor flare-ups would die down, instead we lost those cupcakes and it was like throwing a couple cans of gas on those flames. It's not a full blown inferno yet but the folks in charge of the program certainly are not doing anything to put out those flames. Hardt did a nice job on the radio answering some questions the other week, but if we keep losing, the fire is going to burn hotter. What do they do then?
everyone wants to win and talk is cheap. at a power five school, the big donors demand winning because they give millions annually. here, the majority of our big donors want to give for buildings, a garden, a tree, profs and the like, which is super but football and basketball are way down the street and that is OK, we are very fortunate to have such generous alums and friends. at UR, with few exceptions, we honor our contracts and if there is no pressure from the big donors, we will go to the end of the contract. we have new people up top now so what we did in the past may not be the same or it may.
draining the swamp concerns my life, my kids, my family, forced taxes and non-elected people making lives worse whereas basketball is a game and am not forced to pay for it or watch it at all, completely different.
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