Ten commandments in Louisiana schools

Eight Legger

Spider's Club
May 27, 2003
What wrong with the 10 commandments? It is the basis of all law in Western Civilization and much of the Abrahamic traditions throughout much of the rest of the world. It is not part of the framers' original intent to not display the Teh Comandments in schools. It's time to change the law.
Nothing is wrong with the messaging of the Ten Commandments. But as you are certainly aware, we have a longstanding policy in this country of freedom of, and from, religion. Government does not exist to proselytize its citizens. If you want to live your life according to the Ten Commandments, go right ahead and do so. But you don't get to put up religious directives in public buildings any more than an atheist gets to hang posters saying "There is no God" in every classroom. This is a very simple concept.

If you want to put up signs in schools that say "Treat others with respect and do unto others and you would have done unto you," go right ahead. But you don't get to do so under the umbrella of religion.
What wrong with the 10 commandments? It is the basis of all law in Western Civilization and much of the Abrahamic traditions throughout much of the rest of the world. It is not part of the framers' original intent to not display the Teh Comandments in schools. It's time to change the law.
Its sad that these Republicans who want the Ten Commandments posted in schools worship their cult leader who violates at least one of the Ten Commandments every day.
Its sad that these Republicans who want the Ten Commandments posted in schools worship their cult leader who violates at least one of the Ten Commandments every day.
Ironic, indeed.

  1. I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no other Gods but me! (Trump believes this one is about him)
  2. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain! (Guessing he's probably violated this one at least once)
  3. Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day holy! (Let's assume he adheres to this one and the next one, just for the hell of it)
  4. Thou shalt honor father and mother!
  5. Thou shalt not kill! (Good job with COVID there, dude)
  6. Thou shalt not commit adultery! (Whoops)
  7. Thou shalt not steal! (Does trying to steal votes in Georgia count??)
  8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor! (Lying?! The Donald?! Never...)
  9. Do not let thyself lust after thy neighbor’s wife! ("Grab her by the female anatomy")
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his! (He's probably the most jealous public person there is.)
Then again:

Where are the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court building?

Tablets representing the Ten Commandments can be found carved in the oak courtroom doors, on the support frame of the courtroom's bronze gates and in the library woodwork. Perhaps the most controversial image is the one that sits directly above the chief justice's head
Irrelevant. The pledge of allegiance includes a reference to one nation under God too, and that shouldn't be there either. The country literally was built on freedom of and from religion.
Irrelevant. The pledge of allegiance includes a reference to one nation under God too, and that shouldn't be there either. The country literally was built on freedom of and from religion.
And the "under God" proviso was inserted well after the fact during the crazy anti-Red 1950s, when lives were ruined by fanatics looking for "communists" under every rock.
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And the "under God" proviso was inserted well after the fact during the crazy anti-Red 1950s, when lives were ruined by fanatics looking for "communists" under every rock.
One doesn't have to look under rocks for Communists. They infiltrate every aspect of our society, they control the Democrat party and they have infested all of our social institutions. Just look in the mirror, you may see one.
Maybe as Donald's home page on his personal phone, so he sees them every time he opens his phone.
One doesn't have to look under rocks for Communists. They infiltrate every aspect of our society, they control the Democrat party and they have infested all of our social institutions. Just look in the mirror, you may see one.
I bet you have a list, too.

Funny they "control" the Democratic party when Trump is the guy in love with Putin, the Chinese and the North Koreans.
She still has access to sensitive information and other intelligence, yet she regularly voices support for Russia and Putin's position. We should monitor everything she does.

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