Season Tickets


May 6, 2003
When the fall season was called off, I opted to let them roll over my payment to the next season. Is that for spring ball or next fall? I'm old and can't remember, so somebody help me out.
When the fall season was called off, I opted to let them roll over my payment to the next season. Is that for spring ball or next fall? I'm old and can't remember, so somebody help me out.
No fans for Spring. So, I would assume Fall. I'm in the same boat as you but not as excited as I need to be about either season.
What? No communication from UR. Don’t worry there is plenty of time before first game to make your plans.
I did however receive a email this morning about making a donation to the general fund.
the governer just announced that as of monday mar. 1st attendance for outdoor events at 1000 max. and if the trend continues downward, any limits would be removed by april 1 st.
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the University just announced no fans at spring athletics and I believe cited Commonwealth of VA and University COVID-19 protocols as the driver...

with the Governor's announcement today the University needs to reassess its decision right away...the players, coaches and fans deserve in person attendance...

Go Spiders!
the University just announced no fans at spring athletics and I believe cited Commonwealth of VA and University COVID-19 protocols as the driver...

with the Governor's announcement today the University needs to reassess its decision right away...the players, coaches and fans deserve in person attendance...

Go Spiders!

Entertainment venues currently are capped at 30% capacity or 250 people, whichever is lower. That limit will remain the same for indoor venues, but limits for outdoor venues will go up to 1,000 people or 30%, whichever is lower.

“ James Madison Athletics, in response to the amended Executive Order 72 by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, has announced plans to host more fans at home athletic events this spring effective March 1.

The new mandate states that the total number of spectators in our outdoor venues cannot exceed the lesser of 30% capacity or 1,000 fans to allow for adequate physical distancing in seating areas as well as during ingress and egress.

This change will allow for additional fans and students at football games played in Bridgeforth Stadium, where capacity will now be capped at 1,000 due to this executive order.”
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the University just announced no fans at spring athletics and I believe cited Commonwealth of VA and University COVID-19 protocols as the driver...

with the Governor's announcement today the University needs to reassess its decision right away...the players, coaches and fans deserve in person attendance...

Go Spiders!

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If UR gives 2 sh!ts about football and athletics, in general, it will follow Guv Northam's loosening restrictions and let some people come watch the games and support the teams.

While athletics may be a fly on the the elephants a$$, in the general scheme of things at UR, they just can't afford to keep supporters from campus for 2 years. It may take 5 or 10 years to get Richmond's base of ticket buyers back to where it was prior to the pandemic. We weren't in a great spot prior to all this.

Regardless of the policy, will UR announce the attendance of the home opener is 8,700?
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If UR gives 2 sh!ts about football and athletics, in general, it will follow Guv Northam's loosening restrictions and let some people come watch the games and support the teams.

While athletics may be a fly on the the elephants a$$, in the general scheme of things at UR, they just can't afford to keep supporters from campus for 2 years. It may take 5 or 10 years to get Richmond's base of ticket buyers back to where it was prior to the pandemic. We weren't in a great spot prior to all this.

Regardless of the policy, will UR announce the attendance of the home opener is 8,700?
Vcu considers their bball games sellouts with 250 in attendance during covid so why not?!
This sham football season with Tweedle Dum at the helm will be an even more futile exercise in stupidity than basketball has been. Wake me up when we hire someone competent.
I wonder how they would decide who will get the tickets. I hope it would be unbiased and have a lottery, but knowing UR, it will be tied to money. They never seem to care about the little guy alumni...
I’m not a 2019 season ticket-holder, but would love to attend the football game on 4/3. If anyone wants to pass theirs along, shoot me a message. Thank you!
Up to 1000 now allowed................just received email...........

In response to the amended Executive Order 72 from the Governor’s Office last week, the University of Richmond athletics department will permit up to 1,000 fans to attend Spider football and men’s and women’s lacrosse home games at Robins Stadium this spring.​
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I’m not a 2019 season ticket-holder, but would love to attend the football game on 4/3. If anyone wants to pass theirs along, shoot me a message. Thank you!

I’ll try to bump this as we get closer to April. Only in town for one weekend this spring. Any help from season ticket holders appreciated!