Reverse psychology


Graduate Assistant
May 8, 2003
Annapolis, MD
For the past year, maybe two, with the exception of one or two posters, all I have
read is bashing and trashing the coach and the program.
How successful has that been for you?
How about trying to say things like- this kid would be lucky to come here, or he probably couldn't
play A-10 level. Or, his skill level is suspect and we need to move up in our recruiting. Our academic standards are to rigorous for this kid, or those other schools can have him, we need someone
Or- you're not Spider Board approved, move on young man.
For the past year, maybe two, with the exception of one or two posters, all I have
read is bashing and trashing the coach and the program.
How successful has that been for you?
How about trying to say things like- this kid would be lucky to come here, or he probably couldn't
play A-10 level. Or, his skill level is suspect and we need to move up in our recruiting. Our academic standards are to rigorous for this kid, or those other schools can have him, we need someone
Or- you're not Spider Board approved, move on young man.

If you do that you get even more disapproval from the pro Mooney side. Let's try it and see. Watch the following video. Watch the whole video. The second half action is closer to the camera. Put it on full screen and slow it down. Don't worry about the scheme or what type of defense they are playing. Focus instead on the players basic defensive fundamentals or lack there of. GG and PF are at least trying. They are not really suited for stopping guards/wings away from the basket. Now focus on the rest of the team. Focus on KF and JJ. Those players have been in Mooney's program the longest besides PF. No "youth" excuse there. Take a good hard look at it. Look at the rest of them. I know some of them are young, but does it look like they are being taught basic defensive/rebounding fundamentals? Do those look like players in a program that takes pride and put emphasis on playing good defense? Focus on NS and how he does not hustle to get back in defensive transition. What's even worse is that the coaching staff allows it to go on and does not correct it. It's their responsibility. Look again at KF and JJ. Look at JG, he has got by on his athletic ability so far. That is not going to cut it now. This game is not in the early part of the season. Why is the lazy, undedicated defensive attitude allowed to continue? No changes in the coaching staff at all after the end of the season. Someone on the coaching staff is clearly not doing their job.

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Octa, agree. Principle number one if you start reading any defensive strategy - no straight line drives to the basket. You cannot get beat on the ball and give your man the straight line drive - it breaks the entire defense down. I do wander about the emphasis on this fundamental. Again, if you have a guy of similar talent waiting to get in, you put him in and say - play defense and you stay in. We never have that option.
Octa, agree. Principle number one if you start reading any defensive strategy - no straight line drives to the basket. You cannot get beat on the ball and give your man the straight line drive - it breaks the entire defense down. I do wander about the emphasis on this fundamental. Again, if you have a guy of similar talent waiting to get in, you put him in and say - play defense and you stay in. We never have that option.

In that particular game, if I am the coach, I don't care if I lose by 50. I am emptying my bench until I find someone that wants to play defense with heart and desire. That player that is not hustling in transition/wanting to cherry pick, he'd be running suicides/lines in practice until his attitude changed. But the change has to come from the top, and the players have to believe in the system. Plus, if you have no other players on the bench to put in/replace them are up a creek.
In that particular game, if I am the coach, I don't care if I lose by 50. I am emptying my bench until I find someone that wants to play defense with heart and desire. That player that is not hustling in transition/wanting to cherry pick, he'd be running suicides/lines in practice until his attitude changed. But the change has to come from the top, and the players have to believe in the system. Plus, if you have no other players on the bench to put in/replace them are up a creek.
To build on one of your posts in another thread, while the 1 high post offense has been very efficient very often. The 1 high post defense has not been efficient recently...