Re: I'm headin' to Fidgett Baby


Graduate Assistant
May 10, 2003
Fidgett, VA here I come
I'm headin' to Fidgett Baby
Fidgett, VA here I come
I heared tney got some good bbq there
And T's gonna show me some.
Anach, I worked Henry County today, but don't work again until Thursday. How 'bout Pigs R Us for lunch and Clarence's for supper. Got to try the fried okra with hushpuppies, limas and salmon croquettes. In addition to great barbeque, Pigs R Us has state of the art banana puddin'. I'll come over to the courthouse mid morning.
Next month T. Had to check in with the River City clerk to confirm no conflicts, and she recalled that I know you and suggested that wouldnt garner any favors with her. Seems like everyone in Fidgett says the same things about you. Then its guilt by association as they know we both rock the red and blue.
A sassy bunch. They're all mad because I kept giving them cake mix and cake pans for Christmas. Those pans never saw the light of a single oven. Now, Julie in Danville is a different story. Comes in at 7:00 each morning and makes breakfast for the staff. I pointed that out to my bunch and they all chipped in to buy me a bus ticket to Danville. See ya on the 26th.

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