Looking for football this weekend Army Navy


Graduate Assistant
Mar 10, 2006
If you haven't seen Army play recently it's worth watching. Yes it's 3 yards and a cloud of dust but it's remarkable the way the literally march down the field.

Remember they took Oklahoma to OT
Total yards (Army/OK) 379/355, First Down 26/19 and it wasn't because the Army defense is so great
Time of possession 44/15

Oh and Go Army
grew up on an ARMY base or fort so have been pulling for the black knights way before i served. take my grand kids to a local park after i pick them up at school and many of their classmates are there every day. one parent played football at the academy and then became a marine, a great guy and we kid each other all the time about the game. have the upmost of respect for both institutions and the men and women who choose to attend and put in their 5 more years service for our country. having said that, GO ARMY beat navy!!!
Spinner - about to "like" your post until I read the last line. It is a great game from all aspects. Enjoy the love of country on full display, the pageantry of the game, and seeing the students in uniform from both institutions. Navy has had a tough season, Army has had a great season, and is a 7 point favorite. Enjoy the game!
Last years game was one of the most fun to watch games ever. Best camo with the white uniforms.
anyone looking for a good read, A CIVIL WAR...ARMY VS NAVY by john feinstein. a few years old now but gives you the feel of both cadets and midshipmen football and what they go through at their respective institutions.
John F was on with Wes M this week. Say what you want about local radio, it was a great segment.
just remembered, worked with a guy who played defensive back for w&m and lent him my feinstein book mentioned above and he never gave it back. darn indian......
jay bateman, played at randolph-macon, is the DC at army. he was a counselor at a camp my son attended when he was at macon and they still correspond often. the head man at army has completely changed the culture there and if he ran anything other than this offense, would probably get some high-end looks. this is a rivalry game, DUH, so anything can happen and probably will.
Bateman headed to UNC as its DC.

This hit by the USNA DB was the defensive highlight of the game.Havent seen a stop like that in years.Tough kids on both sides.