I know I have upset a lot of people on this board with my comments about this coaching change. I've realized that Rocco isn't coming back and it sucks that he's gone off to Delaware especially, whoever a fault it may be. However it isn't right to refuse to support the new coach. I listened to the Huesman radio interview and it's the first time I've heard him speak since he came to UR. I was basically refusing to listen to him or acknowledge that he was our new head coach. I loved what I heard and his message is very clear to me: Win a national championship. He believes we are capable and he has seen us do it before and I believe in him. As a former football player I can tell you that when my coach believes so do I and if he is willing to run through a wall for me I will run through a wall for him. I believe our players will feel this way and I think that this change will work out well for us. See y'all in Frisco where we will be holding up the trophy.