I met a former UR football player today

Nov 24, 2012
I meet a former UR football player today. He was huge. I would estimate 6'7'. He said that he played in early 1990s. I believe that heis name is Yeagler. Does anyone remember him.
I met a former UR football player today. He was huge. I would estimate 6'7'. He said that he played in early 1990s. I believe that his name is Yeagler. Does anyone remember him.

Colorado, You either have his name wrong, he has changed it since he played, our record book is inaccurate, 32counter has manipulated the record book, or I have forgotten how to navigate the alphabet. There may be other possibilities as well.

BTW, 32, does the "counter" part of your moniker suggest that you are an accountant? Been wondering this for some time.
BTW 32counter is a fullback(3 back)counter run(hesitate with step right,counter left)to the 2 hole(between guard and tackle on the left side of the line).It's meant to be a trap play.The counter move allows for a slight delay in the formulation of the play in order for the pulling right guard to kick out,move laterally to the left side in order to block either an incoming linebacker or tacke/end stunt,thus freeing the 3 back for a nice gain....
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BTW 32counter is a fullback(3 back)counter run(hesitate with step right,counter left)to the 2 hole(between guard and tackle on the left side of the line).It's meant to be a trap play.The counter move allows for a slight delay for the pulling right guard to kick out and block an incoming linebacker or tacke/end stunt,thus freeing the 3 back for a nice gain....
Thanks. Interesting.

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