How do we win today?


May 12, 2003
Richmond, VA
We need to win today.

How does the department bring the fans, players, staff and recruits together? What needs to happen at the presser today?

This situation has engaged a lot of people... You can see it with the traffic on the site, casual fans talking, office chatter, etc. We did a great job of getting Heusman in the for quickly but I feel that we need to harness and channel the energy created.

Would LOVE for us to use the presser to publicly announce our cap-x plans, show the design on the weight room and locker room, announce funds directed to the effort from the school and let people know where they can send funds to support the development of our facilities. Lots of eyes on us... Let's leverage that to demonstrate our commitment to winning and improving ourselves.
Yes. Show the plans. Ask for money to make the plans reality. And give a realistic timeline.

Tackle the issues. Let Russ tell his story. We can win today.
Agree, I believe the only way to put this to rest, the University needs to show a commitment to football with more than hiring new coach. There needs to be a real plan to address the needs of the program. A plan that can start to be implemented sooner rather than later. We need to show the players, recruits, coaches, alumni, and fans a commitment to keep moving the program forward.
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It would do us no good to show plans of improvements in the Robins Center if smarter heads prevail and we decide on a stand-alone. multi-sport building at the stadium, which to me is the much-preferable option. Good poker players never show their cards until they have to.

And I'm not understanding this so-called "lack of commitment." Seems to me our record since 2000 (8 playoff bids) would indicate we take football pretty seriously.

We paid the previous guy nearly $450,000 a year, once of the best salaries in FCS. The new guy, who left his alma mater to come here, will probably get at least that much. He wouldn't be leaving UTC if he thought UR was a dumpster fire, of if he thought the AD was making promises he couldn't deliver.

Our stadium is first-class. So is our academic support system, as proven by our outstanding graduation/retention rate.

The "problems" with gear, etc., rest squarely on the head coach; he sets his budget, hires his own equipment guy, determines who gets what and how much. No AD is going to micromanage that aspect, nor is the associate AD in the department who is the sport manager.

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