strange things happen in college athletics sometimes, but how much could have changed in the two weeks since the Spiders thoroughly dominated the Phoenix on both sides of the ball?
I suspect the coaching staff realizes that the aspect of the game most likely to change is the players energy, effort and focus on execution...thus the message all week has been forget about the 38-14 win two weeks ago...forgetting how dominant it was and how the Phoenix were pounded in Williamsburg last week goes against human nature...
this game has the smell of the proverbial and highly feared "trap" game, but after 15 months of no football the Spiders have played with joy and enthusiasm on the field that we haven't seen in recent years...
I think they may be trying to prove something to themselves, the competition and the fans...that they belong back in the CAA conversation...winning a second consecutive game against Elon as a prohibitive favorite this time would be another step in that direction...I think we get it done!
enjoy the Prologue...
Go Spiders!