this Spiders fan, and I expect many others, is relieved to get this disappointing season over with, but I still look forward to my visit to Cary Field Saturday...
next to The Brick House it's my favorite place to watch a football game...and we've seen some great ones there in the last's Coach Laycock's home field, but the Spiders either earned Championships, or FCS Playoff bids, there in 2008, 2012 and 2014...those were some great days on The Reservation for Spiders fans...
in a way they were payback for the way Coach Laycock owned us in the 80's and 90's...I didn't think we'd ever figure him out...
win, or lose, Saturday my hat's off to Coach Laycock on a successful and amazing career...he deserves a great retirement...
the Spiders have been down before...we can and will come back...hopefully beginning next season...
enjoy the Prologue...
Go Spiders!