2018-19 Roster is up

Sherod is the 2nd heaviest on the team at 230, only behind GG. Crazy, he must be pretty strong.
Whoever has to do our roster updates is getting a lot of overtime these days.
We are so young and the future is so bright. Don't worry about the lack of inexperience. We looked amazing during practice and preseason warm up.
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Oh no! The anti Mooney crowd got their wish, the entire coaching staff has been removed! ;)
Given that most rosters inflate height and weight - this simply means we are small and lean. Makes sense since most of our team will be frosh and sophs with little to no experience. We might as well play small then, play fast, and shoot a ton of 3s and hope we make enough to stay in the game. Similar to the Houston Rockets and GS Warriors, only with less capable shooters.
heights aren't as inflated as you'd think. they just measure in sneakers, while the rest of the world measures in bare feet. :)

weight is as often understated as overstated.
Thanks much for posting the latest rendition of our Roster. Since this is a very slow part of the "season," it is actually very worthwhile to click on the BIO links for each of the players on the roster. There is a lot of valuable info here, and Sal's H.S. senior-year stats were finally updated, showing 16.3 PPG, 61% FG%, and 8.5 RPGs, and his #8 recruit ranking in the state of NY. Impressive stats!
The info on Jake Wojcik's father and uncle (both division 1 head-coaches) was also interesting. I remember seeing his uncle, Doug, playing with David Robinson Vs UR, a few years back...If he can come close to his uncle in career assists for UR we will be really good...
Jacob's and Grant's record-setting freshman years are also nicely documented. I knew they both had great years, but did not know they set so many "top-5" records as UR freshmen. It will be great to have them back to set additional records for 3 more years!!!

Who knows? If these guys can generate some positive "chemistry" and play unselfishly, we could be very solid and surprise most of our fan-base. However, a lot will depend on the newcomers, since we will have only 5 returning guys who really earned meaningful minutes last season.

I will plan to go by the RC and check out the newcomers in October, and report back to the board. Fingers-crossed that a few of our new guys will be ready to provide quality minutes. Am especially looking forward to seeing Sal and Jake working hard...
Thanks much for posting the latest rendition of our Roster. Since this is a very slow part of the "season," it is actually very worthwhile to click on the BIO links for each of the players on the roster. There is a lot of valuable info here, and Sal's H.S. senior-year stats were finally updated, showing 16.3 PPG, 61% FG%, and 8.5 RPGs, and his #8 recruit ranking in the state of NY. Impressive stats!
The info on Jake Wojcik's father and uncle (both division 1 head-coaches) was also interesting. I remember seeing his uncle, Doug, playing with David Robinson Vs UR, a few years back...If he can come close to his uncle in career assists for UR we will be really good...
Jacob's and Grant's record-setting freshman years are also nicely documented. I knew they both had great years, but did not know they set so many "top-5" records as UR freshmen. It will be great to have them back to set additional records for 3 more years!!!

Who knows? If these guys can generate some positive "chemistry" and play unselfishly, we could be very solid and surprise most of our fan-base. However, a lot will depend on the newcomers, since we will have only 5 returning guys who really earned meaningful minutes last season.

I will plan to go by the RC and check out the newcomers in October, and report back to the board. Fingers-crossed that a few of our new guys will be ready to provide quality minutes. Am especially looking forward to seeing Sal and Jake working hard...

Oldie, just as a side comment, I love your strategic use of bold. While I do read your posts from beginning to end, there is palpable excitement that is generated when I get to a bold part. No joke.
KW, Thanks for the feedback!

Given how slow things are right now it is likely that bolding and underlining (and posting at all) could wait until sometime in October...
Am still hoping for some good reports on how our guys are progressing this summer (with emphasis on our red-shirts)...However, I guess we can't hold our breath, given that Ulla seems to be posting his observations mostly on the premium board, which may be off-limits for many of us...
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